by Admiral Ackguh » Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:58 pm
I've been thinking about this a little more.
I think that Chris himself took out the INT-affects-prices feature a long time ago. (Did you?) Nobody really wanted or needed it. It's easier to design a game if the base prices are the same as defined for an item, without having to teeak the player's INT score.
I put a magical card in one of my games; it functions much like the Psychic Paper from Doctor Who. It also has other functions, such as always winning card games, and forcing traders to sell for lower prices. For the last item, I had the merchant dialogues call a macro that boosts INT before going into merchant mode. Afer that, call another macro to restore INT to its old level (stored in a variable). Since that method won't change prices, I come up with a simpler solution for the dialogue:
1) Use ITEMTAKE to check for magic card;
2) Question;
3) YES branch: ITEMGIVE card back, MERCHANT with low prices;
4) NO branch: MERCHANT with standard prices.
The MERCHANT statement in the YES branch can also offer items not available in the NO branch.
I've been thinking about this a little more.
I think that Chris himself took out the INT-affects-prices feature a long time ago. (Did you?) Nobody really wanted or needed it. It's easier to design a game if the base prices are the same as defined for an item, without having to teeak the player's INT score.
I put a magical card in one of my games; it functions much like the Psychic Paper from Doctor Who. It also has other functions, such as always winning card games, and forcing traders to sell for lower prices. For the last item, I had the merchant dialogues call a macro that boosts INT before going into merchant mode. Afer that, call another macro to restore INT to its old level (stored in a variable). Since that method won't change prices, I come up with a simpler solution for the dialogue:
1) Use ITEMTAKE to check for magic card;
2) Question;
3) YES branch: ITEMGIVE card back, MERCHANT with low prices;
4) NO branch: MERCHANT with standard prices.
The MERCHANT statement in the YES branch can also offer items not available in the NO branch.