The Rochesterians

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by nessman » Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:58 pm


by AArdvark » Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:43 pm

I just writes what comes to mind. Actually, it makes me feel all warm and cozy, like I just watched 10 hours of Mr. Rogers while downing a 6 pack of something from Canada.


by Da King » Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:04 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I should also state that King's advice for you (Ness) to go start moving shopping carts and work your way up was PRETTY GODDAMN COLD.

He should have told you to work at the helpdesk hung over like he did every day if he was going to tell you to get at the bottom of the Wegmans ladder, at least.
I had to toil almost 3 years in the stores before they tossed me a bone and offered that job in the helpdesk.

Again, they hire from within. When you have a company of 28,000 (or so) employees, there's a pretty good chance that one of them will be qualified for a promotion, rather than hiring some shlub from the outside.

by Da King » Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:02 pm

chris wrote:Yeah, and he PLAYS GOLF. Next thing you know, he'll be having "business meetings" on the links and using the word "synergy" in daily conversation.
And if I'm getting paid for all that... DAMNED STRAIGHT I AM.

I can be corporate. I have NO problem with "the man" paying me my salary while I play golf. Its a beautiful thing.

by k. roo » Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:52 pm

AArdvark wrote:...
Hey, AArdvark, how does it feel, now that the pressure is on? The pressure to deliver? "TEH," as they say, "FUNNEY?"

by AArdvark » Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:49 pm

'Scuse me while I blow these lines.
I know the gas station/front where 'the lines' are moved through. Details to follow.


by Danny Wegman » Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:00 am

nessman wrote:I expected as much. From this point forward, I hereby boycott Wegmans and Chase-Pitkin. We got a Tops here in Hamlin and they just opened a Lowes in Greece.
Tops sucks. Their decorum brings to mind veterinary hospitals.

'Scuse me while I blow these lines.

by nessman » Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:12 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I should also state that King's advice for you (Ness) to go start moving shopping carts and work your way up was PRETTY GODDAMN COLD.
I expected as much. From this point forward, I hereby boycott Wegmans and Chase-Pitkin. We got a Tops here in Hamlin and they just opened a Lowes in Greece.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:04 am

I should also state that King's advice for you (Ness) to go start moving shopping carts and work your way up was PRETTY GODDAMN COLD.

He should have told you to work at the helpdesk hung over like he did every day if he was going to tell you to get at the bottom of the Wegmans ladder, at least.

by nessman » Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:22 am


by chris » Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:05 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:

We've been running the new iteration of a JC for almost a year now. A YEAR. And I can finally say that my man -- the best goddamn co-sysop on the face of the planet... IS FUCKING BACK.
Yeah, and he PLAYS GOLF. Next thing you know, he'll be having "business meetings" on the links and using the word "synergy" in daily conversation.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:14 pm

Da King wrote: Pussy.

If I can play golf in 50mph gusts, you can ride a damn bike. Did it come with training wheels?

We've been running the new iteration of a JC for almost a year now. A YEAR. And I can finally say that my man -- the best goddamn co-sysop on the face of the planet... IS FUCKING BACK.

by Da King » Tue Apr 15, 2003 6:21 pm

nessman wrote:Figures today - real NICE out, but too fucking windy to do anything. Can't fertilze the lawn or the shit will blow away. To gusty to go bike riding (especially in wooded areas with loose tree limbs blowing down in the wind).

If I can play golf in 50mph gusts, you can ride a damn bike. Did it come with training wheels?

by nessman » Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:59 am

Nessman's reply to DaKing on Groucho re: same subject... wrote:
Now maybe if Wegmans didn't hire it's IT people from "within", you and I could have been office buddies by now!

I've had 4 interviews so far... one of which I was turned down for, two I never heard back from and the last one was 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting (they said I'd hear back in 2-3 weeks). That doesn't include the several face-to-face meetings with various recruiters... a few hundred resumes out the door, etc...

This job market really really sucks.

by chris » Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:53 am

Have you ever heard the phony phone calls made to Mother Angelica's TV show? One of the guys who regularly sends phony calls to Howard Stern did it, and they were friggin' hysterical.

As for the weather, enjoy it while it's gonna be 40 on Thursday with the possibility of wet snow. :sad:

Any word on the job front?

by nessman » Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:37 am

Mother Angelica - from one of those Jesus cable channels.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:25 am

Ness - who on earth is that nun in your sig?

by nessman » Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:16 am

chris wrote:Pretty damn good weekend we had here! Did anybody do anything interesting? I spent Saturday cutting down a bunch of big overgrown bushes in the yard.
Bought a new mountain bike yesterday... a Gary Fisher (he's the guy who "invented" the mountain bike). Wahoo model for those who want to check it out on their website. Upgrading from my Trek hybrid to do some serious trail riding now that winter seems to be behind us. The Trek's still a good bike, but I've had it for 8 years and it's showing signs of wear/tear. Plus for riding on anything rougher than the Erie Canal Trail, and it's a harsh ride. While the frame is kinda big for Wendy, she's now riding it.

Figures today - real NICE out, but too fucking windy to do anything. Can't fertilze the lawn or the shit will blow away. To gusty to go bike riding (especially in wooded areas with loose tree limbs blowing down in the wind). But hey, I did replace a screen and had the TV picked up by the service shop (blown power supply).

by bruce » Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:20 am

chris wrote:Pretty damn good weekend we had here! Did anybody do anything interesting? I spent Saturday cutting down a bunch of big overgrown bushes in the yard.
Well, let's see.

Saturday morning I got up at 7; Amy and I and my boss David, who was staying at our house because the two of us had been onsite in Springfield, IL Thursday and Friday and his plane was Saturday, made Eggs Benedict, and I used Julia Child's hollandaise recipe from "Julia's Kitchen Wisdom."

Then after dropping David at the airport, Amy and I went to Search and Rescue training, and did some socialization of the puppy and ran a couple of training exercises in a (not burning at the time) firehouse's burn house.

Then we went home and cut the grass, and went over to Amy's boss's place for a dinner party with him and his fiancee and a couple friends of theirs visiting from out of town. We drank too much and then got home about midnight.

Sunday we got up pretty early and met Jeremy and Kirsten (Amy's boss and fiancee) and his friends for breakfast at a deli in the city. We took Ursa because we were eating outside, and people stopped to pet her. Then Amy and I picked up our friend Jason and we all went trap shooting.

We shot two rounds of trap, so my shoulder is a little sore. Amy didn't shoot but sat around playing with Ursa and getting her to not be spooked at the sound of gunfire.

Then Amy and I and Jason went back to our place and fired up the grill for the barbecue we were having. Lisa and Keith came over, and we had grilled pork ribs and corn and potatoes and a salad, and chocolate cake for dessert, which we ate while we watched the Simpsons with a disappointing Weird Al cameo.

Then we went on a short walk with the dogs. Golem pulled his cart and Vinnie carried her pack as usual. Then our guests left and Amy and I took a shower and began to get ready for bed.

However, then we got a call from our dispatcher, Brad. There was a search! Two girls were missing out in Eureka. So we loaded up our packs and went out to Eureka Fire House One, to await further instruction. We sat there for about an hour while Incident Command tried to figure out where they wanted us, and then someone found the girls at some address, which we snarkily speculated was one of their boyfriends' houses. By that time it was about midnight, and we'd been drinking coffee to wake up, so we had to go back home and jitter for a while.

So I showed Amy a little bit of Galactic Civilizations while we had a gin and tonic, and we got to bed about two.

For me, it was a pretty damn full weekend.


by chris » Mon Apr 14, 2003 6:02 am

Pretty damn good weekend we had here! Did anybody do anything interesting? I spent Saturday cutting down a bunch of big overgrown bushes in the yard.
