ACK on Droid

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ACK on Droid

by ishtenos » Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:34 am

Recently picked up a Samsung Galaxy Note 8, and spurred on by how relatively well DOSBox Turbo works, I decided to give ACK a try. It's not perfect, as I haven't spent the time figuring out how to get double key presses to work (ALT-Q, ALT-S, etc), but the emulation does otherwise appear to be solid. In the event anyone is intrigued by the possibility of having a 'mobile ack', here's what I did:

1) Acquire DOSBox Turbo from ... sbox&hl=en It is a pay-for app, there is at least one free version of DOSBox on the Google Play store but I have no experience with it.

2) Acquire DOSBox Manager, a free app that works with DB Turbo at ... 5jaGVyIl0.

3) If you don't already have one, a good virtual keyboard. I personally use Hacker's Keyboard.

4) Once everything is installed, then you move your ACK folder onto the SD Card or folder in main storage.

5) Start DOSBox Manager. Press-hold on the default profile, and then press "Copy Profile". This will give you the option to name your ACK profile whatever you want.

6) Press-hold on the ACK profile. Go into "Edit Config" -> "DosBox Settings" -> "Autoexec" (you may need to scroll down a bit to see it).

7) This next part may vary, depending on where you stored your ACK folder. Mine is under /storage/extSdCard/Files/DBOX/, for example. You fill in the Autoexec like this:
mount c: /storage/extSdCard/
cd Files/DBOX/ACK
At this point, you can back out to the main manager screen, press-click on the profile, and jump right in. Not quite the experience you would have on an actual laptop/desktop (lack of multiple windows, not being able to use the launcher), but still fun to mess around with.
