Request and Inquiry to Bradley Svedka

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Expand view Topic review: Request and Inquiry to Bradley Svedka

by pinback » Wed May 08, 2013 7:21 am

Bradley Svedka. wrote:Tdarcos will receive an IP ban if he posts again today.
I would request a pre-emptive IP ban.

by Bradley Svedka. » Wed May 08, 2013 7:16 am

Tdarcos will receive an IP ban if he posts again today.

by pinback » Wed May 08, 2013 6:47 am

The really amazing part is that it's him trying to be funny, when I spent most of my day explaining to him that he is not funny, has never been funny, and does not have the capacity to ever be funny. I thought it sunk it. It seemed to sink in.

But then I guess something snapped inside him, and we're left picking up the (woefully unfunny) pieces.

by Flack » Wed May 08, 2013 3:23 am

Shouldn't fake Paul have to follow the same posting restrictions as real Paul?

This space available for rent, at reasonable prices

by Quinn Z. DeAngelo » Wed May 08, 2013 2:10 am

Bradley Svedka. wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
Violation. Off-topic Youtube link. 1 demerits. User account: Ham Sandwich. 20130507.
Hey fella, yeah you, Barley Stupidika, how the hell do you give demerits to a guest account? And how do you enforce it?

by Quinn Z. DeAngelo » Wed May 08, 2013 2:04 am

Snarf's Ham Sandwich wrote:Gonna get myself some Demerits! Collecting them today.
Hey fella, a guest account don't mean shit, Barfley ShitKola ain't gonna bother with you, you don't amount to more than a turd out of a mosquito. (Do mosquitos even give off turds?) You can always come back on a new guest account.

It's the permanent inmates he wants to screw with their heads. Or is that, "it's the heads of the permanent inmates with whom he wants to screw with"? I dunno, I just know he wants to screw over people. Not exactly sure what his modus operandi is yet, which is a purty way of saying I ain't figured out what his game is, unless he just wants to be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. Sort of like MGM's motto "ars gratia ars", art for the sake of art. Shitting on people for the sake of shitting on them, or maybe just to have fun watching how they use the toilet paper to try and clean themselves off.

Re: Request and Inquiry to Bradley Svedka

by Guest » Wed May 08, 2013 1:56 am

Tdarcos wrote:If I may be permitted to say hello and welcome you
Hey fella, I guess we can see your attempts to kiss ass in advance didn't help much, did it?
- although the way things are that may not last long - I wish to ask what your standards are, what "demerits" represent, what is the penalty for accumulating them, and over what period do they cover, e.g. points on your drivers license can mean suspension if you get more than 12 in 2 years, but they drop off after about three years, that sort of thing.
Does anyone really give a shit? Barfely SKveTckha is just going to be an insufferable prick and throw his friggin demericrap all over for any reason or no reason at all, and he's basically gonna drive everyone nuts trying to figure it out, when it don't mean jack, it's just mean.
Tdarcos wrote:It's like with me, I have made mistakes and I can't correct what I don't understand (or things the bbs does automatically). It might help others to understand what your rules are - and not break them - if you explain your rulings a bit better and clarify what your rules are.
Hey fella, you're a grown man, and it may be an underestimate to say that in view of you an your, ahem, slightly portly build (gaff, cough, choke, trying not to laugh too hard), asking for logic from this guy is like asking you not to be a boring fat blow job, or rather, boring fat blow hard. He ain't wired to make sense, he's just wired. Bullies don't have to have a reason for what they do, sometimes they just like to be mean because they like wielding power.

Sorta why some guys become cops, cuz they like the idea of being able to kick the shit out of some people and push people around, and get away with it. Doesn't mean all cops are all like that, but some get off on it. Sometimes it's the right way to get things done when you got perps you gotta take care of, and sometimes you get sick ones like that guy in New York caught on tape knocking over a guy on a bike on purpose, then claiming the bike guy started it.

by Snarf's Ham Sandwich » Tue May 07, 2013 4:09 pm

Gonna get myself some Demerits! Collecting them today.

Let's play the blame game:

Re: Just chill, surf porn!

by Bradley Svedka. » Tue May 07, 2013 4:02 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
Bradley Svedka. wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
Violation. Off-topic Youtube link. 1 demerits. User account: Ham Sandwich. 20130507.
By the way, Mr. Parrish, you might have made your masquerade work better if you had added Bradley Svedka as a moderator. Since there's only three moderators of this forum, Bradley has to be you, JC or Aardvark. I think Jonsey would simply have done something and I don't think 'Vark even cares.

Nice try while it lasted, however.
Incorrect statement. Violation, 11 demerits. I have the user password to the administrator account. USer account: Tdarcos. 20130507.

Warning! User account Tdarcos 2 demerits from one-week account disabling.

by pinback » Tue May 07, 2013 4:01 pm

None of this was me, Paul. You're confused and doing everything wrong again.

Re: Just chill, surf porn!

by Tdarcos » Tue May 07, 2013 3:56 pm

Bradley Svedka. wrote:
Ham Sandwich wrote:
Violation. Off-topic Youtube link. 1 demerits. User account: Ham Sandwich. 20130507.
By the way, Mr. Parrish, you might have made your masquerade work better if you had added Bradley Svedka as a moderator. Since there's only three moderators of this forum, Bradley has to be you, JC or Aardvark. I think Jonsey would simply have done something and I don't think 'Vark even cares.

Nice try while it lasted, however.

This place has went to hell

by Ham Sandwich » Tue May 07, 2013 3:54 pm

Re: Just chill, surf porn!

by Bradley Svedka. » Tue May 07, 2013 3:52 pm

Ham Sandwich wrote:

Violation. Off-topic Youtube link. 1 demerits. User account: Ham Sandwich. 20130507.

Re: Just chill, surf porn!

by Tdarcos » Tue May 07, 2013 3:48 pm

Ham Sandwich wrote:
Ben. You gave yourself away by mentioning what I said in my chat to you on Skype. You're making this too easy.

Just chill, surf porn!

by Ham Sandwich » Tue May 07, 2013 3:39 pm

Request and Inquiry to Bradley Svedka

by Tdarcos » Tue May 07, 2013 3:28 pm

If I may be permitted to say hello and welcome you - although the way things are that may not last long - I wish to ask what your standards are, what "demerits" represent, what is the penalty for accumulating them, and over what period do they cover, e.g. points on your drivers license can mean suspension if you get more than 12 in 2 years, but they drop off after about three years, that sort of thing.

It's like with me, I have made mistakes and I can't correct what I don't understand (or things the bbs does automatically). It might help others to understand what your rules are - and not break them - if you explain your rulings a bit better and clarify what your rules are.
