Bioshock Infinite is a piece of shit

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Expand view Topic review: Bioshock Infinite is a piece of shit

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:43 am

Sorry, I just want to react again to what hygraed quoted 10 years ago:
Ken Levine made a big deal in some interview about how it speaks to how far we've come as a society that he never saw anyone throw the ball at the couple during playtesting or prerelease demos. No shit. Who's going to do that when someone's watching you? It doesn't speak to the eradication of racism among gamers; listen to five minutes of any Call of Duty public multiplayer match to give lie to this notion.
Totally and completely AMAZED. Yes, Ken, we're all so much better than whatever made up time period your bad game took place in.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:55 am

hygraed wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:39 am
AArdvark wrote:I watched some of the gameplay on Youtube. there seems to be a strong religious theme going on. Is that something to do with the plot or are the programmers weird zealots?

That's one of the main "things" of the game. It's set in an oppressively racist Christian theocracy, which the player works to bring down.


Ok so here's the deal. Bioshock Infinite casts the player as a white dude, Booker DeWitt, who shows up in Rapture and is, I guess, justifiably appalled at the segregation and oppression. One of the first choices (I think the first CHOOSE YOUR FATE-type choice) is whether to throw a baseball at an interracial couple as part of a carnival attraction, or throw it at the carnival barker. Either way, a fight breaks out and you go on to murder a million billion dudes. Throwing the baseball at the barker instead of the couple makes them show up about an hour later and give you some consumable items.

This scene is an example of the bullshit choices that pass for moral dilemmas in many modern games, something I've heard described as "dogkicking": do you feed this dog, or do you kick it? There's no dilemma and there's no choice. If you're playing a good character, you do the obviously good thing, and if you're playing a bad character, you do the opposite. Ken Levine made a big deal in some interview about how it speaks to how far we've come as a society that he never saw anyone throw the ball at the couple during playtesting or prerelease demos. No shit. Who's going to do that when someone's watching you? It doesn't speak to the eradication of racism among gamers; listen to five minutes of any Call of Duty public multiplayer match to give lie to this notion.

Now let us turn our attention to the main story of the game. The main conflict is between the Founders, the Christian white nationalist followers of Comstock, the founder of Columbia, and the Vox Populi, a group of radical anti-racist revolutionaries led by black emancipationist Daisy Fitzroy. The way the game treats this conflict is a double dose of reactionary bullshit. Not only do you get a whole bunch of white savior nonsense where the oppressed black population of Columbia sits idly by while the white protagonist works to free them from subjugation, near the end of the game the protagonist turns on the Vox Populi because he feels that their use of violence makes them just as bad as their oppressors. This is honestly the most absurd thing in the game to me: it completely ignores the vast numbers of black people in the 19th and early 20th centuries who worked materially to free themselves and other black people from slavery and oppression, and it completely ignores the fact that by the time Booker condemns the Vox Populi for their violent tactics, he's killed hundreds and hundreds of people.

Anyway, this is why Bioshock Infinite is a crock of shit. It uses early 20th-century racist attitudes as an aesthetic crutch, a way to point and say "Look! Games are art now! This one's about racism!" despite the fact that it never, ever makes a salient point about racism other than saying "racism is bad" in the broadest way possible, or engaging with the real-world history of the time period it explores. What a waste. What a lazy, arrogant paean to reactionary centrism. I discard it.
This was hygraed's last post. I miss him a lot.

by RetroR » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:06 pm

Everyone in this thread isn't wrong, just unduly negative: Bioshock Infinite is freakin majestic, though the game itself is overrated as Pinback said, the environment and narrative are interesting of their own right.

Oh! BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea is DLC that takes the game back to Rapture for whatever reason.


by lethargic » Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:20 am

I really need to play this game to see how wrong all of you are.

by RealNC » Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:46 am

The only game I played recently that felt like it's actually "furthering the goddamn art", is Metro Last Light. If Infinite was even half as good a game as Last Light, it would have been a great game.

by pinback » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:52 pm

I got Infinite for Christmas. I just played some of it!

I feel like Bioshock Original was only tolerable because it was the greatest environment, the greatest conceived world in the history of video games. It still is that, and I feel like that's still the only reason to play it.

I am not enthralled with Columbia, because it is not Rapture. It's the same stupid shit as Bioshock Original, but the environment is not nearly as amazing.

I do not think I will continue.

The fact that "throwing bees" is what Jonsey equates with the height of tactical gameplay in an FPS, and is pretty much right is a condemnation of FPSes as a whole.

Either further the goddamn art, or just admit everything is Wolfenstein and Doom. Which is fine. We all had fun with those.

by RealNC » Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:06 pm

It also won't let you side with the white people and join them in killing the black people. Bah.

by pinback » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:41 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
pinback wrote:
lethargic wrote:I thought the first Bioshock was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise, only the story and atmosphere made it worth playing.
I agree with this up until you get to throw bees at people. Then the gameplay lived up to the story and atmosphere.
I've heard lethargic's take before. And I don't get it. How can the combat not be viewed as anything other than the pinnacle of FPS combat? Oh the options, the dandy options!! And yes, throwing bees at people.

I want this cleared up right now.
Because the enemies came in two flavors:

1. Don't notice you.

2. Notice you and come running and flailing straight for you like hysterical orangutans.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:20 am

pinback wrote:
lethargic wrote:I thought the first Bioshock was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise, only the story and atmosphere made it worth playing.
I agree with this up until you get to throw bees at people. Then the gameplay lived up to the story and atmosphere.
I've heard lethargic's take before. And I don't get it. How can the combat not be viewed as anything other than the pinnacle of FPS combat? Oh the options, the dandy options!! And yes, throwing bees at people.

I want this cleared up right now.

by pinback » Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:27 am

lethargic wrote:I thought the first Bioshock was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise, only the story and atmosphere made it worth playing.
I agree with this up until you get to throw bees at people. Then the gameplay lived up to the story and atmosphere.

by lethargic » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:55 pm

I thought the first Bioshock was a bit of a letdown gameplay wise, only the story and atmosphere made it worth playing.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:44 pm

That is the one thing I hope that we can offer you, a different take on games.

Bioshock had the best FPS tactical combat ever.

Bioshock Infinite, well, to play it it's pretty certain that I would have to have the audio off and judge it as a combat game.

by lethargic » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:36 pm

Bioshock Infinite on Metacritic - 94
Bioshock Infinite on Jonseycritic - 2

I love Bizarro World. haha

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:30 am

I didn't read all of hygraed's post because I thought I might finish Bioshock Infinite. But that will never happen, it is a fairly terrible game.
Ken Levine made a big deal in some interview about how it speaks to how far we've come as a society that he never saw anyone throw the ball at the couple during playtesting or prerelease demos. No shit. Who's going to do that when someone's watching you? It doesn't speak to the eradication of racism among gamers; listen to five minutes of any Call of Duty public multiplayer match to give lie to this notion.
Haha, what a clown. Yes, Ken is not living in the real world. People HATE each other more than ever because we meet many different kinds of people all the time thanks to the Internet. Therefore, our hatred is justified. I think in terms of physical actions, sure, it's better. A town can't decide to kill a black guy.

But in terms of thoughts and words? Much much much much worse. I can pick some group at random, find out what site they all like going to and insult hundreds of them with a few chosen words. In the 1950s, to do that, I would have had to leave the state and go find them.

I have now been burned twice by Bioshock games and will never give this franchise another positive thought. They got lucky with the first one and considering that System Shock II is terrible, it is time to come to grips with the fact that everyone involved with these games are full of shit. I enjoyed the first one, but I can't think of a franchise I gave more money to and had less fun and had more pretentious people working on the games.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:22 pm

Ha, thanks for posting that. I was considering getting a new video card for this game but I guess there is no point.

by RealNC » Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:43 pm

The game is almost good. The reason it isn't is because they fucked up the run/walk controls. It almost feels like they're broken on purpose. No one could possibly design it that badly by accident. It's impossible.

Oh, and it also runs like crap. You get a nice, smooth 60FPS most of the time, and then for no apparent reason, performance drops like a brick. Every 30 seconds. This also happens to a dude running it on two NVidia Titan cards on SLI (that's $1000 per card.)

by AArdvark » Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:00 pm

It's set in an oppressively racist Christian theocracy
So... it takes place in Kansas?


by hygraed » Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:39 am

AArdvark wrote:I watched some of the gameplay on Youtube. there seems to be a strong religious theme going on. Is that something to do with the plot or are the programmers weird zealots?

That's one of the main "things" of the game. It's set in an oppressively racist Christian theocracy, which the player works to bring down.


Ok so here's the deal. Bioshock Infinite casts the player as a white dude, Booker DeWitt, who shows up in Rapture and is, I guess, justifiably appalled at the segregation and oppression. One of the first choices (I think the first CHOOSE YOUR FATE-type choice) is whether to throw a baseball at an interracial couple as part of a carnival attraction, or throw it at the carnival barker. Either way, a fight breaks out and you go on to murder a million billion dudes. Throwing the baseball at the barker instead of the couple makes them show up about an hour later and give you some consumable items.

This scene is an example of the bullshit choices that pass for moral dilemmas in many modern games, something I've heard described as "dogkicking": do you feed this dog, or do you kick it? There's no dilemma and there's no choice. If you're playing a good character, you do the obviously good thing, and if you're playing a bad character, you do the opposite. Ken Levine made a big deal in some interview about how it speaks to how far we've come as a society that he never saw anyone throw the ball at the couple during playtesting or prerelease demos. No shit. Who's going to do that when someone's watching you? It doesn't speak to the eradication of racism among gamers; listen to five minutes of any Call of Duty public multiplayer match to give lie to this notion.

Now let us turn our attention to the main story of the game. The main conflict is between the Founders, the Christian white nationalist followers of Comstock, the founder of Columbia, and the Vox Populi, a group of radical anti-racist revolutionaries led by black emancipationist Daisy Fitzroy. The way the game treats this conflict is a double dose of reactionary bullshit. Not only do you get a whole bunch of white savior nonsense where the oppressed black population of Columbia sits idly by while the white protagonist works to free them from subjugation, near the end of the game the protagonist turns on the Vox Populi because he feels that their use of violence makes them just as bad as their oppressors. This is honestly the most absurd thing in the game to me: it completely ignores the vast numbers of black people in the 19th and early 20th centuries who worked materially to free themselves and other black people from slavery and oppression, and it completely ignores the fact that by the time Booker condemns the Vox Populi for their violent tactics, he's killed hundreds and hundreds of people.

Anyway, this is why Bioshock Infinite is a crock of shit. It uses early 20th-century racist attitudes as an aesthetic crutch, a way to point and say "Look! Games are art now! This one's about racism!" despite the fact that it never, ever makes a salient point about racism other than saying "racism is bad" in the broadest way possible, or engaging with the real-world history of the time period it explores. What a waste. What a lazy, arrogant paean to reactionary centrism. I discard it.

by AArdvark » Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:53 am

I watched some of the gameplay on Youtube. there seems to be a strong religious theme going on. Is that something to do with the plot or are the programmers weird zealots?


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:14 pm

I played it a bit more. It's not that bad. It is n-- the title is not correct.
