In this thread, we post Shadowrun Returns screens

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by lethargic » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:44 pm

I just read the Shadowrun Returns review in Game Informer. 8.5! No mention of any save issues.

by RealNC » Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:57 pm

What the heck is the "Guinness Book of Almost?"

(Btw, I think it was on Indiegogo, not on Kickstarter.)

by Flack » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:14 am

The Ubuntu phone Kickstarter hit $10 million in pledges yesterday. ... n-dollars/

by lethargic » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:54 pm

BTW Harry Knowles' kickstarter has not even met half the goal yet. And it's only as high as it is because one idiot donated 10 grand. I can not wait to see this thing fail. Please, please fail.

The friggin perks for donating are so horrible.

1,500 dollars get you a dinner with Harry Knowles. This is also the usual price of Harry Knowles' dinner.

For 2,000 he will come to your house and watch a movie with you. But only if you live in Austin, TX. And have wheelchair access.

The vast majority of the perks are only valid if you live in Austin or are willing to go there.

If you donate 3,000 dollars Harry Knowles will read your script and give you notes. Awesome, you get notes from a guy who has never made a movie.

For 5,000 you get to sit with Harry as he interviews somebody at SXSW.

For 8,000 you get to go to a party with Harry. In Austin of course.

For 10,000 you get to be an "executive producer" on the podcast's IMDB page. Worth every penny!!

by lethargic » Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:27 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:And pay you appropriately.
19 cents?
That is what I would like to do. I just don't know when I am going to launch the Kickstarter or for how much.
May I suggest 1 million dollars?

I don't know about you guys but I think Kickstarter is a great website and is doing nothing but great things for the internet community.

by Flack » Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:07 am

lethargic wrote:Breaking news. Harry Knowles of Ain't it Cool News has just announced a Kickstarter so that he can make a podcast.

He's trying to raise $100k to make a PODCAST.

This big fat idiot was making nearly a million a year off of AICN and he lost it all through moronic business decisions, now he's trying to ask people to donate money to him to make a hundred thousand dollar podcast. If he can't generate enough money from AICN to make a podcast, that's just pathetic. Why would I want this guy to play with MY money?

Oh, and this reminds me of how Penny Arcade tried to pull the same crap. A Kickstarter to fund a podcast. For a website that sells buttloads of merchandise somehow needs money to buy a microphone? Oh, no, not really. Because they only asked for 10 dollars. Basically what they said is we don't actually need money to do this, but we'll be happy to take advantage of fools and their money. They ended up making 230k off of gullible idiots.
I bought a Blue Yeti mic to record my podcast with. It cost me $150. I really should have done a Kickstarter for it. Now I am on two podcasts, so really it's $75 each if you average it out.

I think if you step back and look at it we are really the dumb ones for not getting in on this train before it derails.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:18 am

lethargic wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
lethargic wrote:However, let me give you a case in point. I have spent money making my next game by hiring actors and licensing songs. I would like to license many songs! If I do a Kickstarter and get a few grand, then that game really would be better for it.
Oh, didn't you say you were going to use one of my songs? Now you're talking money?

I did, but that was before I thought I would do a Kickstarter.

We need to talk before I launch the Kickstarter, because what I would like to do is get an entire album of Draven songs and then, when the player enters the game's arm wrestling bar switch from dubstep (which is the music in the rest of the game) to your music.

And pay you appropriately.

That is what I would like to do. I just don't know when I am going to launch the Kickstarter or for how much.

by lethargic » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:35 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
lethargic wrote:However, let me give you a case in point. I have spent money making my next game by hiring actors and licensing songs. I would like to license many songs! If I do a Kickstarter and get a few grand, then that game really would be better for it.
Oh, didn't you say you were going to use one of my songs? Now you're talking money?


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:34 pm

pinback wrote:I played through an entire game of XCOM and had ONE (1) mission where panic came into play, and it wasn't even that big a deal.
I died in one mission of Shadowrun Returns and it wasn't even that big a deal.

You are a reprehensible garbage person that can't allow yourself to like anything recommended to you. You feel that you are "smarter" than everyone else, thus your big purple brain would have "discovered" it first if it were any good. You complained about it being a "baby" game and then died three straight times in a mission, which makes you a ass-grabbing hypocrite.

by RetroRomper » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:01 pm

Just finished Shadow Run after leaving it running up on my computer for the past three days and... Well... As I said, MODULES.

I'm off to play Pantomime.

by pinback » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:44 pm

I played through an entire game of XCOM and had ONE (1) mission where panic came into play, and it wasn't even that big a deal. You are a fucking drama queen who is terrible at games and just waits for that one thing to LATCH ONTO so you can justify your own terrible opinions that you had going into it.

I had no opinions going into Shadowrun. Now I do. I agree with Retro. It's a great game ONCE ANYONE ACTUALLY WRITES A GREAT GAME FOR IT.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:30 pm

lethargic wrote:Breaking news. Harry Knowles of Ain't it Cool News has just announced a Kickstarter so that he can make a podcast.

He's trying to raise $100k to make a PODCAST.

This big fat idiot was making nearly a million a year off of AICN and he lost it all through moronic business decisions, now he's trying to ask people to donate money to him to make a hundred thousand dollar podcast. If he can't generate enough money from AICN to make a podcast, that's just pathetic. Why would I want this guy to play with MY money?

Oh, and this reminds me of how Penny Arcade tried to pull the same crap. A Kickstarter to fund a podcast. For a website that sells buttloads of merchandise somehow needs money to buy a microphone? Oh, no, not really. Because they only asked for 10 dollars. Basically what they said is we don't actually need money to do this, but we'll be happy to take advantage of fools and their money. They ended up making 230k off of gullible idiots.
Kickstarter has become a way to trade social currency in for real currency.

Yes, the behavior of Penny Arcade is disgusting. They claimed that they were doing something to "help" their readers. Well, as far as I can tell, their readers are now paying for what the advertisers used to give them. I don't see how that is even remotely helping them. It seems like taking their money for the site to look the same if you had Adblock.

However, let me give you a case in point. I have spent money making my next game by hiring actors and licensing songs. I would like to license many songs! If I do a Kickstarter and get a few grand, then that game really would be better for it.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:21 pm

pinback wrote:That's fucking pathetic. A point-and-click adventure game for babies with the occasional bout of wafer-thin tactical combat mixed in. That's fucking pathetic, if you had more fun with it than anything in yeaaaars.
Yes. I have enjoyed it a great deal.
Go ahead. Play XCOM and then come back here and fabricate a bunch of stupid excuses as to why Shadowrun is better. I will get the popcorn, sit back and enjoy.
You know what the one good thing was when one of my other characters died on a mission in Shadowrun Returns?


by lethargic » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:15 pm

Breaking news. Harry Knowles of Ain't it Cool News has just announced a Kickstarter so that he can make a podcast.

He's trying to raise $100k to make a PODCAST.

This big fat idiot was making nearly a million a year off of AICN and he lost it all through moronic business decisions, now he's trying to ask people to donate money to him to make a hundred thousand dollar podcast. If he can't generate enough money from AICN to make a podcast, that's just pathetic. Why would I want this guy to play with MY money?

Oh, and this reminds me of how Penny Arcade tried to pull the same crap. A Kickstarter to fund a podcast. For a website that sells buttloads of merchandise somehow needs money to buy a microphone? Oh, no, not really. Because they only asked for 10 dollars. Basically what they said is we don't actually need money to do this, but we'll be happy to take advantage of fools and their money. They ended up making 230k off of gullible idiots.

by lethargic » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:56 pm

RetroRomper wrote:
lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Would you mind outlining why Kickstarter is the worst thing that has happened to the Internet?

Besides the Veronica Mars and the countless editorials on why Kickstarter doesn't actually work, it has enabled quite a bit of industry analysis, discussion and products that wouldn't have existed otherwise.
Exactly. Those products didn't exist for a reason. Because they sucked and the people making them don't know what they're doing. So people donate their money to these morons and then they get some halfass shitty game that you can't save, a pretentious, amateur, film school art short or an Ouya.

It's bad enough when you buy a bad game or go to the theater and get disappointed by a bad movie. Why in the blue blazes would I want to donate money in hopes that the final project actually ends up being worthy of the money I donated? It's a complete gamble that is rarely, if ever, going to pay off because if these people had a good concept and the ability to make that concept a reality they wouldn't need me to pay for it.

But the real problem is that it's slowly and surely being taken out of the hands of the people who "need" it and being used, and abused, to bankroll projects that have no need for it.

When Tim Schafer did it I thought it was silly. Tim Schafer has absolutely no need to do this. I thought crowd funding was supposed to be for Joe Blow's who CAN'T get real games made? Schafer has released dozens of games. This was the first nail in the coffin of crowd funding.

And then when the Veronica Mars thing happened it was the most ridiculous thing ever. That anybody would believe that Warner Brothers couldn't have funded a 2 million dollar movie without crowd sourcing is ridiculous. There was absolutely no need for that. But it was a corporation suddenly realizing, hey, maybe we don't need to risk our own money? Here's this little tiny movie we can experiment with and see if these idiots are as gullible as they seem.

I railed against it then. I said it was opening doors to a potentially scary future where buying tickets was no longer enough, that we'd end having to bankroll any movie we wanted to see. I was, shockingly, called a moron. But yet I'm being proved right day after day.

One project after another is being announced. Either from a millionaire director or actor or some giant corporation. Crowd sourcing was supposed to be for the little guy, but now it's being taken over by the people it was supposed to be "against".

If a multi-millionaire like Spike Lee doesn't believe in his own project enough to fund it himself, why should I?

Unless something is done to stop this take over it's only going to continue and get worse. One day we're going to be seeing Kickstarters so Warner Bros can make a 300 million dollar Harry Potter remake.

Or even worse, Kickstarter will get to the point that the fans who donate will actually get power to help make the project. They will vote on scripts and casting. And the test screening/focus groups crap that ruins so many movies will have ruined the movies before they're even filmed.

I would never donate to anything, but the original idea of Kickstarter was fine. But like pretty much everything on the internet, the good ideas always get taken over by the assholes and ruined. The assholes are marching on Kickstarter right now and the future is very dim.

by pinback » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:17 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Noooooo! No. No!!

I am shouting!

This is a fun game. They fucked up one part of it. But I had more fun with it than any other game in a loooooooooong time, probably even years.
That's fucking pathetic. A point-and-click adventure game for babies with the occasional bout of wafer-thin tactical combat mixed in. That's fucking pathetic, if you had more fun with it than anything in yeaaaars.

Go ahead. Play XCOM and then come back here and fabricate a bunch of stupid excuses as to why Shadowrun is better. I will get the popcorn, sit back and enjoy.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:39 pm

Oh, and I don't know if this is a bad time to bring it up, but we're Kickstarting Hitler over at Kickstarter.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:39 pm

lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Noooooo! No. No!!

I am shouting!

This is a fun game. They fucked up one part of it. But I had more fun with it than any other game in a loooooooooong time, probably even years.

by RealNC » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:58 pm

lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
After "worst thing ever", I'm now waiting for the Hitler reference to drop.

by RetroRomper » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:36 am

lethargic wrote:I chalk this up as just another reason why Kickstarter is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet.
Would you mind outlining why Kickstarter is the worst thing that has happened to the Internet?

Besides the Veronica Mars and the countless editorials on why Kickstarter doesn't actually work, it has enabled quite a bit of industry analysis, discussion and products that wouldn't have existed otherwise.
