I Got Fucked Over By An Immovable Man

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Expand view Topic review: I Got Fucked Over By An Immovable Man

by Tdarcos » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:45 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The Genesis Device was worth every last bit. It is outstanding. There were some bugs that I had to fix with it, and it does one thing wrong where the x and y co-ordinates are swapped, but I can deal with that. (It just means maps that players make won't look like the maps I code against.)

But here is a warm, manly handshake for a job well-done when it comes to the Genesis Device. And I genuinely hope you are open to additional tools programming in the future.
Thank you. I just lucked out, I found a program in Delphi that generates grids. I then ran the converter in Lazarus to convert the objects over, and did some minor translating to compile it under Free Pascal. Then when you mentioned you needed a program to create a grid, I realized I had that program, all I had to do was have it write the grid out as Hugo code.

So I basically had to implement a call to the "Save File" dialog (which, as it turned out, I had previously written because I needed it for Cetka's map editor save routine), and then have it write the output to a file in the format that Hugo wants for its room descriptions.

It just happened that everything came together at just the right time of pieces I already had, that I was able to implement it as fast as I did.

I guess that it's fortunate that I'm a big collector of code and documentation. My "programming" directory alone on my Buffalo Network Attached Storage (NAS) has (I have it written down in big numbers on a note on my door) 257,289 files in 50,642 directories, and uses 50,287,473,963 bytes.

I just reran this. I started it at 12:15am, it took until 12:43, and the new count is

Total Files Listed:
357852 File(s) 89,071,562,337 bytes
87063 Dir(s) 252,989,022,208 bytes free

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:53 pm

Or otherwise, give me a number on what you think the Genesis device was worth, I will give you a refund. I had no intention of cheating you and I will do what I can to make up for it.
The Genesis Device was worth every last bit. It is outstanding. There were some bugs that I had to fix with it, and it does one thing wrong where the x and y co-ordinates are swapped, but I can deal with that. (It just means maps that players make won't look like the maps I code against.)

We joke around a lot on this BBS. I realize I don't make that clear. But that's my thing.

But here is a warm, manly handshake for a job well-done when it comes to the Genesis Device. And I genuinely hope you are open to additional tools programming in the future.

Re: I have to answer this

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:36 pm

Tdarcos wrote:I have to answer this, and in view of the content I <s>may</s> will be ignoring the 10-line limit.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos FUCKED ME OVER. Get a load of this shit.

A few months ago that fucking asshole was crying that his finances were in such poor shape that he needed $70 or he was going to be out on the streets.
Go back and read what I said on Caltrops, way back when. I said I made a horrible mistake in which I was going to end up losing a bunch of my domain names. I never said it was going to get me evicted or even implied it.
I, the guy that he is CONSTANTLY "trying to give shit to" (you can start sneer quotes when talking about Paul, but I've found you can make the sneering last a longun while) bailed him out. I asked for the Genesis Device and a review of Gateway and Gateway 2.
As for Gateway, I got stuck on it. I asked for a hint, I heard nothing. Then you remembered and noticed and said go on to Gateway 2.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I got the Genesis Device. So he did well there.

But the reviews of those two text games? No! I did not!
Oh yes, I did. I did as much of the first one as I could get through. It's so old there is no help around. More than once I said - publicly - I was stuck on Gateway and asked for a hint. My last post for the first game was on 06/20/2013 with part 18b. On 06/26/2013 I posted publicly that I was stuck and needed a hint. And when I kept asking and got no response, I said, "Okay, I'll wait until he comes back and says something, as soon as he either can give me a hint or the second game, I'll start on it." I got nothing for the first game.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:And then I got busy with stuff and forgot.
Yeah, for a month, on 07/08/2013 that's when you decide to tell me go on to the second game.

And like him, I have a life to live including the fact I am a disabled man who has problems of his own including regularly being in pain, who gets tired and has to take naps from time-to-time because some weeks I get very tired and other weeks I don't have problems.
I have called him out on Caltrops and will attempt to make him feel bad or give the money back. That asshole.

I regret ever feeling bad for him.
You know, if you have a problem, it might be better if you posted it in a place where I wasn't banned at the time, or said something sooner. Then I might have noticed. I got busy with lots of other things and forgot about the second game. And you never did say you were mad enough to want your money back.

Look, you want me to finish the review of the first game, get me a hint to get past where I'm stuck, I'd like to know how to continue myself but I can't figure out what is wrong. As for the second game, I forgot it. I have many things that get me in problems including that I have trigger finger (that's a crippling condition in the fingers the way carpal tunnel syndrome hits the wrist), your hand seizes up like a claw and you're in extreme pain; I've found getting to a faucet and soaking your hand in warm water will often release trigger finger. I have strange pain in the bottom of my feet even though I've changed my eating habits to some extent; I thought it was related to my diabetes which I am trying to get under control.

I will admit, I forgot about the second game, I was on it and had to stop for a bit but I'll go back to it. But you need to stop getting exercise by jumping to conclusions. Did you ever think that maybe I have medical conditions and things that take my mind off minor issues?

And when you don't notice and say nothing - especially when I ask for help - after a week, two weeks, three weeks, a month, that maybe I'm going to possibly forget? You don't have to be nagging, did you ever consider that a simple reminder when you didn't see anything after two or three weeks and ask what's wrong.

I don't think I'm selfish. I think maybe that things like my existing medical conditions can cause me to take my mind off minor issues and then I can forget them.

I mean, hey, what do you want? Do you want me to finish the reviews of both games? I need some hint to get past the problem I pointed out in part 18b, and I'd like to actually finish that game. As for part 2, I have no excuse, I simply forgot it, although I will say that with the holidays coming up it was easy for that to happen.

Or otherwise, give me a number on what you think the Genesis device was worth, I will give you a refund. I had no intention of cheating you and I will do what I can to make up for it.

So, if you want me to finish the review of part 2, say so and I'll go back to it. If you want me to finish part 1, find me a hint so I can get past where I'm stuck.

Or in the alternative, give me a number for the value of the program I was able to implement for you, and I'll give you a refund for the difference, since you said you were satisfied with that part of what I did.

If you had said you were completely unsatisified with everything I'd give you a refund of the whole $70.

I'd like to try to be fair and give you what you want to the extent I am capable of doing so.
I feel it would be less trouble getting you through an ACTUAL real-life gate.

by The Happiness Engine » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:40 am

I've been liking Fables.

by Tdarcos » Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:38 am

RetroRomper wrote:I'd suggest creating content so we can have other things to talk about instead of asking the impossible.

For example, can you rec. any interesting indie comics (or Image, Dark Horse, etc) / arcs within the usual suspects (Batman, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, etc) that may be worth reading?
I don't read <s>comic books</s> graphic novels, although there was a big discussion in the movie "Crimson Tide" where the XO states to one of the crew members after a riot almost breaks out on the subject that everyone who reads Comic Books knows the Kirby Silver Surfer is the only true Silver Surfer.

by RetroRomper » Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:08 am

I'd suggest creating content so we can have other things to talk about instead of asking the impossible.

For example, can you rec. any interesting indie comics (or Image, Dark Horse, etc) / arcs within the usual suspects (Batman, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, etc) that may be worth reading?

by lethargic » Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:27 am

Stop talking.

by Tdarcos » Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:41 pm

lethargic wrote:Nobody cares about any of this.
I do. I have broken both of the two rules I agreed to in order to get reinstated because I felt this issue was critical. I have thought of Jonsey and perhaps a few others around here as my friends or at least as acquaintances or associates of mine.

I want my actions known so that they can be understood and realize, hey, I'm not acting irresponsibly or with malice or to be mean, nasty or with misconduct. I'm just an ordinary person who has problems because of my disability and I sometimes make mistakes. And if I have made a mistake, I want to fix it if it's at all possible.

But this is an issue I can't summarize to 10 lines and in a single message, and it is extremely imperative that I solve this problem to the satisfactory resolution of everyone.

by lethargic » Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:17 pm

Nobody cares about any of this.

by Flack » Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:39 pm

I'm confused, are you referring to the time I was run over by a car when I was six, or the time my brother was hit by a bus?

by Tdarcos » Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:24 pm

Flack wrote:So what's the problem with the first game, are you stuck or something?
I guess I can understand, your automobile accident has caused you injuries and possibly comprehension problems. I said, I got up to my 18th posting about Frederick Pohl's first game, and could not continue:

http://www.caltrops.com/pointy.php?acti ... pid=156902

by Flack » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:52 pm

So what's the problem with the first game, are you stuck or something?

Re: I Got Fucked Over By An Immovable Man

by Tdarcos » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:45 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos FUCKED ME OVER. Get a load of this shit.
I'll drop part of that for the moment. Since you did say that you wanted the game reviews, I'll go back to part 2 and continue reviewing the second game unless you tell me you want a refund.

If you can get me some hint to get past the place where I'm stumped in review part 18b, I'll go back and try to finish my review of part I. I actually would like to find out what happens in the game.

I do not have any qualms about stopping my review of part 1 nor do I think I did anything wrong. I mentioned specifically, in public, that I was stuck and couldn't get past the point where I was stuck on that game and could not find a way past the place where I was stuck.

As for part 2, no excuses, I simply forgot, which can happen when you're in pain a lot and remembering to do a review of a game kind of falls way down on the list when other things like trying to not be in pain are significantly more imperative.

Jonsey, do you understand the difference between things that are more important than others and things that are more imperative even if they're not more important? On April 14, if your taxes aren't done and your toilet backs up and starts flooding, they are both important but the toilet overflow is probably more imperative. It has to be done right away even though both of them need immediate attention. Then if something otherwise important doesn't nag at you, it can get forgotten. A person probably won't forget their income tax return - I actually file corporate returns in January because, being disabled I do not file personal income tax but corporations have to file state and Federal even if they have $0 in income - but things that are not really important or that were not as imperative can get forgotten, especially if they don't have something reminding them or other things that become very imperative get in the way in the interim.

I have had to learn about that with "blocking." Sometimes I'll go out to the kitchen to get a snack or a meal, and I'll go to do something to fix it, discover that I don't have something I need and go in my room to get it.

Then I sometimes forget why I went back in. So I have a new rule, I call it the "10 second rule," and it works great. If I go to do something or get something and forget, I spend a maximum of 10 seconds trying to remember why I'm there, then go back where I was. One of three things will happen. Either (1) I can just continue, which means I didn't really need whatever it was I went after, (2) I will go to continue and discover I am "blocked", only this time because I've really been slammed by the block I won't forget why I went to get whatever it was, and I'll successfully get whatever it was I needed in the first place, or (3) something else happens that is more imperative to what I was doing and that has to be taken care of before I can go back to the original item (like if the phone rings or someone knocks on the door).

But no longer allowing forgetting something put me in action panic and allowing things to be dropped if I forget why I needed them after 10 seconds of forgetting why, has allowed me to get more things done. It does, however, sometimes mean I forget some things that are not really as imperative.

I have to answer this

by Tdarcos » Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:14 pm

I have to answer this, and in view of the content I <s>may</s> will be ignoring the 10-line limit.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos FUCKED ME OVER. Get a load of this shit.

A few months ago that fucking asshole was crying that his finances were in such poor shape that he needed $70 or he was going to be out on the streets.
Go back and read what I said on Caltrops, way back when. I said I made a horrible mistake in which I was going to end up losing a bunch of my domain names. I never said it was going to get me evicted or even implied it.
I, the guy that he is CONSTANTLY "trying to give shit to" (you can start sneer quotes when talking about Paul, but I've found you can make the sneering last a longun while) bailed him out. I asked for the Genesis Device and a review of Gateway and Gateway 2.
As for Gateway, I got stuck on it. I asked for a hint, I heard nothing. Then you remembered and noticed and said go on to Gateway 2.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I got the Genesis Device. So he did well there.

But the reviews of those two text games? No! I did not!
Oh yes, I did. I did as much of the first one as I could get through. It's so old there is no help around. More than once I said - publicly - I was stuck on Gateway and asked for a hint. My last post for the first game was on 06/20/2013 with part 18b. On 06/26/2013 I posted publicly that I was stuck and needed a hint. And when I kept asking and got no response, I said, "Okay, I'll wait until he comes back and says something, as soon as he either can give me a hint or the second game, I'll start on it." I got nothing for the first game.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:And then I got busy with stuff and forgot.
Yeah, for a month, on 07/08/2013 that's when you decide to tell me go on to the second game.

And like him, I have a life to live including the fact I am a disabled man who has problems of his own including regularly being in pain, who gets tired and has to take naps from time-to-time because some weeks I get very tired and other weeks I don't have problems.
I have called him out on Caltrops and will attempt to make him feel bad or give the money back. That asshole.

I regret ever feeling bad for him.
You know, if you have a problem, it might be better if you posted it in a place where I wasn't banned at the time, or said something sooner. Then I might have noticed. I got busy with lots of other things and forgot about the second game. And you never did say you were mad enough to want your money back.

Look, you want me to finish the review of the first game, get me a hint to get past where I'm stuck, I'd like to know how to continue myself but I can't figure out what is wrong. As for the second game, I forgot it. I have many things that get me in problems including that I have trigger finger (that's a crippling condition in the fingers the way carpal tunnel syndrome hits the wrist), your hand seizes up like a claw and you're in extreme pain; I've found getting to a faucet and soaking your hand in warm water will often release trigger finger. I have strange pain in the bottom of my feet even though I've changed my eating habits to some extent; I thought it was related to my diabetes which I am trying to get under control.

I will admit, I forgot about the second game, I was on it and had to stop for a bit but I'll go back to it. But you need to stop getting exercise by jumping to conclusions. Did you ever think that maybe I have medical conditions and things that take my mind off minor issues?

And when you don't notice and say nothing - especially when I ask for help - after a week, two weeks, three weeks, a month, that maybe I'm going to possibly forget? You don't have to be nagging, did you ever consider that a simple reminder when you didn't see anything after two or three weeks and ask what's wrong.

I don't think I'm selfish. I think maybe that things like my existing medical conditions can cause me to take my mind off minor issues and then I can forget them.

I mean, hey, what do you want? Do you want me to finish the reviews of both games? I need some hint to get past the problem I pointed out in part 18b, and I'd like to actually finish that game. As for part 2, I have no excuse, I simply forgot it, although I will say that with the holidays coming up it was easy for that to happen.

Or otherwise, give me a number on what you think the Genesis device was worth, I will give you a refund. I had no intention of cheating you and I will do what I can to make up for it.

So, if you want me to finish the review of part 2, say so and I'll go back to it. If you want me to finish part 1, find me a hint so I can get past where I'm stuck.

Or in the alternative, give me a number for the value of the program I was able to implement for you, and I'll give you a refund for the difference, since you said you were satisfied with that part of what I did.

If you had said you were completely unsatisified with everything I'd give you a refund of the whole $70.

I'd like to try to be fair and give you what you want to the extent I am capable of doing so.

by Retro » Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:49 am

A "Best of!" would be great, but also just directed to where all of this Tdarcos drama is taking place would be fine too!

by ICJ » Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:15 am


Do you want some sort of "greatest hits" recommendation for funny and/or dramatic threads? I can give you those.

The number one problem of Caltrops is that there are 10 years of the funniest people in the world saying the most horrible things they can think of to each other, but by default a new reader can't instantly find any of it.

by Retro » Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:52 am

The plethora of forums on Caltrops confuses me: where exactly should I go to watch the drama unfold?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:45 pm

Well, he sperged out on Caltrops. Now I don't feel like getting into it. I just want my Gateway reviews. That's all. That's all I want.

by Flack » Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:19 am

He has multiple jobs (from what I understand) that are performed at home. I believe he writes code, does web development, and a few other things for cash. And, now, milks ICJ.

by RealNC » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:06 am

Isn't there social security especially for people with disabilities? Can they actually end up on the street? It's not like you can just go out and find a job if you're in that situation.
