American McGee's "Strawberry Shortcake"

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: American McGee's "Strawberry Shortcake"

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:24 pm

That's right. Those fucking sheep. Their ENTIRE COMIC ... their ENTIRE LIVES are based on bashing the shit out of games because they consider themselves part of the elite, and the first chance they get to encounter someone who has played as many text adventures as those two assholes have played the endless stream of shit that Nintendo has squatted out over the years, and they are all in your face. Fuck 'em.

But yeah, Ms Shortcake there was funny. If someone were to execute both of my parents and then, when I had tracked him down after a lifetime of searching, started not begging for his life when finally cornered and disabled but instead began bashing American McGee, I'd have to confess to letting out a little "heh" there before raining justice and baton blows (work with me here) down upon the soft, pulpy parts of his head.

by Roody_Yogurt » Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:53 pm

Always takes me forever to find but here it is:

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:41 pm

Also. DUDE. You know that instruction manual I am making? That's a perfect opportunity for you to get in a thinly-veiled attack on those two. If you think of anything, let's bring the noise there.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:40 pm

Oh, I forgot about that. Hahahah! Hey everybody, Roody got called out by one of the PA fags! That does make you a celebrity, by the way, m'man.

Which game was that? I recall that you were in the right, but I can't remember if you ripped a game that those miserable fuckers got all blowjobby over, or if you gave a positive review to a game that those hate-everything fucking fucksticks started metagagging over.

by Roody_Yogurt » Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:25 pm

And the rest of the time they're ripping on fellas like myself for IF reviews.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:14 pm

I hear that. When they are on, they are fucking *on*.

American McGee's "Strawberry Shortcake"

by bruce » Tue Apr 15, 2003 7:47 pm

Some days, Penny Arcade just gets it <i>right</i>. ... 4-14&res=l

