This is a thread called "Awesome prepackaged stuff from

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Expand view Topic review: This is a thread called "Awesome prepackaged stuff from

by AArdvark » Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:26 pm

Would it make good bird food? It looks like wild bird food guaranteed to attract 40 percent more songbirds than other leading brands or your money back see bottom of box for details

by pinback » Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:30 am

Other than having nothing in common with it, it is exactly like it.

by AArdvark » Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:23 am

Isn't that like Fiddle Faddle in bar form?

by pinback » Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:49 am


I don't like "protein bars" or "energy bars" or "granola bars".

Except these are the best goddamn things that have ever been made. Holy crap.

And you can almost fool yourself into thinking it's "healthy"!

by AArdvark » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:40 am

Aren't you supposed to cut up the onions with a razor blade and let it cook down for hours?

by pinback » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:08 pm

LITERALLY 45 MINUTES! Which is NOTHING! Unless you have responsibilities and other things like providing for a family and keeping a household from falling apart to take up your time!! WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE JUST MAKE THEIR OWN PASTA SAUCE?!??!


by RetroR » Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:41 pm

Pasta sauce takes literally 45 minutes to make!

HapticAnimals and RetroRompers butter sauce recipe:

5tbs butter
one onion cut horizontally (not through the root)
Can of tomatoes.

Blend tomatoes if applicable.

Place blended tomatoes in sauce pan, season with a tiny pinch of salt, melt butter into sauce.

Place onion in sauce and simmer at low heat for 30 or so minutes. When done, remove and discard onion then serve.

by pinback » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:15 am

RetroR wrote:There is a cold place in hell for anyone who uses jarred pasta sauce.
1. What a terribly YOU thing of you to say.

2. Wouldn't a cold place in hell be a welcome respite from the fire and brimstone?

by RetroR » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:22 am

There is a cold place in hell for anyone who uses jarred pasta sauce.

by pinback » Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:03 pm

Here is the best, and arguably only excellent jarred pasta sauce on the market:

Here, goddammit.

Don't be put off by the price, it was on sale for like $3 at our local Kroger's for a while.

It's the only great jarred pasta sauce. If you can find it, and use pasta sauce for anything, buy a case.

by The Happiness Engine » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:02 pm

Mah-fucking Tasty Bite.
They make a bunch of Indian and SE Asian food inna bag, all you do is just pop it open, microwave for a minute, and BAM, decent Aloo Palak. Too lazy to make rice? You can get rice in separate bags AT RICE PRICES. Not available near you? THEY SHIP. Keep a case a work, never be hungry anywhere!

Hrm, they changed their line-up a bit. No more meal helpers (too lazy to fry some ginger, garlic, and chickpeas? TOSS ME IN YOUR STEW!)

by pinback » Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:35 am

Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote:TANDOOR CHEF-brand Chicken Tikka Masala, in your frozen section, is still one of the top 5 frozen/prepackaged things you can buy, even though they DID fuck it up and add rice.
Please proceed to objectively justify and explain why the product is ruined by including rice. Or in the alternative, explain how by your words, "fuck it up" does not mean "ruined."
Because it used to just be the chicken tikka masala, and you'd make your own (better) rice. But by adding rice, they took out almost half of the actual tikka masala, and charge the same amount for it.

I want to accuse them of doing it just for the money, but the fact is, I bet they got complaints, because when the product originally came out, it had rice. Then they removed the rice.

Then they put it back in, thereby fucking it up.

by Tdarcos » Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:52 am

pinback wrote:TANDOOR CHEF-brand Chicken Tikka Masala, in your frozen section, is still one of the top 5 frozen/prepackaged things you can buy, even though they DID fuck it up and add rice.
Please proceed to objectively justify and explain why the product is ruined by including rice. Or in the alternative, explain how by your words, "fuck it up" does not mean "ruined."

Allowing water into diesel fuel will "fuck it up" and subsequently the contaminated diesel fuel will do the same to the engine, the way sugar in gasoline is also a contaminant and dangerous to engines.

Now, is adding rice to chicken tikka masala a "contaminant", in that it ruins the taste of the product, or is it something you don't like and think is universal, like assholes who claim adults should never put ketchup on a hot dog. (Their opinion is batshit insane, even if I don't; I put chili and cheese, and when I can get it, onions and sauerkraut on a hot dog.)

by pinback » Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:58 am


TANDOOR CHEF-brand Chicken Tikka Masala, in your frozen section, is still one of the top 5 frozen/prepackaged things you can buy, even though they DID fuck it up and add rice.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:50 am

Well, the Tikki Malsala you turned me on to qualifies. (What was the brand name of those?)

Though they ruined it by putting rice in it. I can make my own rice!

by Tdarcos » Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:14 am


by AArdvark » Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:58 pm


by pinback » Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:36 am

Okay! Good entry!

by Tdarcos » Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:59 am

Prepackaged salads.

Giant has its store-brand offering, and Del Monte offers a prepackaged salad mix, they often have different kinds, including a Caesar salad, a greens mix, and others.

If you just want to make a fairly good salad, these can provide a true nutritious selection, provided you don't use the salad dressing and choose something with fewer calories.

This is a thread called "Awesome prepackaged stuff from

by pinback » Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:46 am

grocery store."

Humanity shares two great shames:

1. That there is still hunger in the world, while at every major crossroads in this country there are usually 2, sometimes 3 giant grocery stores on every corner, each with 20 football-length aisles packed with food.

2. Most of the food in those aisles is garbage.

In this thread, let's take a stroll down those aisles to find the RARE GEMS, the prepackaged, or frozen, or shrinkwrapped goods that do NOT taste like the packaging they were sold in, or a wad of crusted salt.

This is:


NOTE: Has to be mass produced and prepackaged. Sure, there's plenty of good stuff in the produce section, or the deli counter, or the meat/seafood case. Don't fuck with the thread, alright? Jesus.
