Flack's Fatass Files

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by Flack » Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:38 pm

Date: February 1, 2015
Starting Weight: 388
Last Month's Weight: 369
Current Weight: 366
Weight Change: -3 pounds

Even though a loss is better than a gain, January didn't go great. If it hadn't been for one pretty dedicated week, I probably would have gained last month.

My goal for February is to double up and lose what I was supposed to lose in January plus what I am supposed to lose in February. That's not 100% realistic, but it's my goal. We'll see how it goes, as always.

by Flack » Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:27 am

Date: January 1, 2015
Starting Weight: 388
Last Month's Weight: 368
Current Weight: 369
Weight Change: +1 pound

In October, I walked regularly and ate right. I lost 20 pounds. During the first part of November I did the same and lost five pounds. The last half of November I quit walking and ate a lot of turkey and dressing. I gained it back. In December, I barely exercised, but I watched what I ate. My weight stayed the same. That was the goal.

Welcome to 2015.

The goal this year is to lose 2 pounds a week. That seems pretty doable. 2 pounds a week, if I stick with it, is 104 pounds this year. Sadly, I could stand to lose 104 pounds. We'll see how it goes.

I acquired a new treadmill, a really nice and heavy duty one. It's in the office, where I can walk and not bother anyone. I mounted the iPad on the wall in front of it so I can listen to music or watch television shows while I walk. No excuses there. I really prefer walking outside, but until the weather clears and warms up, this will have to do.

So, anyway. 2015, let's do this.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Dec 23, 2014 9:24 am

To some degree, not gaining any in December is a success story in and of itself.

I'm glad you bumped this thread. I've "maintained" for like four months now. Doing just enough not to gain, just enough not to lose. I could be done with this if I went hard for 30 days.

I do think the universe is trying to help me. My gym membership was tied to an old credit card that expired last week. Well, the gym was able to somehow charge my new card. I don't even get it. So if they are going to continue charging, fuck it. I'll use it!

by Flack » Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:49 am

I forgot to post a December update, but I basically maintained. That's my goal for the holiday season. I'm not doing a ton of walking right now, but when we eat out or have snacks, I do. I'm hoping to hit things hot and heavy after the first of the year again.

by RetroRomper » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:19 pm

Flack is going a step further than any of us and actually wrote a book about his ordeals with weight. What is really awesome, is that he is writing the ending here, in this thread and it will be a happy ending.

by Flack » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:50 am

I found a great new weight loss technique. Don't eat Mexican food for 2-3 weeks. Then go eat some. Whatever weight you gain by the meal you will surely lose while shitting your brains out.

by Flack » Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:25 pm

I think I'm 100 pounds away from advanced anything. Except advanced buffet eating techniques. I could teach a goddamn class on that one.

My room at work is literally over the gym. All I would have to do to go to the gym is walk down a flight of stairs and boom, I'm there. (I could take the elevator but that seems a bit disingenuous.) I might start walking down there during the winter. I'm not sure. Part of me feels like exercise is supposed to hurt and make one suffer, so I kind of like walking when it's cold as shit and it's painful. I feel like losing weight should feel as bad as getting this fat felt good. I think walking into a brisk winter wind is the opposite of eating a hot slice of supreme pizza right out of the oven.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:33 am

I want to congratulate you. I get those Map My Run images in Facebook every morning when you do them.

With the weather getting worse, are you in "advanced" mode?

by Flack » Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:12 am

Date: November 1, 2014
Starting Weight: 388
Last Month's Weight: 388
Current Weight: 368
Weight Loss: -20 pounds

Technically it's October 31st instead of November 1st so I'm a day early, but I can tell you now I'll be having some Halloween candy tonight so I decided to go ahead and weigh this morning. Scale said 368.2 so I'm rounding that down to an even 20 since I hadn't pooped yet.

What I did this month that worked:

- Walked between 1-2 miles a day
- Used RunKeeper to track exercise (free)
- Used MyFitnessPal to count calories (free)
- Quit eating shit.
- Started eating things that are not shit.

MyFitnessPal said that if I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week (the most it will let you put in) then I can have 2,300 calories a day. My walks burn roughly 200 calories, so with two a day that's 2,700 calories I could eat and still lose 2 pounds. I've been staying under 2,000 a day, which isn't really that hard if you switch to eating fruits instead of snacks and have normal meals.

My goal for 12/1 is to be down another 15 pounds. I don't know if the weight will continue to come off as quickly as this month. I guess we'll find out.

by Flack » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:44 am

Date: October 1, 2014
Weight: 388

Well, here we are again, back at essentially the same starting weight as I was last time.

My goals for October are to track my calories and my exercise. I'd like to walk at least one mile a day and work my way up to two.

Flack's Fatass Files

by Flack » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:41 am

Pinback has inspired me to also track my weight loss here on Jolt Country. I'll write the first entry retroactively and then update it either weekly or monthly.
