Working on the next patch release, and since I think I
have a couple of bugs fixed here it is for someone bold
to try out: ...
Bugs which are (hopefully) fixed in this patch are:
Creatures Blocked by Opaque/Lightsource Tiles: Previously
creatures were unable to walk on spaces (even if they should
have been passable) that were set to opaque or lightsource
mode. This should be fixed in both world and room maps.
Creatures Shooting Cone weapons:
This should be fixed in world maps; waiting to see if I broke
anything else before porting it to the room map module.
Fixed the bug that made creatures shoot cone weapons in
randomish directions; creatures should now target their
cone weapons correctly. Also, for cone weapons, there
was an issue with the same square(s) getting pounded
multiple times during the attack; fixed this so now each
square should only be hit once. This should also hopefully
fix stream weapons since they use the same code, but
I haven't tried it.
Additional note on creatures shooting cone weapons:
their targeting is a bit smarter than the player, so they
can fire their cone weapons diagonally if need be. The
range calculation is still a bit off, so players right at the
edge of range may not cause a creature to fire in some
instances where the cone pattern would actually hit the
player, because the creature believes the player is out of
Anyway, give it a try and let me know what you think.