Quick mock up in Paint
They kind of remind me of crazy eyes so...

0. Eyes of Sauron - Tolkein's Middle Earth ultimate Boss Baddy
1. Eyes of the Dragon (80s Stephen King reference - check out the
Russian edition cover art)
2. Eyes of March - Like Ides of March - A Seer warns Caesar "beware the Ides of March" for on that fateful day 60 Senators conspired to assassinate the self-proclaimed god. The throng converged upon him stabbing him repeatedly making a fine mess of the beautifully polished ornate marble tiles.
Some fun facts about the assassination left out of the popular G-rated version.
Eyes of a Stranger - 1981 Thriller with Jennifer Jason Leigh... theres another movie with the same name that came out later. And I stumbled upon one called Eyes of a Killer starring Richard Dean Anderson I had never heard of and now I want to see because I've never seen him play a bad guy.
pinback wrote:Here's my current favorite breakfast of all time, but it's missing the one element of a truly great dish: A name.
1. Two scoops cooked rice (Calrose, if possible)
2. One scoop of your favorite chili.
3. Two fried eggs, over easy.
1. Put #2 on top of #1.
2. Put #3 on top of #2.
Crazy Eyes' favorite pizza is oreo and french fries (Steve Buscemi in Mr. Deeds)

[img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21267578/misc/Pinback%27s%20Nameless%20Breakfast.png[/img]Quick mock up in Paint
They kind of remind me of crazy eyes so...
0. Eyes of Sauron - Tolkein's Middle Earth ultimate Boss Baddy
1. Eyes of the Dragon (80s Stephen King reference - check out the [url=http://stephenking.com/images/edition/393/eod.russian.jpg]Russian edition cover art[/url])
2. Eyes of March - Like Ides of March - A Seer warns Caesar "beware the Ides of March" for on that fateful day 60 Senators conspired to assassinate the self-proclaimed god. The throng converged upon him stabbing him repeatedly making a fine mess of the beautifully polished ornate marble tiles. [url=http://www.policymic.com/articles/29925/ides-of-march-10-facts-about-the-julius-caesar-assassination]Some fun facts about the assassination left out of the popular G-rated version.[/url]
3. [url=https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3637/3551191076_11a7da098c.jpg]Eyes of a Stranger[/url] - 1981 Thriller with Jennifer Jason Leigh... theres another movie with the same name that came out later. And I stumbled upon one called Eyes of a Killer starring Richard Dean Anderson I had never heard of and now I want to see because I've never seen him play a bad guy.
[quote="pinback"]Here's my current favorite breakfast of all time, but it's missing the one element of a truly great dish: A name.
1. Two scoops cooked rice (Calrose, if possible)
2. One scoop of your favorite chili.
3. Two fried eggs, over easy.
1. Put #2 on top of #1.
2. Put #3 on top of #2.[/quote][size=59][/size]
Crazy Eyes' favorite pizza is oreo and french fries (Steve Buscemi in Mr. Deeds)