Dragon's Lair

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by Worm » Thu May 29, 2003 6:06 pm

You could probably get the Sega CD one easily. Cliffhanger, Dragon's Lair, and that one Laser Disc game about gods and crap all made their puking sick path to Sega CD. You probably can emulate them all.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu May 29, 2003 11:30 am

I need to make a list of all the stuff that I mean to be doing. I forgot about that as soon as this base went dead.

(For all who are the victims of my stating that I am going to do something in some regard: I really do not get offended when bugged about things, so please feel free to get on my horse if I have promised content/patches/media/etc. I don't have FTP access at work due to the firewall, and most of the time when I do finally get home from work it's "get dinner, play a game, write some code, pass out." But. Anyway.)

I'll check with Straw to see just what he meant. I should also put a "sticky" up in some base with all the stuff I need to do to make this place not the festering eyesore of unkept promises that it currently is.

by Protagonist X » Thu May 29, 2003 9:13 am

Did anybody ever get all the laserdisc content from this joint? 'Cause I've been hankering to play Cliffhanger again since the solitary time I ran across that cabinet in golf n' Stuff back in... uh... 1991?

If someone has it all, I'd love to cut a deal for mailing CDs or downloading from ftp or something.

by bruce » Wed May 14, 2003 11:34 am

Jack Straw wrote:I have the roms for the arcade laserdisc machine, and the emulator for it(daphne)

it is on the Xbox but I assume the emulator is a port from a windows version... so I can get you those somehow. If I remember they're pretty beefy though. I have all versions and space ace and shit...
I have Daphne and all the game ROMs. What I'm missing is the actual laserdisc content.


by Jack Straw » Wed May 14, 2003 11:04 am

I have the roms for the arcade laserdisc machine, and the emulator for it(daphne)

it is on the Xbox but I assume the emulator is a port from a windows version... so I can get you those somehow. If I remember they're pretty beefy though. I have all versions and space ace and shit...

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 13, 2003 11:05 pm

OK, you hippies with your alternative browsers, I figured out what was going on.

Brucie, this will be a weekend project for me here. $7 buys me 8 gigs. I will check around and ensure that none of my other friends already has it, and then go from there.

by Protagonist X » Tue May 13, 2003 2:56 pm

Took me a bit to find out what Google wanted to hear from me. Turns out one of the more fruitful phrases was "spoofing the browser identity string". Some links:


http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/ ... iffer.html

Have I tried any of these? No. I'm lazy, remember?

by Protagonist X » Tue May 13, 2003 2:41 pm

I'm using Phoenix -- er, "Mozilla Firebird" :::rant expunged::: on Win 2k, and I'm seeing the same thing.

Lemme check with IE 6... Heh. Weird. IE 6 gives the same results on a right-click, namely: it tries to same some sort of html file.

I thought the link would take me to the top like in Phoenix, but it instead opens up a badly translated page asking me to either create a free login or a pay login. Probably some sort of bandwidth-inhibiting measure -- I think the Underdogs were blocking download managers for a while, too, only with a slightly classier scheme that didn't block my browser-of-choice.

There's some internal setting that tells webpages what browser you are, right? I know that the Opera folks changed that tag to prove that MSN was playing dirty pool with their HTML settings a while back... That tag might be necessary for Bruce, who if memory serves would need IE running on WINE otherwise.

Let me read up on it.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 13, 2003 12:46 pm

Yeah, I can't get on as that URL is banned at work. I'll try it when I get home.

There is some deal where they completely defeat all download managers that you'd try to use. They have (er, had, dunno if this is still the case) a fast setup you could buy for 24 hours for a dollar. I really, really hate giving my credit card number out, but I was thinking of giving it a go a few months back, I just never did so.

I'll see what the deal is. If anyone else out there reading this is using IE, let us know what you see when you go there.

by bruce » Tue May 13, 2003 12:21 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Note to self: try this:


when you get home.
Each image just redirects me to the top page. Maybe it's got something to do with using Phoenix/Linux instead of IE/Win.


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 13, 2003 11:34 am

Note to self: try this:


when you get home.

Dragon's Lair

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 13, 2003 11:25 am

OK, one of the Bruces wanted me to get on this. There was a site that allowed you to grab it and all other laser disc games in a ridiculously inconvienent manner.... checking to see if I still have the URL for it.
