by Flack » Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:40 am
Anyway... back to Polybius.
ICJ, you and I have discussed this before. There's a righteousness that exists online -- not just in the arcade collecting community, but in all the big collecting circles -- where people feel entitled to not simply give their opinions, but tear down other people's work for not enjoying a hobby the same way they do.
There are video game collectors who only collect sealed games, and people who hate them for doing so. Same goes for toy collectors -- if you don't open a toy, one half of the toy collecting community will damn you; open it, and the other half will.
This sounds like a zen thing to say, but the only way to enjoy anything anymore is to not care what anyone else thinks about it.
I only skimmed that thread so I may have missed it, but I didn't see a single response that said, "ha ha, that guy made a multi-cab and painted it to look like Polybius, that's hilarious," which is the truth. It's a joke that up until a few years ago, only arcade collectors would have got. It's funny. A multicade has to look like something, so why not make it an in joke?
I hope all of those people choke on an old rusty token.
Anyway... back to Polybius.
ICJ, you and I have discussed this before. There's a righteousness that exists online -- not just in the arcade collecting community, but in all the big collecting circles -- where people feel entitled to not simply give their opinions, but tear down other people's work for not enjoying a hobby the same way they do.
There are video game collectors who only collect sealed games, and people who hate them for doing so. Same goes for toy collectors -- if you don't open a toy, one half of the toy collecting community will damn you; open it, and the other half will.
This sounds like a zen thing to say, but the only way to enjoy anything anymore is to not care what anyone else thinks about it.
I only skimmed that thread so I may have missed it, but I didn't see a single response that said, "ha ha, that guy made a multi-cab and painted it to look like Polybius, that's hilarious," which is the truth. It's a joke that up until a few years ago, only arcade collectors would have got. It's funny. A multicade has to look like [i]something[/i], so why not make it an in joke?
I hope all of those people choke on an old rusty token.