Let's discuss Mac OS X

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:55 pm

I guess the part that bugs me is that they have a Control, Apple and Options key and STILL have horseshit like "To take a screenshot, press these five keys at the same time."

Windows, for the longest time, was sort of bashful about their fake key. You could do things with it, but you could do all those things with real keys. Apple, Christ, they are jizzing in their hands about the Apple key. So why is there even a Control key?

(I suspect the Control key is a relic from the Apple ][ days. Control-G is BELL.)

by The Happiness Engine » Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:12 pm

RealNC wrote:You have to be either a MORON or MENTALLY ILL to actually buy Apple products.
Who the fuck pays for these things? Did you miss the part where we all said our employers handed them to us? The only Apple product I ever bought was a few-generations out of date iPod Nano. It cost me $25 or $50 and does exactly what I want it to do (grab 1G at random out of my library, play it at random for until I get bored, repeat.)

You want to talk Apple bullshit? I can't RDP to Windows machines because Apple wants me to create an account and link it a credit card to download a FREE app! And they made DAMN sure you can't down this, again, FREE software that they did not write from any fucking other place on the Internet.

OSX is a BSD laptop where everything always works and the interface is consistent and sane. You can even install something like macports or fink if you desperately want to install something from open source repos.

Confidential to ICJ in Colorado: Anytime you want to reflexively press ctrl-letter, it's instead that fucking butterfly thing, which I call "jobs." So copy is jobs-c, paste is jobs-v. This is rightly a pile of bullshit that I will not defend. ctrl if I remember rightly through the gin is right click, which you will use a lot of and the one button mouse is Apple GREATEST pile of bullshit, bar none. Plug a usb mouse in when you can and you'll see what I mean. Kill a hung app? right click. Use Outlook? right click. Use any browser? right click. I think the fact that every single application has "control-click" contextual menus is the biggest "you are a stupid fuck" ever sent in corporate history.

by Flack » Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:10 am

The last time I used a Mac was in the journalism room in college so... 93? 94? I'm afraid if I sat down behind the keyboard of a modern one it would give me the same feeling I got when I first saw Windows 8 -- which is, "I know what I want to do, but I don't know how to do it." It's amazing how a brand new interface can remove decades of knowledge and turn you into "that guy" who has to Google things like "add printer Windows 8" ...

When I started working at Best Buy we had 12 aisles of software in the software department. 10 1/2 were for the PC and then 1 1/2 were for the Mac. That made a big impression on me. I had already been using a PC for 10 years by that point, but I had a few friends who swore by the Mac and I had considered buying one. After seeing that it had no where near the same size library as the PC, I stuck with what I knew.

Today where I work we have a couple thousand servers and sixty thousand clients and they all run Windows. There's a small pocket of graphic artists that use Macs; we don't support them and I think they like it that way. I don't have anything against Macs anymore (I've seen the new iMac screens at the mall and they look beautiful) but that ship sailed for me a long time ago. The closest I suspect I'll ever be to owning one is all these iOS gadgets we have around the house.

by Jizaboz » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:50 am

RealNC wrote:You have to be either a MORON or MENTALLY ILL to actually buy Apple products.
No way in hell would I pay for this overpriced yuppie hipster shit.

by RealNC » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:12 pm

You have to be either a MORON or MENTALLY ILL to actually buy Apple products. Here's why:

You go into an Apple Store. You say that you want to connect your MacBook to your TV and need a cable.

"Sure, here it is. That would be $70."

You point out that this is way too expensive and that such cables for your PC only cost a fraction of that.

"Yes, but this is a magical Apple cable with pixie dust on it."

You realize that you don't have a choice anyway, since only Apple is allowed to sell those cables. So you bring out a $100 bill in order to pay.

"We don't accept cash payments. Only credit cards."

At that point you realize that this allows Apple to get your name and all other details from your credit card. Then you ask for a receipt.

"We don't give receipts on paper. We only send them to you by email."

You realize that this allows Apple to get your email address too and associate your purchases with your OS X account.

Then you walk out of the store.

Finally you realize that you're a moron.

by The Happiness Engine » Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:49 pm

Rebooting takes for FUCKING ever and not one hint is displayed between "your laptop is doing productive work" and "your laptop is showing a blank white screen because the video cable through the hinge has finally fucked off for good."

I like the multi-touch pad after some remapping: 2 fingers can 2d scroll anything too brig for a window and 3 fingers will flick me to another desktop. That flick is analogue-bouncy so you can pull the window over a LEETLE bit, see you have no new email, and fuck around some more.

I like a decent selection of widgets and 1 button access to them.

I like work paying holy shit TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!? to replace my dying one.

I like that this is the only laptop with a decent and not horrifying fucking stupid power connector. NO PUT A GIANT YELLOW BAYONET CONNECTOR ON MY BLACK LAPTOP TAIWAN. THANKS.

Ultimately it's not really a big deal but it's good for a Linux sysadmin and my other choices are Dells running Win8.

by Jizaboz » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:35 am

I've always hated most anything with an Apple logo on it, but I stuck with MacOS on my new work computer. I can actually get things done much faster on it now that I've learned the stupid shortcuts and tricks.. but a big part of that is probably due to the personal one the Macbook Pro replaced was a shitty 300$ Toshiba running Windoze 8.1

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:28 pm

The Happiness Engine wrote:You have to accept that some things just work differently. I love having a full bash suite. I love application management. I love Time Machine. I love that I never have to fucking configure XWindows or have Linux be unable to deal with a fucking driver.

It seems like a soft button, but holding down the power button for 5 seconds or so will hard power-off.

I hate it for watching video.
There is a button! Now we are getting somewhere, people. Now we are advancing the narrative.

I am ... okay, I guess I forgot about what a struggle it is to get Linux to do things sometimes. And I am actually pretty bitter that it fucked up my ability to log into my Cinnamon desktop after a reboot.

The only OS in the house that doesn't give me any shit is the Amiga downstairs. And to be honest, that's because for most of the time, it's powered off.

by RealNC » Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:09 am

I can't stand using OS X, so what I did is virtualize it. I run Linux as my main OS.

I use VMware Workstation and patched it so that it allows OS X as a guest OS. This is locked by default due to the license of OS X; it only allows you to virtualize it on a Mac, so only the Mac version of Workstation allows it. But after patching it, you can install OS X in the Linux and Windows versions too.

I also started the SSH service in OS X, so that I can login to the OS X shell without having to use the OS X interface.

Installing OS X in VMware works out of the box, btw. You don't need a hacked version of it. You just create an ISO of the original, pristine DMG as distributed by Apple and it installs and runs just fine.

This is a nice setup, since I can keep using my computer as I normally do, and when I need to use OS X for something, I just start VMware and get "OS X in a window."

by The Happiness Engine » Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:44 am

You have to accept that some things just work differently. I love having a full bash suite. I love application management. I love Time Machine. I love that I never have to fucking configure XWindows or have Linux be unable to deal with a fucking driver.

It seems like a soft button, but holding down the power button for 5 seconds or so will hard power-off.

I hate it for watching video.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:54 am

What on earth is the rationale behind, "You have to work with a Macbook"? Windows has most of the software for it, and Linux the rest.

I would understand (and welcome) "You have to work with Ubuntu."

I do not enjoy that the Mac OS terminal defaults you to /Users/username instead of /home/username.

Re: Let's discuss Mac OS X

by Tdarcos » Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:28 pm

pinback wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You know what, there is nothing I've seen so far that has otherwise been remotely better than Windows or any Linux distro I've used so far.
As a recent "you have to work with a Macbook" guy myself, I can tell you, your opinion is not likely to change.

Jesus, what a pile.
I was a little irritated when I first started using OS X because some key sequences do not work the same; pressing END does not go to the end of line, it goes to the end of the page/document. Firefox works more-or-less the same on Mac vs. Windows except when a Flash application is used because Adobe/Macromedia never released it for the PowerPC so you can't watch YouTube videos.

Positioning of the control buttons/boxes on a window is a matter of convention and was arbitrary. I played Transport Tycoon for years, and now have Open TTD which puts the close box on the left (because that was how the original DOS application did it). I can handle whatever is in use as long as it's consistent.

This was exactly the reason I bought an inexpensive Mac desktop machine a couple years ago, so I could get my feet wet on OS X for not a lot of money and learn the differences.

Re: Let's discuss Mac OS X

by pinback » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:55 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You know what, there is nothing I've seen so far that has otherwise been remotely better than Windows or any Linux distro I've used so far.
As a recent "you have to work with a Macbook" guy myself, I can tell you, your opinion is not likely to change.

Jesus, what a pile.

Let's discuss Mac OS X

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:50 pm

Greetings! I started a new job and I was given a Mac Book to do work with. Let's talk about the things we like and dislike about Mac OS X.


I don't care for the fact that the window manipulation buttons are on the left side of the window instead of the right.

Is there a power button on the thing? I feel there is not.

How many buttons to take a screenshot? Four?


I like that one of the screenshot options lets me draw a box around what I want to be screenshotted.

You know what, there is nothing I've seen so far that has otherwise been remotely better than Windows or any Linux distro I've used so far.


It's not awful, it's just ... incomplete? I don't see anyone wanting to use them if you've spent a lot of time in Windows or Ubuntu. I guess the weird thing with Macs is, they will identify something you need to do rarely (like physically power off the device because the keyboard isn't working) and they will just remove that from the computer. Liiiiiiiike with ejecting floppy disks! Ha ha.

Thank god the terminal is Unixy though. They did that write, Windows could learn from that!
