Nobody cared about the Conf Battle Flag, until

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Expand view Topic review: Nobody cared about the Conf Battle Flag, until

by Jizaboz » Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:48 pm

Tdarcos wrote: This one you got wrong. The Indians didn't start scalping people; the whites scalped Indians in order to collect bounties paid for killing Indians. The Indians mistook this as a sign of respect for your honored enemy, perhaps the thinking was that you attempted to get the enemy's power from their scalp - the Indians had those kinds of myths - so, seeing that white men warriors scalped their enemies, this must be a proper thing to do so they returned the favor.
Actually some whites (Andrew Jackson) used the removal of noses rather than scalps as proof for bounty.

by Tdarcos » Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:18 am

I missed what you wrote at the original time or I'd have responded earlier.
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:Lincoln wasn't the heroic champion of Black Civil Rights that folks want to believe he was. He made it clear that he didn't believe in equal rights for Blacks and Whites.
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume V, "Letter to Horace Greeley" (August 22, 1862), p. 388.
Garth's Equipment Shop wrote:How about we tell the Cherokee people they must take down their traditional symbols and reminders of their proud heritage because we associate it all with barbaric scalping of the white man and his women and children. Is that fair? No, because that is all ancient history now and no one alive today can say they personally suffered on either side of those historical conflicts.
This one you got wrong. The Indians didn't start scalping people; the whites scalped Indians in order to collect bounties paid for killing Indians. The Indians mistook this as a sign of respect for your honored enemy, perhaps the thinking was that you attempted to get the enemy's power from their scalp - the Indians had those kinds of myths - so, seeing that white men warriors scalped their enemies, this must be a proper thing to do so they returned the favor.

by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:26 am

CO wrote:TV Land already cancelled the show and Hasboro pulled the toys.



by CO » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:38 pm

Jizaboz wrote:I live in Best Carolina, hate mean and ignorant rednecks, but this rebel flag shit is fucking stupid. WTF is next? Ban the Dukes of Hazard?
TV Land already cancelled the show and Hasboro pulled the toys. I bet they'll have to CGI an american flag or something on the roof of the car to get the shows back on the air. It's fucking ridiculous.

I am really surprised that S. Carolina removed the state house flag though, I guess the threat of economic boycott (NCAA and others I think) moved them.

by Jizaboz » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:20 am

I live in Best Carolina, hate mean and ignorant rednecks, but this rebel flag shit is fucking stupid. WTF is next? Ban the Dukes of Hazard? It's just like when they demanded radio stations remove the word "maggot" from the classic Dire Straits song. Why the sudden outrage? Why do you really give such a damn? Can't you change the fucking station?

That feeling you get when you see someone displaying you don't like probably feels a lot like when I see all these morons riding around with Bush or Obama stickers on their vehicles.

If I could ban everything I despise, everyone would be left with very little.

by pinback » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:51 am

Let's see, sophomoric anti-religion rants, pedantic legal advice, movie/song quotes...

Hey Donald, any chance you could record a video of yourself cooking?

by Donald Ebinsen » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:23 am

CO wrote:Having lived in the south, I also will say that there is some percentage of people who aren't out and out racist and look at the confederate flag as representing the history of the south without actually advocating continuation of racial divide.
Having lived in America, I also will say that there is some percentage of Christians who think God is love and kindness but fail to look at places in the Bible where God ordered the victors of various wars to kill all the men and women except they could keep the virgins to rape, or that when kids criticize a bald man the best response is to have bears tear the children into bloody bits.

Too many people uphold things that, if they knew what they really meant they'd either have to admit they were stupid, evil, or both.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:40 am

Tdarcos Legal D3epartment wrote:What5 a world; I get banned apparently for not following a rule that had been rescinded, then reimposed but not in enough time to let me know about it, but he gets to spew complete bullshit like the above and nobody cares. He seems to think that it's a good idea for some people to treat other people as cattle. And the issue is considerably more complicated than the wacked-out ideas you spout.
Yeah, Garth makes a long post once in his 10 years of coming here and you're instantly redeemed. Peddle it elsewhere, Robinson, nobody here is buying it. Show a little respect and appreciation to the one man who's given you multiple places to be heard.

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:54 pm

damn posting buttons... was previewing repeatedly in between edits and somehow ended up posting twice. Please delete the previous copy as it was one of the preedits before i finished writing. Thanks.

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:52 pm

Slavery was established in America both in the north and the south under the United States stars and stripes flag 100 years before any Southerner every thought of secession.

The Stars & Stripes national flag was adopted by all states June 14, 1777

The new southern national flag with ring of 13 stars and three bars of red and white representing the fully established Confederate States of America was adopted November 28, 1861 almost a century later.

Of course you only hear one side of the story in government funded public schools because the victors write the history.

The flag currently under attack from ignorant haters was actually the Confederate Battle Flag representing the military during the fratricidal war started by the Union tyrant Abraham Lincoln.

As such that flag more than the official CSA flag will always be a flag of remembrance to the descendents of the men and women who lost their lives in their own neighborhoods and cities caught in that bloody fratricidal war.

The stars and bars represents the fight for freedom against imperialism. It did not and does not represent slavery. Our country was founded on a revolution to throw off the tyranny of British imperialism and form a separate nation.

"Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved."

Honestly think about it. Who was actually sent off to fight and die? It was the fathers and sons of mostly poor families as always. Poor families who couldn't afford slaves. They were hard working, they did their own work, not slaves. And there were white slaves too, long before and during the era of Black slavery.

So clearly slavery would not have been enough to drive them to fight and die in one of the most horrific wars in history and even kill relatives sent by the Union to kill them. It had to be something much more important to them, something they believed history would one day vindicate them on.

The right to secede was one of the most important rights established by our forefathers in the beginning. Everything else followed from that one unifying conviction. The confederacy had every right to secede and would have been fully approved of by the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Lincoln and his radical Republicans and their fat cat supporters had no respect for states rights, they wanted to establish a central banking monopoly enforced by a centralized Federal government.

Lincoln wasn't the heroic champion of Black Civil Rights that the official government approved history books make him out to be. He made it clear that he didn't believe in equal rights for Blacks and Whites. His position was that Blacks and Whites should both be free but could not live in harmony under a single government. In case you hadn't noticed history since then certainly seems to have vindicated that belief of his.

Now if you think that sounds like evil hateful racism consider the fact that he was actually being quite generous and humane toward Blacks considering what he believed which was far more hateful and racist. In fact, Lincoln was a White Supremacist! Lincoln actually believed Whites were not
just incompatible. He actually believed Blacks were physically and mentally inferior. Shouldn't this be another reason to NOT worship before the alter of Lincoln and his Federal imperialism and his USA flag waving Republican warmongering? I think so.

Anyway in spite of his White Supremacist belief he did respect their life and liberty. He believed they had the same rights as any race and culture to exist and govern themselves the way they see fit. So we see that things aren't so black and white (pardon the pun) as they may first appear to be in the world of politically correct history, politics and sociology. One can be a White Supremacist like Lincoln and still be rational and compassionate and treat his "inferiors" fairly, respectfully and humanely in spite of his exaggerated sense of superiority.

Actually, it is quite natural for a people to feel their own race and culture are the best. Many Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Native Americans and so on believe their own race and culture is the best in the world. Yet few call them racists or haters or evil for thinking that way.

Here is what I believe about the races in case you were wondering and trust me, having lived most of my life in the south east this is what most southland traditionalists believe. Blacks are not racially inferior as a tiny and insignificant number of Klansmen and Neo-Nazis believe. But only a fool would ignore the cultural differences which set us apart.

Whether you believe its nature or nurture or some combination of both, or Natural Selection or Intelligent Design or both, or just some kind of persistent group psychology like Jung's collective unconscious, there is clearly something more going on to create these differences of culture within this one nation. Something beyond the level of the individual and beyond the level of the family and even
beyond the level of a single town or city. Some sort of sociobiological group dynamic is at play is how I and a lot of other folks would say it.

It is just a reality that anyone can see but many choose to ignore. That is real ignorance. And it only makes problems worse to ignore them. And ignoring differences is not accepting them, is not embracing them, is not celebrating them, and is not respecting them.

If we truly believe in celebrating differences and preserving diversity and respecting different cultures then the noble path is obviously to allow them to coexist side by side as separate independent interest groups and communities rather than trying to force them together or shame them into being more integrated and multicultural. All the racial strife since the Civil Rights movement began has been a direct result of efforts to force integration where people did not want to integrate. Once again it comes down to an issue of our most basic rights and freedoms. Americans don't like to be told what they can and can't do.

According to Lincoln (the anti-secessionist), Blacks and Whites had to be free and independent of each other just as British and American peoples had to be. Strange isn't it that he didn't extend that same respect to states. Lincoln believed in the Colonization Society's efforts to repatriate Blacks to a new African-American colony named Liberia (Latin for Liberty). His only real issue with the South was that they didn't kiss his ass like he was some kind of royalty and bow down before the new resurgence of Federalism.

Lincoln's Republican Party didn't want independent states they wanted an empire just like the British one our forefathers fought to secede from. Southerners fought only one war under the stars and bars and that was one of defense of their own lands, homes and families.

How many foreign wars have been fought under the banner of the stars and stripes since then? And all were wars of aggression not defense. The claim that we are "spreading democracy" is such a sham. For one thing going around the world conquering everyone different or anyone who doesn't do things our way is not what America's founding fathers had in mind when they fought for their own independence from British tyranny. Wars are often disguised as liberation but always later are found out to have some hidden agenda having to do with corporate interests or some shady secret deal with a foreign power to serve Federal or corporate interests.

We The People are just expendable assets to them, we live only to send our children to die fighting their wars for profit or to defend some far away "ally" such as Israel who has never done a thing for us other than "accidentally" shoot down American aircraft or sink American ships and happily accept millions in foreign aid every year.

How about we tell the Cherokee people they must take down their traditional symbols and reminders of their proud heritage because we associate it all with barbaric scalping of the white man and his women and children. Is that fair? No, because that is all ancient history now and no one alive today can say they personally suffered on either side of those historical conflicts.

Of course you could take a page from the Jews and shout Oy Vey! And Never Forget! and all that whiney bullshit and maybe it will become a lucrative franchise, with many best selling books and films and what not. Or like the Blacks try to get reparations for something that happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago. But honestly what self-respecting 21st century man wants to be that asshole?

by Tdarcos Legal D3epartment » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:04 pm

What5 a world; I get banned apparently for not following a rule that had been rescinded, then reimposed but not in enough time to let me know about it, but he gets to spew complete bullshit like the above and nobody cares. He seems to think that it's a good idea for some people to treat other people as cattle. And the issue is considerably more complicated than the wacked-out ideas you spout.

by Garth's Equipment Shop » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:21 pm

Slavery was established in America both in the north and the south under the United States stars and stripes flag 100 years before any Southerner every thought of secession.

Stars & Stripes national flag adopted by all states June 14, 1777

The new southern national flag with ring of 13 stars and three bars of red and white representing the fully established Confederate States of America was adopted November 28, 1861

The flag currently under attack from ignorant haters was actually the Confederate Battle Flag representing the military during the fratricidal war started by the Union tyrant Abraham Lincoln.

It represents the fight for freedom against imperialism. It did not and does not represent slavery. Our country was founded on a revolution to throw off the tyranny of British imperialism and form a separate nation.

"Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved."

The right to secede was one of the most important rights established by our forefathers in the beginning. Everything else followed from that one unifying conviction.

The confederacy had every right to secede and would have been fully approved of by the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Lincoln and his radical Republicans and their fat cat supporters had no respect for states rights, they wanted to establish a central banking monopoly enforced by a centralized Federal government. Lincoln wasn't the heroic champion of Black Civil Rights that folks want to believe he was. He made it clear that he didn't believe in equal rights for Blacks and Whites. His position was that Blacks and Whites should both be free but could not live in harmony under a single government. They had to be free and independent of each other just as British and American had to be. Lincoln believed in the Colonization Society's efforts to repatriate Blacks to a new African-American colony named Liberia (Latin for Liberty). His only real issue with the South was that they didn't kiss his ass like he was some kind of royalty and bow down before the new resurgence of Federalism.

Lincoln's Republican Party didn't want independent states they wanted an empire just like the British one our forefathers fought to secede from. Southerners fought only one war under the stars and bars and that was one of defense of their own lands, homes and families.

How many foreign wars have been fought under the banner of the stars and stripes since then? And all were wars of aggression not defense, They are often disguised as liberation but always later are found out to have some hidden agenda having to do with corporate interests or some shady secret deal with a foreign power to serve Federal and corporate interests.

We The People are just expendable assets to them, we live only to send our children to die fighting their wars for profit or to defend some far away "ally" such as Israel who has never done a thing for us other than "accidentally" shoot down American aircraft or sink American ships and happily accept millions in foreign aid every year.

How about we tell the Cherokee people they must take down their traditional symbols and reminders of their proud heritage because we associate it all with barbaric scalping of the white man and his women and children. Is that fair? No, because that is all ancient history now and no one alive today can say they personally suffered on either side of those historical conflicts.

Of course you could take a page from the Jews and shout Oy Vey! And Never Forget! and all that whiney bullshit and maybe it will become a lucrative franchise for you, with many best selling books and films and what not. Or like the Blacks try to get reparations for something that happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago. But honestly what self-respecting 21st century man wants to be that asshole?

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:43 am

Tdarcos wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Ahhhaa, that's great. Making the snake bigger and bigger as we added states. I'm in favor of that flag as well.

They were gonna do a flag in the same style for Japan after World War II but have it show a pile of sheddings for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Somehow I think a better one would be a stereotypical Nissan hunched over his sword in seppuku, the blood streaming out his guts, with the legend in Japanese of "To our honored ancestors."
Well, you crossed the line. Now it's weird. Delete the BBS!

by Tdarcos » Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:24 pm

AArdvark wrote:Whew, glad they took that flag down so the crazies can't get us anymore.
Yeak, now we can see flags from people who are normal, you know, like, Nazi sympathizers.

by AArdvark » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:43 pm

(Wipes sweat off forehead with arm)

Whew, glad they took that flag down so the crazies can't get us anymore.


by Tdarcos » Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:08 pm

If it was me, I'd try advertising for people to buy Confederate Battle Flags so that people could burn them. That way you sell all that merch, the customers destroy it, and you look patriotic!

Shortly after 9/11, flag stores had huge runs as people went out and bought both the U.S. flag and also the state flags of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Flag stores are pretty esoteric, so except for occasional bulk orders like Congress or a state legislature buying flags for constituents (the flag is put on the flagpole, hoisted for a moment, then lowered, and the person who asked gets a certificate saying it flew over the state or national capital building.) For a flag store to get so many customers that people are standing in line for two hours to get in indicates some very unusual event.

And on a related note, during the American Hostage Crisis, lots of Americans bought Iranian flags, for the obvious reason: to burn them.

While I disagree with the practice, I always felt the Supreme Court got it right when it struck down laws against burning the (U.S.) flag. Whether it's disrespectful or not, it is still a political statement. Beyond that, does anyone really believe the flag is so weak and so lacking in respect that it needs some special protection?

by Tdarcos » Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:42 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Ahhhaa, that's great. Making the snake bigger and bigger as we added states. I'm in favor of that flag as well.

They were gonna do a flag in the same style for Japan after World War II but have it show a pile of sheddings for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Somehow I think a better one would be a stereotypical Nissan hunched over his sword in seppuku, the blood streaming out his guts, with the legend in Japanese of "To our honored ancestors."

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:33 pm

Ahhhaa, that's great. Making the snake bigger and bigger as we added states. I'm in favor of that flag as well.

They were gonna do a flag in the same style for Japan after World War II but have it show a pile of sheddings for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

by Tdarcos » Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:04 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Good point. I consider this my flag anyway:
I snuck on to the tour of the Pentagon about 25 years ago and the midshipman they had for a tour guard explained that the Snake flag almost became our national flag, where it would have had 13 rattles. Only problem was that they realized as more states were added, the snake's tail would get longer and longer, and other countries would see us as all rattle and no bite.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:21 am

Good point. I consider this my flag anyway:

