by Admiral Ackguh » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:17 pm
Joe.Bonk wrote:The screen are pretty intriguing. And the weather! :)
The board game had each player roll a die at the beginning of their turn for the number of spaces they could (must, actually) move. I wanted to simulate this in the RPG, and I thought that using weather would be the best way to do it. I replaced turns with days. Each day starts with the weather being set to a certain value, which affects terrain passability. Each terrain type square takes a certain amount of game time to traverse. Stormy, rainy, or snowy weather increases this time. Dry weather decreases it.
Each day ends with an encounter, except in safe places (e.g. the four corners). It is in the player's best interest to spend as little time as possible in difficult terrain. That means waiting for good weather before entering such terrain.
Joe.Bonk wrote:But in the picture above how do you get darkness to overshadow instead of what it always does on mine, which is all black?
I refer you to
Configure Adventure, Page 5. There are settings for Darkness Color and Darkness Background. I set them to 18 and 0 respectively. If you use 0 and 0, then you see blackness with no detail.
[quote="Joe.Bonk"]The screen are pretty intriguing. And the weather! :)[/quote]
The board game had each player roll a die at the beginning of their turn for the number of spaces they could (must, actually) move. I wanted to simulate this in the RPG, and I thought that using weather would be the best way to do it. I replaced turns with days. Each day starts with the weather being set to a certain value, which affects terrain passability. Each terrain type square takes a certain amount of game time to traverse. Stormy, rainy, or snowy weather increases this time. Dry weather decreases it.
Each day ends with an encounter, except in safe places (e.g. the four corners). It is in the player's best interest to spend as little time as possible in difficult terrain. That means waiting for good weather before entering such terrain.
[quote="Joe.Bonk"]But in the picture above how do you get darkness to overshadow instead of what it always does on mine, which is all black?[/quote]
I refer you to [b]Configure Adventure[/b], Page 5. There are settings for Darkness Color and Darkness Background. I set them to 18 and 0 respectively. If you use 0 and 0, then you see blackness with no detail.