by Tdarcos » Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:23 pm
Flack wrote:Is this really the best thing you have to talk about?
No, but I haven't seen anyone raise any seriousd issues around here.
This is a really serious issue! People, all the time talk about how something is terrible, or it's evil, or it's bad. So my question to you is, why? Why is it bad? Why is it evil? What is evil and how do you define it? If we can't define objectively what 'evil' is then what it represents is nothing more than 'I don't like it' which means that, if you can't define it, then Jeffrey Dahmer's dietary choices have no more significance than what you had for breakfast. And again, if you can't define what 'evil' represents, then if you think cannibalism is wrong, your opinion is of no more significance than if you said you think eating chocolate ice cream is wrong; it's pure opiniom and has nothing to objectively define it.
Or if you think there is something to talk about, then make a thread. Let's hear your great opinions.
I have opinions but I wasn't trying to just throw them out, I wanted to solicit other people's opinions. But if you don't have any, then don't proceed to argue that there is such a thing as 'evil' since you have nothing to support your opinion and it might as well be an opinion on the taste of chcolate ice cream.
[quote="Flack"]Is this really the best thing you have to talk about?[/quote]
No, but I haven't seen anyone raise any seriousd issues around here.
This is a really serious issue! People, all the time talk about how something is terrible, or it's evil, or it's bad. So my question to you is, why? Why is it bad? Why is it evil? What is evil and how do you define it? If we can't define objectively what 'evil' is then what it represents is nothing more than 'I don't like it' which means that, if you can't define it, then Jeffrey Dahmer's dietary choices have no more significance than what you had for breakfast. And again, if you can't define what 'evil' represents, then if you think cannibalism is wrong, your opinion is of no more significance than if you said you think eating chocolate ice cream is wrong; it's pure opiniom and has nothing to objectively define it.
Or if you think there is something to talk about, then make a thread. Let's hear your great opinions.
I have opinions but I wasn't trying to just throw them out, I wanted to solicit other people's opinions. But if you don't have any, then don't proceed to argue that there is such a thing as 'evil' since you have nothing to support your opinion and it might as well be an opinion on the taste of chcolate ice cream.