by Roody_Yogurt » Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:07 pm
I got through "The Pawn" with a walkthrough, so I know it can be done (of course, it helps to use one of those Windows interpreters so you can have the walkthrough up in another window). Not a very satisfying experience (not because walkthroughs ruin games, just because MS games have so little actual *payoff*) but hey, it was one of the first MS games I was able to put aside and say, ok, I'm done with you.
Anyone who has the patience to beat "The Guild of Thieves" with a walkthrough has my total respect, though. Just looking at the steps involved in the endgame make me think, man, I will never play more than 20 moves into that game ever again.
It's a shame, though, since MS games do a lot to make you really want to like them. If I had more time than sense, I could imagine writing remakes where the crappy parts of the games are dropped, the infuriating parser is fixed, and satisfying endings are added.
I got through "The Pawn" with a walkthrough, so I know it can be done (of course, it helps to use one of those Windows interpreters so you can have the walkthrough up in another window). Not a very satisfying experience (not because walkthroughs ruin games, just because MS games have so little actual *payoff*) but hey, it was one of the first MS games I was able to put aside and say, ok, I'm done with you.
Anyone who has the patience to beat "The Guild of Thieves" with a walkthrough has my total respect, though. Just looking at the steps involved in the endgame make me think, man, I will never play more than 20 moves into that game ever again.
It's a shame, though, since MS games do a lot to make you really want to like them. If I had more time than sense, I could imagine writing remakes where the crappy parts of the games are dropped, the infuriating parser is fixed, and satisfying endings are added.