by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:36 am
Come on now, Milker. We're still boys.
I may have tapped myself out buying pieces of my childhood from the 80s, though. The thing is, I am running out of areas to keep this crap around.
OK, this message is going to get very BOP here in a second. Anyone who still wants to look at my content with even a smidgen of respect should probably head over to the King's Quarters or something, where we will be talking about beer and hockey.
OK, on my desk at home (the "programming desk," natch) I've got my Magnetic Scrolls games and copy of Zork I for the IBM next to my speakers. The Bomberman guy is hanging from the wall. And "Blaster" there (you know, the red and yellow ghetto blaster) is also kicking about. I think that is juuuuuuuuuuust barely enough to provide a nice environment without causing it to be the anti-Spanish Fly. I don't think I can drop any more 80s crap around it without coming off as a doofus.
I dunno. I should post pictures. Maybe we should do that. "Post pictures of your work / computer area."
Ah, we'll see. What the hell, I speak to you on the phone like ten times a day anyway, Milk, we can surely settle this without there being a permanent written record.
Come on now, Milker. We're still boys.
I may have tapped myself out buying pieces of my childhood from the 80s, though. The thing is, I am running out of areas to keep this crap around.
OK, this message is going to get very BOP here in a second. Anyone who still wants to look at my content with even a smidgen of respect should probably head over to the King's Quarters or something, where we will be talking about beer and hockey.
OK, on my desk at home (the "programming desk," natch) I've got my Magnetic Scrolls games and copy of Zork I for the IBM next to my speakers. The Bomberman guy is hanging from the wall. And "Blaster" there (you know, the red and yellow ghetto blaster) is also kicking about. I think that is juuuuuuuuuuust barely enough to provide a nice environment without causing it to be the anti-Spanish Fly. I don't think I can drop any more 80s crap around it without coming off as a doofus.
I dunno. I should post pictures. Maybe we should do that. "Post pictures of your work / computer area."
Ah, we'll see. What the hell, I speak to you on the phone like ten times a day anyway, Milk, we can surely settle this without there being a permanent written record.