by pinback » Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:09 pm
Okay, this is just stupid now, and I realize what my problem was. I cared. I felt, why play a game that takes 20 hours to play, if you're just going to lose at the end? So my fear of losing, my knowledge that I have no idea how to min/max and have no concept of 4x strategy even though I've loved the genre for 25 years has kept me from actually playing these fucking things.
Well, we're gonna play them. We're going to play ALL OF THEM. Are you ready to play all of them? Because I'm going to play ALL OF THEM, win or lose, and I'm going to do my best, and I will suck and lose at them, but god fucking dammit, at least I'll have PLAYED THE FUCKING GAMES I say I love so much.
Here's the list of 4x games in my window, which I will PLAY ONE FULL GAME OF. For christ's sake. And if I lose on like turn 3, I'll PLAY IT AGAIN. I want the FULL EXPERIENCE you bitches.
I want the XCOM SQUAD in Civ 5. (To my credit, I have actually completed a couple games of Civ 5, so it will probably come last.)
Here we go. Here are the games in the list:
- Endless Space
- Fallen Enchantress
- Sword of the Stars 1 (I have SOTS2 but there is no way I will play that shit if you paid me by the turn.)
- Warlock 2: The Exiled
- Pandora: First Contact
- Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire
- GalCiv 2
- Civ V
- Endless Legend (Early Access)
I would include the GC3 alpha but it's so lame right now there's no point, even though it's awesome. Come on, goddammit. Time to PLAY SOME GAMES.
I will record my progress here.
The above list is NOT in the order it will be played, although Endless Space is first, because jesus fuck, how long have I had that game and I've completed one? One? ONE game that lasted more than 30 minutes?
So my new approach is, who gives a fuck. I'll do my best, but hey, it's just a game. I don't know why I get my ego so involved in this shit. If you do that, you'll never be a gamer, because you will lose a lot unless you DEDICATE yourself, and then you'll just lose a lot to people even more dedicated.
Can't I just have fucking FUN WITH MY GAMES? FOR ONCE? PLEASE?
Anyway. Here we go.
Sorry for all the drama, but I disgust myself and can't figure out why I won't just play a goddamn video game without being nervous about it.
Okay, this is just stupid now, and I realize what my problem was. [i]I cared.[/i] I felt, why play a game that takes 20 hours to play, if you're just going to lose at the end? So my fear of losing, my [i]knowledge[/i] that I have no idea how to min/max and have no concept of 4x strategy even though I've loved the genre for 25 years has kept me from actually [i]playing[/i] these fucking things.
Well, we're gonna play them. We're going to play ALL OF THEM. Are you ready to play all of them? Because I'm going to play ALL OF THEM, win or lose, and I'm going to do my best, and I will suck and lose at them, but god fucking dammit, at least I'll have PLAYED THE FUCKING GAMES I say I love so much.
Here's the list of 4x games in my window, which I will PLAY ONE FULL GAME OF. For christ's sake. And if I lose on like turn 3, I'll PLAY IT AGAIN. I want the FULL EXPERIENCE you bitches.
I want the XCOM SQUAD in Civ 5. (To my credit, I have actually completed a couple games of Civ 5, so it will probably come last.)
Here we go. Here are the games in the list:
- Endless Space
- Fallen Enchantress
- Sword of the Stars 1 (I have SOTS2 but there is no way I will play that shit if you paid me by the turn.)
- Warlock 2: The Exiled
- Pandora: First Contact
- Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire
- GalCiv 2
- Civ V
- Endless Legend (Early Access)
I would include the GC3 alpha but it's so lame right now there's no point, even though it's awesome. Come on, goddammit. Time to PLAY SOME GAMES.
I will record my progress here.
The above list is NOT in the order it will be played, although Endless Space is first, because jesus fuck, how long have I had that game and I've completed one? One? ONE game that lasted more than 30 minutes?
So my new approach is, who gives a fuck. I'll do my best, but hey, it's just a game. I don't know why I get my ego so involved in this shit. If you do that, you'll never be a gamer, because you will lose a lot unless you DEDICATE yourself, and then you'll just lose a lot to people even more dedicated.
Can't I just have fucking FUN WITH MY GAMES? FOR ONCE? PLEASE?
Anyway. Here we go.
Sorry for all the drama, but I disgust myself and can't figure out why I won't just play a goddamn video game without being nervous about it.