Hey Jiz, let's get some Paul updates in here.

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by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:48 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
Jizaboz wrote:This sounds like pretty good news!

When you were first in the hospital I knew
Normally I resist double posting but I need to nip this in the bud. I was never in the hospital over this blur. I took the bus over to the medical center and I walked* into the Eye Center on an outpatient basis.

* I am using the term "walked" to imply operating my wheelchair without assistance and rolling to the destination alone.
I'm starting to think I'm unfit for this job.

Also.. haha "Mister T. Tee M.DEEEEEE" hahah

by AArdvark » Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:29 pm



by RetroRomper » Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:04 pm

So I guess he isn't dead yet.

by Tdarcos » Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:44 pm

pinback wrote:But you're out of the hospital now, right? When did you get out?
Hehehehehehe this is so funny, you goddam imbecile. Read my keyboard, no new taxes! Oh, sorry, that's George Bush Sr.

Read my keyboard, as I said in the previous message, I was never admitted to the hospital.

by pinback » Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:59 am

But you're out of the hospital now, right? When did you get out?

by Tdarcos » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:21 pm

Jizaboz wrote:This sounds like pretty good news!

When you were first in the hospital I knew
Normally I resist double posting but I need to nip this in the bud. I was never in the hospital over this blur. I took the bus over to the medical center and I walked* into the Eye Center on an outpatient basis.

* I am using the term "walked" to imply operating my wheelchair without assistance and rolling to the destination alone.

by Tdarcos » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:18 pm

AArdvark wrote:You can't make this up!
my cardiologist, Dr. Tee
No, You can't: https://www.healthgrades.com/physician/ ... -tee-2pqdr

Steven T Tee MD
3415 Hamilton St Ste 1
Hyattsville, MD 20782
(301) 699-5167

by AArdvark » Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:10 pm

You can't make this up!

my cardiologist, Dr. Tee
"I pity da fool with a heart like dat."


by Jizaboz » Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:17 pm

This sounds like pretty good news!

When you were first in the hospital I knew I couldn't call you directly, but after a week or two had passed I should of tried calling you instead of texting your sister again. Ended up getting confused and confused everyone else. Sorry about that!

Anyway, yes. From now on I will always try calling you first before contacting one of your family members and confusing them too. Also, you can always CALL ME TOO, MAN! Especially if you get fed up with reading/responding here on high-blur days.

by Tdarcos » Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:25 am

Quick note: Legally blind is vision of less than 20 degrees, and/or vision leval of 20/200 or worse.

by Tdarcos » Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:22 am

Did anyone think maybe to call and ask me? Jiz, Pinback and Jonsey all received copies of my personal information including both of my cell phone numbers, both my regular and my special emergency phone.

And I know Jiz had it even before that because he called me back when I first went into the hospital and was incommunicado for over a week.

Also, my Area Code 240 number (which you all also have), my office number that appears on the whois information for my websites, is from Magic Jack and is essentially the equivalent of a landline number. And one of the features it includes is call forwarding. On MagicJack's website you log in to your account and one of the features allow you to forward the number anywhere in the U.S., so I have that number forwarded to my cell phone as well. Anyone calling has no idea where the number terminates.

Here is the situation. On Sat. July 30, everything was normal and I went to bed. I woke up Sunday morning and my vision was a horrible blur. I could not see anything beyond shapes and colors. I could not read, I could not write, I could not use a computer, I could not use my smart phone because some imbecile designed the dial function using pastel colors, light blie numbers on a white background. I could not use my computer because I could not focus on it. I could not even read the wall clock.

My eye had somehow had a blood vessel leak into it. I went to the eye center on Tue Aug 1. My vision was so bad I could not even read the eye chart at the higthest level, the "E" at 20/400. Realize that normal vision is 20/20 but the numbers are not linear; 20/400 is not 20 times worse than normal, it is much worse. (I think legally blind starts at 20/50 or 20/100).

Well, they wabted to see if anything changed, so they had be come back a week later, and we find my vision has improved to 20/200. Now, under normal circumstances - a person with vision in both eyes - they'd recommend waiting (which I agreed) rather than having invasive surgery (this incident is like pouring motor oil on a computer monitor, to be able to see on it you need to clean the oil off the screen). And to fix this would require they cut into my eye, mere Lasix is not going to work in this case.

Since this would require an actual operation, because I had congestive heart failure a couple years ago - which, I'm sure everyone here remembers - they have to clear me for anestesia, for the reason I asked my personal doctor, Dr. Mitchell, "They want to make sure that the anestesia doesn't cause me to drop dead." His response was "That's exactly right."

So come along September 8, my cardiologist, Dr. Tee, looked at the echograms they did of my heart last week, and said that the medications he prescribed for my heart and high blood pressure are working okay, so I'm fine for whatever they want to use, and i don't have to come back to see him for six months, everything is that good.

So now, the ball is in the court at Washington Hospital Center's Eye Center to get them to receive the paperwork from Dr. Tee and Dr. Mitchell. Which they have a problem, theytapparently are having trouble getting (and sometimes receiving) faxes. apparently they have only one competent person to handle their paperwork.

Thia tells me that the Eye Center has serious back office problems, even Dr. Mitchell sends prescriptions across town to the pharmacy near where I live using e-mail with his smart phone.

In the interim six weeks since the accident my vision has improved. When I sent the original emergency message here in order to read the computer I had to find and activate Magnifier and set it to at least 10x all the way to the maximum, 16x magnification.

I'm able to do some stuff on the computer without magnifcation, but I have to use a magnifier to read snail-mail, and some things I still can't read. If things keep up I may end up getting my vision back before they even need to do the operation!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:48 am

Nice work Jiz, what next, Paul walks now????

by Flack » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:53 am

No slop for you!

by Jizaboz » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:30 am

Also, that was the message I got talking about anesthesia. I think I got that one right but totally misunderstood the 2nd one.

Also, sorry

by Jizaboz » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:29 am

I think there was a mixup in the text messages. Paul's sister said something to extent of "not yet" in one of the earlier messages and I misunderstood.

by pinback » Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:55 am

So Jiz gave us bad info. The one guy we were counting on.


YOU'RE FI-- wait, I don't want us to get sued. YOUR SERVICES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED.

by Tdarcos » Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:37 pm

I have not been staying in the hospital. I visited the Eye Center at Washington Hospital Center as a walk-in emergency patient on Aug 2 because I had sudden onset blindness.

Apparently a blood vessel failed and leaked blood into my eye, distorting my vision with a bad, I mean really bad, blur. This would require eye surgery, but I needed a clearance from my regular doctor, who had be do a follow-up with my cardiologist because of my congestive heart failure.

As I noted on my other posting, I go back to see the cardiologist on Sep 8.

by pinback » Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:30 pm

RealNC wrote:
pinback wrote:Who the hell is paying for all this?
Wait, you have to pay for that?
Apparently not.

by RealNC » Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:47 pm

pinback wrote:Who the hell is paying for all this?
Wait, you have to pay for that?

by ChainGangGuy » Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:26 pm

Jizaboz wrote:...(a different one from last week)...
They banned him from the hospital? If not for long-winded posts, I wonder what his transgression was.
