Fake watches at spammer prices.

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by Tdarcos » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:36 pm

I think I stopped wearing a watch - Jesus, has it been that long - 30 years ago, literally back in 1993-1994, when I started wearing a pager. Pagers have a clock on them too, just like cell phones. About 1998 or so, I got my first cell phone, and since then I've not worn a watch. I sometimes carry one because I can hang a cheap $1 watch on my badge holder / wallet / keychain because I can read it faster than going into the pouch for my cell phone.

by Flack » Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:34 pm

I've never worn a watch. My mom says it's because some kid made fun of my Star Wars watch in kindergarten. That being said, I am planning on buying an iWatch when it comes out. My wife has a Fitbit and likes it, but I am looking for something that is more connected with my phone. If I had an Android or whatever I would have whatever is compatible with them. Sometimes being stuck with a particular brand sucks. Anyway, the idea of mixing and matching watch faces to match my outfits sounds geekishly fun.

by AArdvark » Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:19 am

I can certainly see the end of the fit-bits and other dedicated wrist heath monitors. The Apple watch is going to put them right out of business. Why do people wear regular watches anymore? Status? I used to wear a digital watch back when it was cool. That lasted what, a whole fifteen minutes. Then switched to a pocket watch. Now with every phone and public device on the planet having a time display there's no need to carry one around.

by Tdarcos » Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:36 pm

I guess they're concerned that their <s>biological</s> physiological clock is ticking.

by Flack » Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:23 am

Does anyone else get the impression that with all the new android-compatible watch/fitness devices and the looming release of the iWatch, these watch-selling sites are getting desperate?

Fake watches at spammer prices.

by hhn123 » Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:23 am

Not authentic, knockoff watches made in Korea at unbelievable prices.
