So what is going on WRT my $5.25?

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by Tdarcos » Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:24 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Commander, you just got your ass paid!! THANK YOU for Patty Flinger. Like I said, I'll run through it and test it before the Hugo Comp drops. Your hard work on that game is appreciated, and I apologize for forgetting to send payment quickly.

Are we cool, my friend? Are we ...... cool?
We're cool, in fact, I'll post the source code so you - or anyone else - can see how it was done and perhaps improve it.
The source code is now available at (341K, includes the Hugo Interpreter and the .hex binary file so if you recompile it you can confirm it produces the same binary).

by Tdarcos » Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:39 pm

[Continued from previous message]
Now, if both directions are at least 4, you get 'splash damage' in which if you were next to the target, you get 1/2 score.

01 02 03 04 | If you look at this map, you can see that in any strike,
05 06 07 08 | say you pick 06, only 1-3, 5-7 9-11 are covered. In any
09 10 11 12 | case, 8 spots cause a loss. So while the odds favor
13 14 15 16 | you (8 spots get 1/2 score, one gets full score) 8 spots cause you to lose full score. So, unless you're very lucky it's probably going to be like the casinos; long term you're not going to win.

But I don't know; I don't have enough math to do statistics and game theory to figure it out.

by Tdarcos » Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:30 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Commander, you just got your ass paid!! THANK YOU for Patty Flinger. Like I said, I'll run through it and test it before the Hugo Comp drops. Your hard work on that game is appreciated, and I apologize for forgetting to send payment quickly.

Are we cool, my friend? Are we ...... cool?
We're cool, in fact, I'll post the source code so you - or anyone else - can see how it was done and perhaps improve it. I would have liked to expand the 'extra point' feature, so that if you went with a game maps size above, say 6 in each direction, all the values are doubled, e.g. if you hit the square, you got all of the points, if you got next to it, you got 1/2 the points, and if you got within 2, you got 1/4.

The big problem is that it's not easy to win even with the extra points. I realized you can't give them out if you have a 3x3 square because you could just always pick the center, if you were right you got full score, if you were wrong you still got one point. [Continued...]

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:50 pm

Commander, you just got your ass paid!! THANK YOU for Patty Flinger. Like I said, I'll run through it and test it before the Hugo Comp drops. Your hard work on that game is appreciated, and I apologize for forgetting to send payment quickly.

Are we cool, my friend? Are we ...... cool?

Re: So what is going on WRT my $5.25?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:45 pm

Tdarcos wrote:Jonsey asked me to write a game called "Patty Flinger" or rather "Commander Tdarcos' Patty Flinger" using Hugo, for which he was going to pay $5.25.
I have seen neither the money nor an explanation as to anything being wrong with the game.
And yet he has the unmitigated gall to threaten me with having posting privileges cut off for a month for going 4 lines too long while he's in default of his obligations. What a hypocrite. I can imagine what would have happened if I had actually continued and finished the Hugo-for-the-web interpreter and expected payment.
Whoops! Sorry about that. Sending payment over right now. In fact, I will bump it to $6.02 due to interest.

by Flack » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:46 am

I can name that tune in one note.

by AArdvark » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:41 am

In ten lines or less; why do you hate Jolt Country?

So what is going on WRT my $5.25?

by Tdarcos » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:35 am

Jonsey asked me to write a game called "Patty Flinger" or rather "Commander Tdarcos' Patty Flinger" using Hugo, for which he was going to pay $5.25.
I have seen neither the money nor an explanation as to anything being wrong with the game.
And yet he has the unmitigated gall to threaten me with having posting privileges cut off for a month for going 4 lines too long while he's in default of his obligations. What a hypocrite. I can imagine what would have happened if I had actually continued and finished the Hugo-for-the-web interpreter and expected payment.
