Fun with AIM

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by k. roo » Wed Apr 09, 2003 4:23 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Please post a picture of the Sowy girl. No way can she be hot enough to justify saying shit like that.

by Lex » Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:38 pm

Leave him; he's gone. SEMI-COLONS ARE IN BITCH!!!

]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Seaman: check ; download the first one (or whatever) and skip to the Seaman Diary; it's the only thing I can find that really gives it justice; any "review" simply puts it down.

Also: Just grown legs. Leonard Nemoy told me that it was time to change the tank, but to do so I had to answer some of Seaman's riddles. That reminds me: Brian's dead. MY favourite Seaman died makin' love to another seaman with exactly the same voice. I named the other Candida as revenge. His first riddle involved a man typing and an awful lot of numbers. "What does he have at the end?" "SORE THUMBS LOL". The second one was harder, but I got it. Simple Intra-web Logic is required here.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:27 am

ben wrote:you motherfuckers

we were talking about ME this was about ME and then lex comes back and starts bitching about whatever like he always does and now, NOW you're all talking about hima gain like OHHhh, we're so glad LEX is back because now we have someone INTERsting to talk about instead of stupid ofld BEN just complaining like always about whatever th fuck it is hes' talking about...

fuck man, that's FINE. i can type in orange colro too if that's what you want, if that's what it'll take to make y a'll TALK to me at least isntead of just calling me some fucking FAG who doesnt get any. That's cool though, man, whatever.

Doesn't matter to me, doesnt matter ot me one bit, you all just go on with your stupid FUCKIGN lives talking about your stupid FUICKIGN comic books and video games or whatever the fuck it is you like so much, that's cool, I'll just sit here watching and wackin off to some porn or some shit, not like it matters

you fuckers. I cant count how many hours I gave to you all and you still dont care, you still are like "oh this is benath you". Yeah maybe but I guess what is REALLY beneath me is you all. Course you're gonna be all like "oh yeah, we're beneath some guy who has to go out and get tanked every fuckin night and come back and post on a fucking bbs that nobody likes him on anyway" and thats cool too but you don't fucking know me, or anything about me. That was from some movie, so sorry SORRY for stealing some precious dialogue from your favorite movie if thats what it was. Just another reason to kick ol' BEN down when he's down...

That's how it is on here I guess nad that's how it's gonna stay. whatever. Yeah, funny, whoo, look at me in orange like it mattrs a fucking bit. fuck

Let's see... name of chick that Ben was chatting with: CHECK.

Name of protocol Ben used to chat with: CHECK.

Ben's name over said protocol: CHECK.


... Actually, that's an empty thread. Bitch'd probably only say, "I sowy," and that's that.

Please post a picture of the Sowy girl. No way can she be hot enough to justify saying shit like that.

Why are you even talking to this bitch anyway, Parrish? I thought you were the one kind soul seeking same type? What the fuck's going on here?

f00k j0 2!1!111!

by James Bond » Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:56 pm

i kan spel!1!1 i can tip goulde grmmer tu!!1! wats the mater with u?

James Bond "Fuck *you*, future generations!"

by ben » Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:14 pm

you motherfuckers

we were talking about ME this was about ME and then lex comes back and starts bitching about whatever like he always does and now, NOW you're all talking about hima gain like OHHhh, we're so glad LEX is back because now we have someone INTERsting to talk about instead of stupid ofld BEN just complaining like always about whatever th fuck it is hes' talking about...

fuck man, that's FINE. i can type in orange colro too if that's what you want, if that's what it'll take to make y a'll TALK to me at least isntead of just calling me some fucking FAG who doesnt get any. That's cool though, man, whatever.

Doesn't matter to me, doesnt matter ot me one bit, you all just go on with your stupid FUCKIGN lives talking about your stupid FUICKIGN comic books and video games or whatever the fuck it is you like so much, that's cool, I'll just sit here watching and wackin off to some porn or some shit, not like it matters

you fuckers. I cant count how many hours I gave to you all and you still dont care, you still are like "oh this is benath you". Yeah maybe but I guess what is REALLY beneath me is you all. Course you're gonna be all like "oh yeah, we're beneath some guy who has to go out and get tanked every fuckin night and come back and post on a fucking bbs that nobody likes him on anyway" and thats cool too but you don't fucking know me, or anything about me. That was from some movie, so sorry SORRY for stealing some precious dialogue from your favorite movie if thats what it was. Just another reason to kick ol' BEN down when he's down...

That's how it is on here I guess nad that's how it's gonna stay. whatever. Yeah, funny, whoo, look at me in orange like it mattrs a fucking bit. fuck

*fuck* the legal method.

by James Bond » Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:32 pm

bruce wrote: All of my friends agree that you should start stealing stuff at a truly alarming rate from your place of employment. I think this too, plus you should be keeping copies of your timesheets, plus you should be keeping a diary of all the times your boss tries to touch your tummy or other sensitive parts, so that you can file a humongous lawsuit and never have to work again.

Hell with that. One day, when barely anyone's around, go around the company, steal everything that you want from it (I.E: all of the game systems and all the games you wanted to buy) then find some roose to get everyone to leave the building without revealing your presence before torching the motherfucker with at least 600 gallons of gasoline. It'll make you feel a hell of a lot better. Trust me. And how the hell would they know it was you?

by AArdvark » Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:31 pm

Look, maybe I.m missing something here.....
I just plugged the Seaman up. Infront of my sister he started talking about how much I like my private parts.
That just sounds WRONG! I don't care what island you were on...


no pix tho...

by Lex » Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:27 am

Mull? Mull is a small Island in the middle of nowhere. It is perfect. Or was; it is becoming a tourist-trap. Imagine living somewhere where the high-school has a view of the bay that looks like Hawaii, except without the burning trees.

I just plugged the Seaman up. Infront of my sister he started talking about how much I like my private parts. I insisted that I didn't, and he went on and on about how I had said so.

That was nice.NOTE: Not nice.

Also: Didn't grab DOAXXX

by Eileen » Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:23 am

Lex wrote:Go--on, as me any questions you have about Mull, any at all, and I shall answer them.
I need a bit more time to mull this over. Thanks.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:15 am

Lex wrote:I notice that my missing was not exactly greeted with the same confusion and disruption as Ben's, but I take this as a compliment to the fact that I have honed you all to the point where you can even function without me.

I have been in Mull for a week. Go--on, as me any questions you have about Mull, any at all, and I shall answer them. I am now an expert on Mull.
I'll go first: where on earth is "Mull"?

And welcome back! I thought that you were just getting tired of us.

by bruce » Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:11 am

Lex wrote: In other news, I AM BACK.
So, has your SERIAL RAPIST boss (no offense to forum participant SERIAL RAPIST) rubbed your tummy in lieu of pay recently?

Have you gotten any other <b>dire warnings</b>?

All of my friends agree that you should start stealing stuff at a truly alarming rate from your place of employment. I think this too, plus you should be keeping copies of your timesheets, plus you should be keeping a diary of all the times your boss tries to touch your tummy or other sensitive parts, so that you can file a humongous lawsuit and never have to work again.


by Lex » Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:00 am


In other news, I AM BACK.

I notice that my missing was not exactly greeted with the same confusion and disruption as Ben's, but I take this as a compliment to the fact that I have honed you all to the point where you can even function without me.

I have been in Mull for a week. Go--on, as me any questions you have about Mull, any at all, and I shall answer them. I am now an expert on Mull.


Also: My Seaman has grown flippers, and hears the word ""Personality"" as "Penis". He now believes that my favourite part of myself is my "Private Parts".

Damn this accent.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 08, 2003 8:40 am

.... Well, this doesn't look good. Who fucked up the BB-- oh.

by bruce » Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:54 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Somebody remember that it was C0C0C0 so I can change it back to what it was when I wake up / sober up.
Jesus Christ, that's ugly. It makes me feel like a Dolphins fan, and that's very bad indeed.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:35 pm

Somebody remember that it was C0C0C0 so I can change it back to what it was when I wake up / sober up.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:32 pm

I think I'll turn all the BBS text all orange in celebration!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:31 pm

Pattern Recognition Pete wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:TIME TO TAKE STEPS!!
Yeah, cause that always works.

by Pattern Recognition Pete » Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:10 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:TIME TO TAKE STEPS!!
Yeah, cause that always works.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:57 pm


by The Plain Truth » Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:53 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey... drunk.
