danzaland wrote:Abu Abbas was captured recently in Iraq. A member of the Palestinian Liberation Front responsible for the hijacking of the Achille Lauro in 1985, Abbas has openly denounced the attacks on September 11th, among others.
Oh, he denounced the 9/11/02 attacks... how nice. Dahmer was probably denouncing the food served in the cafeteria at jail.
It's nice to see that Abbas has a "limit" to just what is and what is not denouncable, though. Throwing a handicapped 69 year old guy off a boat with his body still in the wheelchair? COMEDY GOLD! Hahahahahaha! Crashing four planes into three buildings and the ground? Wait, that's not funny.
What sort of forum did the guy use to "denounce" the attacks, anyway? Does turning a hostage situation into a poorly-organized Monty Python skit get you a half-hour television show somewhere, or did he just start moping and crying about how sorry he is that he's a reprehensible piece of human garbage on Diaryland, and then go be link buddies with the guys who are all shook up about blowing up that plane over Lacherbie?
Mood: Sad!
This recent touch of flu has severely limited the number of groin-punches I've been able to give to the blind recently.
But the United States government will use his capture to try and form a link between the Iraqi state and groups that can be sold to the American public as “terrorist threats”.
Okay, but if America were really the Great Satan and did things according to fundamental Muslim law, Abu here would have his legs broken and be thrown into Mississippi to see how much fun
he thinks it is.
OK, one other thing. In all honesty I don't necessarily disagree with the guy on much of what he has to say.
Oil pipelines into Syria have been shut off. Guess who’s next.
Er... whoever else Iraq was illegally supplying with oil?
Seriously, the guys doing the bang-up job running Syria right now ought to be praying nightly for the sheer number of Americans who really don't want to see us over in the Middle East, and the fact that they are as vocal as they are.
"hay guyz oops oh whats this p1pel1ne doing here heh lo11erz ops plz"
So, the French had oil contracts, the Russians had been selling the Iraqis weapons on the sly and the Syrians were sucking oil from Iraq in a manner not unlike some war protestors' wettest, sexiest dream. The only guys who were opposed to the war due to real principle and not because they didn't want their dirty little secrets being exposed seems to be Germany. FREAKING GERMANY. 50 years ago they had the most evil civilization in the history of the known universe, and now they are coming off as some kind of Superman and Optimus Prime-raised lovechild and the only guys left with any kind of moral highground.
If somebody had written all this up and sold it as a futuristic fiction novel 5 years ago, the author would be dragged from his home and set ablaze for making up too much unrealistic stupid shit.
[quote="danzaland"]Abu Abbas was captured recently in Iraq. A member of the Palestinian Liberation Front responsible for the hijacking of the Achille Lauro in 1985, Abbas has openly denounced the attacks on September 11th, among others. [/quote]
Oh, he denounced the 9/11/02 attacks... how nice. Dahmer was probably denouncing the food served in the cafeteria at jail.
It's nice to see that Abbas has a "limit" to just what is and what is not denouncable, though. Throwing a handicapped 69 year old guy off a boat with his body still in the wheelchair? COMEDY GOLD! Hahahahahaha! Crashing four planes into three buildings and the ground? Wait, that's not funny.
What sort of forum did the guy use to "denounce" the attacks, anyway? Does turning a hostage situation into a poorly-organized Monty Python skit get you a half-hour television show somewhere, or did he just start moping and crying about how sorry he is that he's a reprehensible piece of human garbage on Diaryland, and then go be link buddies with the guys who are all shook up about blowing up that plane over Lacherbie?
[b][i]Mood:[/b] Sad! :sad: This recent touch of flu has severely limited the number of groin-punches I've been able to give to the blind recently.[/i]
[quote]But the United States government will use his capture to try and form a link between the Iraqi state and groups that can be sold to the American public as “terrorist threats”. [/quote]
Okay, but if America were really the Great Satan and did things according to fundamental Muslim law, Abu here would have his legs broken and be thrown into Mississippi to see how much fun [i]he[/i] thinks it is.
OK, one other thing. In all honesty I don't necessarily disagree with the guy on much of what he has to say.
[quote]Oil pipelines into Syria have been shut off. Guess who’s next.[/quote]
Er... whoever else Iraq was illegally supplying with oil?
Seriously, the guys doing the bang-up job running Syria right now ought to be praying nightly for the sheer number of Americans who really don't want to see us over in the Middle East, and the fact that they are as vocal as they are.
"hay guyz oops oh whats this p1pel1ne doing here heh lo11erz ops plz"
So, the French had oil contracts, the Russians had been selling the Iraqis weapons on the sly and the Syrians were sucking oil from Iraq in a manner not unlike some war protestors' wettest, sexiest dream. The only guys who were opposed to the war due to real principle and not because they didn't want their dirty little secrets being exposed seems to be Germany. FREAKING GERMANY. 50 years ago they had the most evil civilization in the history of the known universe, and now they are coming off as some kind of Superman and Optimus Prime-raised lovechild and the only guys left with any kind of moral highground.
If somebody had written all this up and sold it as a futuristic fiction novel 5 years ago, the author would be dragged from his home and set ablaze for making up too much unrealistic stupid shit.