Steam Games

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by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:30 pm

Thanks, Donald. You're always welcome here.

by Donald Ebinsen » Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:31 pm

You know what? You're more boring than an elecrtic drill.

Oil well drills are less boring.

A black hole eating through a sun is less boring.

Learn to say less and read more.

by Tdarcos Legal Department » Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:21 am

RealNC wrote:Yes. I get games all the time to "play them at some point," but that point never comes, but the list gets huge.
Just because you have a lot of games doesn't mean they were a waste of money or unnecessary. Some games - like any other entertainment - are appropriate at certain times according to how you feel.

If you got home after a shitty day and some asswipe cut you off on the freeway, maybe playing DOOM or Duke Nukem 3 / Forever or going full-on-rampage mode in any of the Grand Theft Auto sandbox games might make you feel better or at least take off the edge. Other times you might just want to play Cities:Skylines or Construction Simulator, and sometimes nothing but mowing down Protoss or a Zerg Rush in StarCraft will do.

I mean, I probably have over 3,000 songs as MP3s or video files either ripped from CDs I own, vinyl I've had, or downloaded from Napster or YouTube, and while I've listened to all of them, and more than once, I don't listen to all of them on a regular basis. Depends on what I feel like.

And the same thing applies to the games you buy. Some games you'll get lots of use out of and some won't be as interesting as you thought they would be. But remember, these are not $500 or $1000 purchases, they're usually under $50 ans not all that often. Your woman* has probably spent more money on excess** handbags and/or shoes than you have on video games unless you're a hardcore gamer. (By "video games" I'm excluding pinball machines and equivalent stuff run on coins; I mean the stuff you purchase once and use in a PC or gaming console like PS2/3 or Xbox, etc.)

But if you aren't occasionally making a mistake and buying something that wasn't as much fun as you thought it would be, you're living much too cautiously and probably not enjoying as much of your precious and irreplaceable lifespan as you could be.

* But I got to do my part cause I know in my heart
I got to please my sweet baby, yeah
Well, I ain't superstitious
And I don't get suspicious
But my woman is a friend of mine
- Steve Miller, Rockin' Me

** excess: no longer in style, doesn't like any more, clashes with her wardrobe or hurts her feet too much.

by RealNC » Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:36 pm

Yes. I get games all the time to "play them at some point," but that point never comes, but the list gets huge.

Steam Games

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:18 am

Anyone else overwhelmed by having too many Steam games?
