by Tdarcos » Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:08 pm
pinback wrote: Unless you can show me on a diagram of a brain where the "you" is who's starting this
I don't have to. I present the following evidence: I am here, I exist and I respond. Now, you still have not qualified what represents evidence and as such there would basically be nothing you would accept as evidence, therefore you'd probably just reject anything I did say.
I don't have to cut open an engine to prove the car moves nor do I have to cut open a radio to prove it makes sound. How about you show me in your computer where the web browser is. Your demand is about on the level of asking me where Firefox is in my computer. Examine it and you won't find any of the displays of websites I claim to see on my monitor. Cut my computer apart and you still won't find the websites I view.
So, show me. Where is the thing called "Paul" which makes the decision and starts firing the neurons?
I can actually answer your question. I will be happy to show you exactly in my brain where "I" am as soon as you come up with the roughly $5,000 for a pet scan, cat scan, EEG, MRI and Computerized Tomography map of my brain where it will show the activity taking place through thought
I don't need to see it, I am here and this proves it. You want evidence beyond that, you can pay for it.
What is really happening, and of course you won't believe me, is that the thought occurs by itself, the action occurs by itself, and then the mind creates a conceptual story about it, in the form of "I decided to do this!" And it does this, all by itself, leaving us with the illusion that there is someone there making decisions.
Oh, why didn't you say so. That's very simple and easy to understand. I didn't know you believe in the religious concept of predestination.
Now since you claim this, please proceed to explain what evidence you have to prove this, since you demand it as such in my case. Please excuse me while I go grab a bag of popcorn, I expect this to be very entertaining.
[quote="pinback"] Unless you can show me on a diagram of a brain where the "you" is who's starting this[/quote]
I don't have to. I present the following evidence: I am here, I exist and I respond. Now, you still have not qualified what represents evidence and as such there would basically be nothing you would accept as evidence, therefore you'd probably just reject anything I did say.
I don't have to cut open an engine to prove the car moves nor do I have to cut open a radio to prove it makes sound. How about you show me in your computer where the web browser is. Your demand is about on the level of asking me where Firefox is in my computer. Examine it and you won't find any of the displays of websites I claim to see on my monitor. Cut my computer apart and you still won't find the websites I view.
[quote]So, show me. Where is the thing called "Paul" which makes the decision and starts firing the neurons?[/quote]
I can actually answer your question. I will be happy to show you exactly in my brain where "I" am as soon as you come up with the roughly $5,000 for a pet scan, cat scan, EEG, MRI and Computerized Tomography map of my brain where it will show the activity taking place through thought
I don't need to see it, I am here and this proves it. You want evidence beyond that, you can pay for it.
[quote]What is really happening, and of course you won't believe me, is that the thought occurs by itself, the action occurs by itself, and then the mind creates a conceptual story about it, in the form of "I decided to do this!" And it does this, all by itself, leaving us with the [i]illusion[/i] that there is someone there making decisions.[/quote]
Oh, why didn't you say so. That's very simple and easy to understand. I didn't know you believe in the religious concept of predestination.
Now since you claim this, please proceed to explain what evidence you have to prove this, since you demand it as such in my case. Please excuse me while I go grab a bag of popcorn, I expect this to be very entertaining.