Civilization: Beyond Earth

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Topic review

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:49 am

pinback wrote:He started to answer me on IM. I told him to answer me here.

So he logged back on, and then... didn't answer.

Interesting guy, this Retro.
Is that how it went? You tasted the Green Chile October Wasil and it spiraled from there?

by RetroRomper » Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:21 am

While Pinback failed in his quest to obtain Sobriety and thus fulfill the requirements to obtain Beyond Earth, I'm still going to buy it for him because:

1. The game is set in a far distant future.
2. In the far distant future, Pinback will likely be sober.

I'm going to assume that he'll have kicked the habit by 2100ish, so he wins the bet on a technically.

Congratulations, Pinner!

by pinback » Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:03 pm

He started to answer me on IM. I told him to answer me here.

So he logged back on, and then... didn't answer.

Interesting guy, this Retro.

by pinback » Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:32 am

Now wait, I need clarification on something:

Kathy and I (still) enjoy visiting brewpubs, not only for the brews, but for the food and atmosphere. Obviously ordering a beer would render this agreement null and void.

However, consider the following scenario, and let me know whether this violates the agreement:

1. I order my unsweetened iced tea with lemons.
2. Kathy orders their new Blueberry Scone White Belgian American India Pale Lager/Ale.
3. I sip my iced tea. It's delicious!
4. Kathy sips her beer. "Mmmm-MM!" she says. "Do you want to try it?
5. I say, "Sure, but just a tiny sip," and take a tiny sip, just to get the flavors and aromas. "Delicious! I still think I'll stick with my iced tea, though! Ha ha!"

Do I still get my game or what?

by pinback » Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:25 pm

by Flack » Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:21 pm


Civilization: Beyond Earth

by pinback » Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:52 am

106 days until the release of Civilization: Beyond Earth

Don Rogers fans already know that if I don't drink before then, I get that shit for FREE.

Will I make it?


