by Flack » Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:07 pm
My other favorite trick uses something called Magician's Choice. There are a lot of different ways to do this trick. This is the one I use.
You'll need to deal out four piles of four cards. One of the four piles needs to be all the aces. You can put all four aces as the 5th-8th cards, the 9th-12th cards, whatever. It doesn't matter. Just know where they are so when you deal out four piles of cards face down, all the aces are together in one of the four piles.
Next, explain to your friend that the point of this game is to NOT end up with the aces.
Let's say that you have four piles (1 2 3A 4) and the aces are in pile 3. Again it doesn't really matter which pile has the aces, only that you know which one it is.
Now, ask the person to choose two of the stacks. Now, here is where the MAGIC takes place. If they do not choose the stack with the aces, say "okay, we'll eliminate those" and pick those two stacks up and put them back in the deck. If they pick the stack with the aces, say "okay, those are keepers" or something and pick up the other two. If they pick the one with the aces I'll say "okay, leave your fingers on those two" and pick up the others. So really it doesn't matter which pile they pick -- if they pick the aces you pretend like they were picking the two to keep, and if they don't pick the aces you pretend like they were picking the two piles to get rid of.
Now there are two left. Say, "point to one pile" or something. If they point to the pile that's not the aces, just pick it up and put it in the deck. If they point to the aces, again tell them to put their finger back on the pile and pick up the other pile.
So really no matter what they pick through the entire trick you just keep picking up the other ones and pretend like that's what they wanted. You can sell it with your words. At the end you will flip the aces over and they will shit their pants.
Also never do this trick twice because the next time they will definitely say "HEY LAST TIME YOU PICKED UP THE ONES I POINTED AT" and you will no longer be MISTER MAGIC.
My other favorite trick uses something called Magician's Choice. There are a lot of different ways to do this trick. This is the one I use.
You'll need to deal out four piles of four cards. One of the four piles needs to be all the aces. You can put all four aces as the 5th-8th cards, the 9th-12th cards, whatever. It doesn't matter. Just know where they are so when you deal out four piles of cards face down, all the aces are together in one of the four piles.
Next, explain to your friend that the point of this game is to NOT end up with the aces.
Let's say that you have four piles (1 2 3A 4) and the aces are in pile 3. Again it doesn't really matter which pile has the aces, only that you know which one it is.
Now, ask the person to choose two of the stacks. Now, here is where the MAGIC takes place. If they do not choose the stack with the aces, say "okay, we'll eliminate those" and pick those two stacks up and put them back in the deck. If they pick the stack with the aces, say "okay, those are keepers" or something and pick up the other two. If they pick the one with the aces I'll say "okay, leave your fingers on those two" and pick up the others. So really it doesn't matter which pile they pick -- if they pick the aces you pretend like they were picking the two to keep, and if they don't pick the aces you pretend like they were picking the two piles to get rid of.
Now there are two left. Say, "point to one pile" or something. If they point to the pile that's not the aces, just pick it up and put it in the deck. If they point to the aces, again tell them to put their finger back on the pile and pick up the other pile.
So really no matter what they pick through the entire trick you just keep picking up the other ones and pretend like that's what they wanted. You can sell it with your words. At the end you will flip the aces over and they will shit their pants.
Also never do this trick twice because the next time they will definitely say "HEY LAST TIME YOU PICKED UP THE ONES I POINTED AT" and you will no longer be MISTER MAGIC.