RetroRomper wrote:It pains me a little bit when my name isn't included on the "active user list" here, because I'm constantly lurking or hounding Pinback on IM. Though I have a few very good reasons why I don't really post any more...
You left and were reborn as a new person! That is why I did not include you. You had a five-year disappearance. But your greater point is valid and I agree with it. But you did become two people, man. Two Crude Dudes!
I have always been conscious that my actual content here has been sub-par (see "Draal") as I'm pretty anti-social and feel that I tend to derail conversations. So you guys say quite a bit behind my back as I'm doing anything except adding to this place.
Here is the truth about your previous alter-ego:
1) Draal was a BBS villain, and every BBS needs a villain to survive. Right now Paul is the BBS villain for two bulletin boards, which is way more than any one person should be. I guess Pinback is also the villain here. Villains are GOOD and I encourage them.
2) Everything you have ever done as RetroRomper has been appreciated and welcome. We all like you. We would rip on you to your face here and IRC more but part of me suspects that you don't enjoy the friend-based ribbing much because you think there is a kernal of truth to it. There isn't, FuckFace. ^__^
But Pinback and I enjoy it when people rip on us a great deal, you and Flack less so and Paul is an avocado.
Think I'm the outlier here since I'm no where near as witty as Robb, my story skills are lacking compared to Flack and Ben is much better at twisting a phrase and running with it. I've been mostly quiet because well... I don't feel I contribute and see much more content and worth from everyone else who posts.
You are clutch; never change and never leave. Well, I mean, change for better personal growth but we do like you here quite a bit.
[quote="RetroRomper"]It pains me a little bit when my name isn't included on the "active user list" here, because I'm constantly lurking or hounding Pinback on IM. Though I have a few very good reasons why I don't really post any more...[/quote]
You left and were reborn as a new person! That is why I did not include you. You had a five-year disappearance. But your greater point is valid and I agree with it. But you did become two people, man. Two Crude Dudes!
[quote]I have always been conscious that my actual content here has been sub-par (see "Draal") as I'm pretty anti-social and feel that I tend to derail conversations. So you guys say quite a bit behind my back as I'm doing anything except adding to this place.[/quote]
Here is the truth about your previous alter-ego:
1) Draal was a BBS villain, and every BBS needs a villain to survive. Right now Paul is the BBS villain for two bulletin boards, which is way more than any one person should be. I guess Pinback is also the villain here. Villains are GOOD and I encourage them.
2) Everything you have ever done as RetroRomper has been appreciated and welcome. We all like you. We would rip on you to your face here and IRC more but part of me suspects that you don't enjoy the friend-based ribbing much because you think there is a kernal of truth to it. There isn't, FuckFace. ^__^
But Pinback and I enjoy it when people rip on us a great deal, you and Flack less so and Paul is an avocado.
[quote]Think I'm the outlier here since I'm no where near as witty as Robb, my story skills are lacking compared to Flack and Ben is much better at twisting a phrase and running with it. I've been mostly quiet because well... I don't feel I contribute and see much more content and worth from everyone else who posts.[/quote]
You are clutch; never change and never leave. Well, I mean, change for better personal growth but we do like you here quite a bit.