by RetroRomper » Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:50 am
... Or a new form.
After carefully scheduling out my money and purchasing high quality goods to replace everything I touch on a daily basis, I discovered that my major expenses can be broken down into three categories:
1. Eating out (restaurants and take out): laziness and a lack of care for my health, diet, etc. and I tend to "eat my feelings" which when a depressive episode occurs, means I'm randomly grabbing a $7 burrito every day.
2. Potential kitchen appliances: in the interests of eating in, I've splurged on a $800 stand mixer, a good wok, blender, etc. This has gone a bit too far though, as I've caught myself looking at specialty appliances such as a $446 grinder, a $300 centrifuge, a $600 noodle maker, and a $220 pressure cooker (after already spending $550 on a sous vide machine).
I may have a problem.
3. Supporting Friends: I pay off ones $130 monthly school loan payment so that they can focus on creating their dream video game and learning Unity. Another's monthly bill comes to over $300 a month for studio space and misc.
Number 3 isn't a category I'm going to refine as opposed to eliminate or slim down and I'm happy to say that I've eliminated eating out and have pulled back on making large appliance purchases.
We'll see how it goes!
... Or a new form.
After carefully scheduling out my money and purchasing high quality goods to replace everything I touch on a daily basis, I discovered that my major expenses can be broken down into three categories:
1. Eating out (restaurants and take out): laziness and a lack of care for my health, diet, etc. and I tend to "eat my feelings" which when a depressive episode occurs, means I'm randomly grabbing a $7 burrito every day.
2. Potential kitchen appliances: in the interests of eating in, I've splurged on a $800 stand mixer, a good wok, blender, etc. This has gone a bit too far though, as I've caught myself looking at specialty appliances such as a $446 grinder, a $300 centrifuge, a $600 noodle maker, and a $220 pressure cooker (after already spending $550 on a sous vide machine).
I may have a problem.
3. Supporting Friends: I pay off ones $130 monthly school loan payment so that they can focus on creating their dream video game and learning Unity. Another's monthly bill comes to over $300 a month for studio space and misc.
Number 3 isn't a category I'm going to refine as opposed to eliminate or slim down and I'm happy to say that I've eliminated eating out and have pulled back on making large appliance purchases.
We'll see how it goes!