by Tdarcos » Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:58 pm
You can always watch a bad movie, even all the way to the end. In the case of running software package such as a game, you must load, initialize and run the installer program, successfully install the game, then load and initialize the game before you even get to see it.
Consider how you'd feel if you went to a theatre (back when movies were on film stock), paid admission, maybe paid 10 times retail price for some snacks, found a seat, waited for the show, then 5 seconds into the film, the film jams in the projector, melts the frame, and the announcement on the PA system was that you bought a ticket "as is" so you don't get a refund, now get out so the next crowd can be let in.
If you purchase a game and it won't run, the store probably won't take it back once opened, and the manufacturer can say they don't give refunds, talk to the store.
Usually game programs are not so badly compi9led that they won't even install but sometimes there is a problem. Whether you get it fixed is one thing, getting your money back if you can't is <s>another</s> probably almost impossible.
You can always watch a bad movie, even all the way to the end. In the case of running software package such as a game, you must load, initialize and run the installer program, successfully install the game, then load and initialize the game before you even get to see it.
Consider how you'd feel if you went to a theatre (back when movies were on film stock), paid admission, maybe paid 10 times retail price for some snacks, found a seat, waited for the show, then 5 seconds into the film, the film jams in the projector, melts the frame, and the announcement on the PA system was that you bought a ticket "as is" so you don't get a refund, now get out so the next crowd can be let in.
If you purchase a game and it won't run, the store probably won't take it back once opened, and the manufacturer can say they don't give refunds, talk to the store.
Usually game programs are not so badly compi9led that they won't even install but sometimes there is a problem. Whether you get it fixed is one thing, getting your money back if you can't is <s>another</s> probably almost impossible.