Let's hear from Carolina Bunky.

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Topic review

Expand view Topic review: Let's hear from Carolina Bunky.

by Worm_Session » Mon Apr 21, 2003 8:25 pm

I'd like a picture of you eating soup. I'm going to post a picture of me eating soup.

I just struggled over using "eating soup" or "enjoying soup" I just thought how you could be dirty and enjoy soup.

by bruce » Mon Apr 21, 2003 8:00 pm

nessman wrote:Ask to see her tits.
None of these fucking Rochesterians will show me their tits. It sucks. I even <i>signed up</i> for groucho.org to get an ogle of loafergirl's breasts. And nothing. A little "censored" sign. Sheesh!


by nessman » Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:56 pm


by Jack Straw » Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:53 pm

be prepared to be disappointed...

by Ben » Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:34 pm

Also, this is not the sort of thing I had in mind when I started this thread. I don't see why it's so hard to get even a short essay from Carolina Bunky on her thoughts on, for instance, topical news events, or philosophical theoreticals, or other such substantive thoughts.

Very disappointing. VERY disappointing.

by bruce » Mon Apr 21, 2003 4:25 pm

You people are screwing up my line length and I don't appreciate it.



by Vitriola » Mon Apr 21, 2003 2:28 pm


by nessman » Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:49 pm


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:25 pm

Carolina Bunky wrote:Saturday Night:
"Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy?

Sunday Night:

"Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house?"

and so on and so forth.

Then again, when he gets older, it will be:

Friday Night:

"Grandma Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma, Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma, Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma, Baseball, Grandma Baseball, Grandma Baseball... "

They grow up so fast and all.

by Carolina Bunky » Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:22 pm

Saturday Night:

"Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball? Daddy? Baseball?:

Sunday Night:

"Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house? Go to Grandma's house?"

and so on and so forth.

by nessman » Sun Apr 20, 2003 6:50 pm

I had to pull a "NO JACK!" to my kid after an hour of nonstop "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?" "Thomas?"

You know - Thomas the Tank Engine?

by Carolina Bunky » Sat Apr 19, 2003 7:50 pm

AArdvark wrote:Share the latest reasons that you had to say "No, John!" in a sharp voice.
When I wanted him to stay up on our bed so he would take a nap, but he kept saying he wanted to go back downstairs (he was really really really tired and fell asleep about two minutes after this).

When it was time to leave the playground and he kept running away from me.

I'm sure there are others from today....you kind of forget them after a while.

by AArdvark » Sat Apr 19, 2003 6:57 pm

Share the latest reasons that you had to say "No, John!" in a sharp voice.


by Carolina » Sat Apr 19, 2003 8:52 am

I smell like ass.

by Ben » Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:16 pm

Very disappointing.

Come on, Carolina Bunky! You've got so much to share! Let's hear some of your innermost thoughts!

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:33 pm

Go Carolina Bunky!!

by Carolina Bunky » Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:34 pm


I'm watching baseball and deciding what I'm going to do tomorrow because the weather's supposed to be nice....

by Ben » Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:09 pm

Give us a few of your latest philosophical-type thoughts! What's going on in the mind of Carolina Bunky lately, that's what the kids want to find out.

by Carolina Bunky » Fri Apr 18, 2003 6:52 pm

What d'ya wanna hear?

by Ben » Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:31 pm

I demand to hear from Carolina Bunky in this thread.

This is the last time I will ask nicely.
