Are we doin' "Most Anticipated Games of 2014"?

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Expand view Topic review: Are we doin' "Most Anticipated Games of 2014"?

by pinback » Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:28 am

Alright! Let's do a little RETROSPECTIVE on my five most anticipated games of 2014!


Good game. Fine game! I never completed a single game of it. I had more fun looking forward to it and buying it than playing it.
STATUS: This is almost certainly to be Star Ruler 2, which is already better in alpha than, I'm sorry to say, GalCiv 3 is in beta. Also it's made by a bunch of disgusting lunatics who are also hilarious and are great at what they do.
This can't be SR2 because it didn't officially come out yet. However, SR2 is the best early access space game on Steam, and I HAVE actually completed games of it, and even did a multiplayer match streamed on Twitch! So, thumbs up!


Yep. Had fun buying it. Had fun playing the first few campaign missions. Fine, fine product. Never touched it again. Why do I look forward to things and then never play them?


I had feared it was just going to be a Civ 5 reskin. Which it essentially turned out to be. However, I never played Civ 5 much, so to me this seemed fresh and fun and I enjoyed the heck out of it, even while everyone else was bashing it. I think it will continue to get better as we all have to pay more money for expansions and stuff. Thanks Firaxis!

1. ELITE 4

The greatest computer game of all time.

by AArdvark » Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:10 pm

I'm reduced to watching Mafia 2 video clips on YouTube in Czechoslovakian. Gad.

by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:16 am

Wasteland 2 doesn't disappoint at all. As far as the difficulty, any time stuff getting too rough I just head all the way back to the Ranger Citadel. This way I can come back with full health without spending med packs, and buy any ammo as needed.

Usually playing with the difficulty on default (Rookie) but I set it to "Seasoned" off and on depending on situations. In the beginning (AG Center) though, yeah.. it seemed like I was always just barely getting by health and ammo wise.

by Flack » Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:40 am

I will have to check this out. I really loved the original Wasteland.

by pinback » Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:31 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Wasteland 2 is out, and it's pretty great. It actually feels like a sequel to Wasteland.
Wait I thought we agreed it was buggy and too hard and you can't get new guys. But now it's great? I guess you learned how to play.

I'm tired of restarting and playing the same 15 minutes of the game over and over and over again.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:26 pm

Wasteland 2 is out, and it's pretty great. It actually feels like a sequel to Wasteland.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:02 pm

All estimated release dates are taken from project Kickstarters, which goes to show you that developers have no idea when their shit is going to be finished.

It also doesn't include Han Solo Adventures, which the developer is still working on, but won't be releasing this year. I mean, look at this shit:


Flack did a podcast on the hundreds of Star Wars games, but the above is ALL WE WANT.

Er, anyway, you can't hang up on us y--

Estimated release: December, 2012

Estimated release: December 2013

Estimated release: August, 2014

Estimated release: October 2013

Estimated release: December 2014

by pinback » Thu Aug 14, 2014 7:37 pm

Well, I just completed my first full game of GalCiv3. Small galaxy, against three other AIs on "normal" setting. "Normal" in this case means "retarded baby and/or Paul". I'm guessing the game took about 2, 2.5 hours total to complete. It was not close.

AND it was not very good. I am giving it a PASS for now, because there are many more betas to come and it's not going to be released until next year and we don't want another Elemental. There are a lot of good features. There are even MORE good features that are missing. And some of even the most basic stuff is broken:

1. You can upgrade ships in the field if you have enough money. Except that's all you need, because upgrading doesn't actually cost you the money.

2. Battles are by far the worst part. If a battle occurs, a dialogue pops up saying "CONFIRM BATTLE?" That's all it says. It doesn't even move the camera to where the battle is taking place, and shows you nothing about who's involved. Just, "CONFIRM BATTLE?" There is one button. So yes. You will be confirming battle, even though you have no idea of knowing where it is or what it is.

The Alpha came with a disclaimer saying, "this isn't supposed to be fun". Again, I am confident that by the time this is polished up and ready to go, I'll look back at this post and laaaaaugh. But if I were them, I might have hung onto the "Alpha" tag a little while longer, because I feel like this isn't going to go well with the public, initially.

Let's check the steam forums!

Well, there are a lot of discussions about it.

There are a lot of discussions.

Lots of people have opinions.

Anyway... I must admit that even though I was disheartened by all the missing/broken shit, I DID finish a 4x game, which is a rarity for me. Maybe I did like it.

by pinback » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:50 pm

Well shit, now I've lost track of my picks. I think they are:

1. ELITE 4
STATUS: The alpha was the greatest computer game I've ever played. The beta is the greatest single thing I have ever experienced, and I had a threesome with my girlfriend (at the time) and a stripper (presumed dead). I think this one is safe.

STATUS: Tantalized. The descriptions which urge that it's not just a Civ 5 reskin are very exciting.

STATUS: What can I say. It came out. It was great. I never play it. I'm a mess.

STATUS: This is almost certainly to be Star Ruler 2, which is already better in alpha than, I'm sorry to say, GalCiv 3 is in beta. Also it's made by a bunch of disgusting lunatics who are also hilarious and are great at what they do.

STATUS: See: Tropico 5.

by ICJ » Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:52 pm

I'll do my list tonight.

Cyberganked has slipped to 2015. But it WILL be released in 2015, in time for the Oklahoma Video Game Expo. Which will probably be in August.

by pinback » Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:30 am

I've played an hour or so of the new beta. I would not recommend buying it yet, if your goal is to enjoy yourself. There's still quite a bit missing, and the UI needs some refinement before I'd recommend you hit "new game".

However, if you're pretty sure you are going to buy it when it's done, you'll save $5 by doing it now.

That is all.

by pinback » Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:27 am

As it was originally on this list, I'd like to mention that Galactic Civilizations 3 went to Beta today, which means:

1. You can now buy it at a reasonable price -- $5 less than the actual final release price, in fact.

That's it.

by pinback » Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:16 pm


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:07 pm

Why can't someone make a sequel to Alpha Centauri then?

by pinback » Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:51 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Oh. That screenshot is of Alpha Centauri 2, right?
"Civilization: Beyond Earth", but yes.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:57 pm

Oh. That screenshot is of Alpha Centauri 2, right?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:56 pm

Yes, this was the big reason why I delayed Cyberganked until 2015. Look at that thing. I got a warning that it was gonna drop and so I adjusted accordingly.

by pinback » Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:41 am


Okay, Warlock 2 moves down to #5 to replace Cyberganked. And the NEW #2 is:


by Flack » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:16 pm

Or claiming a TDarcos joke was too funny.

by Tdarcos » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:21 pm

pinback wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:
pinback wrote:Hey, who doesn't like a delicious ham sandwich? Look at that picture! Don't you want that?
Not really. It was indicted last week for being too kosher.

(There is an old joke that getting something indicted by a grand jury is so trivial that most prosecutors could get a ham sandwich indicted.)
I don't get it.
Ham is always strictly forbidden by both the Jewish and Muslim religions. Kosher food is held to an even higher standard than ordinary food that complies with Jewish dietary rules because it can be served during one of their highest of high holidays, Passover.

Indicting a ham sandwich for being too kosher is like kicking an enforcer out of the Mafia for being too cruel and sadistic, or firing an IRS agent for being too aggressive in collecting back taxes.

It was intended to be as ridiculous a comment as you naming a ham sandwich as a top 5 anticipated game.
