by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:03 am
chris wrote:I wonder how many people in this country voted against Gore simply because his VP was Jewish (like THAT should make any difference).
Being Jewish is a plus as far as I am concerned. If I may be so bold, usually Jewish people aren't trying to hit you over the head with their religion and convert you.
One thing I forgot to mention is that being married to Tipper Gore probably didn't help Al either. I personally have no opinion of Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of people hate her because she's married to Clinton and they don't like him, or else they don't like women in positions of authority, period. There are probably some real reasons to dislike her, but I've never cared much to go out of my way and discover them. (No doubt this would be different if I still lived in New York, I suppose.) But with her coming to the forefront, right or wrong, at the beginning of Clinton's first term there was bound to be a certain percentage of the populace who thought that Tipper would believe that her husband getting elected would mean carte blanche for her to go censor whatever media-of-the-week she happened to disagree with at the time.
Annnnnnnd then, funnily enough, we get a guy like Ashcroft into power who, while probably being OK with the citizens playing video games and listening to death metal, would really prefer things if he could detail absolutely any person within the physical bounds of this country for any length of time. We're in the position of having to ask which we'd prefer -- do you want your media taken from you or your liberty?
Censorship really bugs me. Bush's inability to separate church from state bugs me as well, but by marginally less. I guess that's why I "voted" for him by the Nader thing.
I mean, what if this crap existed back in the 30's? Good old FDR wouldn't have been able to jog with those polio-riddled steel-braced legs of his.
They need to keep a president or two on ice for when both parties really can't nominate anyone other than a thug. Like how Ted Williams is currently frozen. If we were going to end up in a patriarchy, which we practically are now, why couldn't it have been FDR or Taft or whoever who provided the brood? Why this Bush Sr "Read My Lips" horseshit?
[quote="chris"]I wonder how many people in this country voted against Gore simply because his VP was Jewish (like THAT should make any difference). [/quote]
Being Jewish is a plus as far as I am concerned. If I may be so bold, usually Jewish people aren't trying to hit you over the head with their religion and convert you.
One thing I forgot to mention is that being married to Tipper Gore probably didn't help Al either. I personally have no opinion of Hillary Clinton. I think a lot of people hate her because she's married to Clinton and they don't like him, or else they don't like women in positions of authority, period. There are probably some real reasons to dislike her, but I've never cared much to go out of my way and discover them. (No doubt this would be different if I still lived in New York, I suppose.) But with her coming to the forefront, right or wrong, at the beginning of Clinton's first term there was bound to be a certain percentage of the populace who thought that Tipper would believe that her husband getting elected would mean carte blanche for her to go censor whatever media-of-the-week she happened to disagree with at the time.
Annnnnnnd then, funnily enough, we get a guy like Ashcroft into power who, while probably being OK with the citizens playing video games and listening to death metal, would really prefer things if he could detail absolutely any person within the physical bounds of this country for any length of time. We're in the position of having to ask which we'd prefer -- do you want your media taken from you or your liberty?
Censorship really bugs me. Bush's inability to separate church from state bugs me as well, but by marginally less. I guess that's why I "voted" for him by the Nader thing.
[quote]I mean, what if this crap existed back in the 30's? Good old FDR wouldn't have been able to jog with those polio-riddled steel-braced legs of his. [/quote]
They need to keep a president or two on ice for when both parties really can't nominate anyone other than a thug. Like how Ted Williams is currently frozen. If we were going to end up in a patriarchy, which we practically are now, why couldn't it have been FDR or Taft or whoever who provided the brood? Why this Bush Sr "Read My Lips" horseshit?