Ice Cream Jonsey and loafergirl wrote:Are you sleeping better?
Initially no, due to the fact my throat was swelling immediately after the operation and for a little over two weeks afterward. Now though, my AHI is apparently lower per my machine (AHI = 1.4 - 2.3 now as compared to 5 - 7 before) and I'll be in a sleep study later this month to confirm.
Pinback wrote:Do Beatles fans actually think Ringo Starr is a good drummer, or do they all just agree not to talk about it?
We don't talk about it.
Flack wrote:What does your uvula do, and how does life change when one does not have one?
Good question!
The uvula does three things:
1. Assists in controlling contractions of the throat (think swallowing.)
2. Serves as a barrier between the throat and the nose.
3. Is used in some languages for verbalization / speech.
Main issue I was told about, is that I would need to partially relearn how to swallow and except for one instance two weeks after the surgery, I didn't have any problems. There is also an increased chance that liquids may squirt out my nose and I won't be able to pronounce many yiddish or hebrew words.
The Fatass Engine. wrote:How many people here are so fucking fat they can't sleep without mechanical positive ventilation?!
At least three, though I'm working on hitting 210 pounds and below, which has a high probability of reducing my need for or making the use of my CPAP machine unnecessary.