Billy Mays wrote:RealNC wrote:Racism is a term that is also commonly used for religious discrimination.
Only by those who don't understand the meaning of the words race and racism.
Pinback has used a recording of a guy called "The Bridgetender" on his show, and tricked me into thinking it was someone actually talking to me. One of the recorded lines he has from the Bridgetender is "You are absolutely correct, sir!"
And you have hit it on the head.
Billy Mays wrote:More often than not, throwing the term racism around is a tactic used by liberals who are unable to come to any sort of rational argument against what is said.
There were people saying criticizing Muslims was racist until people started pointing out that it's not a race! As The Sugarhill Gang sang in
Rappers Delight, Muslims can consist of "the black to the white to the red to the brown, the purple and yellow."
Billy Mays wrote:I mention, in not the most diplomatic fashion, that something needs to be addressed about jihadism spreading throughout the western world. This is a statement of fact that breaks the utopian narrative that all cultures are identical and completely compatible with each other.
I think the West needs to stop pussy footing around and declare the truth: that Islam is not a religion, but a military order. The penalty for leaving Islam (apostasy) is death. That means that Muslims are treating the Islamic faith not as a religious order but as a military, since they are equating abandoning the religion the same as a soldier abandoning their post. Thus until it abandons its military aspects it is not entitled to religious treatment.
If, like myself, you give up on Christianity and become an atheist, or you convert to some other religion, nobody is going to care, but under the provisions of the Koran that practice by a Muslim mandates a death sentence.
Billy Mays wrote:They are unable to argue against this due to turning on the news and seeing Muslims slaughtering large groups of people in the name of Islam. This makes them feel bad because they are not able to refute this argument, so they throw racist at the person because it used to be an atomic bomb word that won all arguments.
The new word is "Islamophobic," as if that is supposed to sound all bad or something. It is not wrong to find offensive a religion that considers if you engage in a form of consensual sexuality that the people who operate it disagree with, they have the right to behead you. Or that the appropriate action if a woman is raped is either to force her to marry him so he can continue to rape her or have her stoned to death for adultery, while he gets away with it.
This sort of insanity deserves maximum opposition and condemnation, and those who disagree with the opposing of cold blooded murder of gays because they don't like their practices or the torture murder of rape victims, or think that we should not be harshly critical of these practices, are enablers of evil who deserve even worse scorn and ridicule.
Billy Mays wrote:You guys can deny reality all that you like, you can listen to your feelings, and wish really hard that we are not at war with Islam, this however does not make it true. How many more thousands of westerners are you willing to get slaughtered or raped before you admit we have a problem here?
I am aware that there is a problem. And something should be done as long as it is not excessive nor worse than the problem.
About ten years ago on one of the Objectivist newsgroups on Usenet I was arguing with some people who thought that "the answer" was to preemptively use nuclear weapons against countries they thought were unacceptable because of their support of Islam and might attack us. My response was basically, "are you out of your fucking mind!?" That sort of concept is ridiculous, because if you can argue we should commit offensive use of nuclear weapons because they
might be a threat to us, would give them a valid reason
to attack us on the grounds that we were planning to nuke them.
That way leads to madness.
[quote="Billy Mays"][quote="RealNC"]Racism is a term that is also commonly used for religious discrimination.[/quote]
Only by those who don't understand the meaning of the words race and racism. [/quote]
Pinback has used a recording of a guy called "The Bridgetender" on his show, and tricked me into thinking it was someone actually talking to me. One of the recorded lines he has from the Bridgetender is "You are absolutely correct, sir!"
And you have hit it on the head.
[quote="Billy Mays"]More often than not, throwing the term racism around is a tactic used by liberals who are unable to come to any sort of rational argument against what is said.[/quote]
There were people saying criticizing Muslims was racist until people started pointing out that it's not a race! As The Sugarhill Gang sang in [i]Rappers Delight[/i], Muslims can consist of "the black to the white to the red to the brown, the purple and yellow."
[quote="Billy Mays"]I mention, in not the most diplomatic fashion, that something needs to be addressed about jihadism spreading throughout the western world. This is a statement of fact that breaks the utopian narrative that all cultures are identical and completely compatible with each other.[/quote]
I think the West needs to stop pussy footing around and declare the truth: that Islam is not a religion, but a military order. The penalty for leaving Islam (apostasy) is death. That means that Muslims are treating the Islamic faith not as a religious order but as a military, since they are equating abandoning the religion the same as a soldier abandoning their post. Thus until it abandons its military aspects it is not entitled to religious treatment.
If, like myself, you give up on Christianity and become an atheist, or you convert to some other religion, nobody is going to care, but under the provisions of the Koran that practice by a Muslim mandates a death sentence.
[quote="Billy Mays"]They are unable to argue against this due to turning on the news and seeing Muslims slaughtering large groups of people in the name of Islam. This makes them feel bad because they are not able to refute this argument, so they throw racist at the person because it used to be an atomic bomb word that won all arguments. [/quote]
The new word is "Islamophobic," as if that is supposed to sound all bad or something. It is not wrong to find offensive a religion that considers if you engage in a form of consensual sexuality that the people who operate it disagree with, they have the right to behead you. Or that the appropriate action if a woman is raped is either to force her to marry him so he can continue to rape her or have her stoned to death for adultery, while he gets away with it.
This sort of insanity deserves maximum opposition and condemnation, and those who disagree with the opposing of cold blooded murder of gays because they don't like their practices or the torture murder of rape victims, or think that we should not be harshly critical of these practices, are enablers of evil who deserve even worse scorn and ridicule.
[quote="Billy Mays"]You guys can deny reality all that you like, you can listen to your feelings, and wish really hard that we are not at war with Islam, this however does not make it true. How many more thousands of westerners are you willing to get slaughtered or raped before you admit we have a problem here?[/quote]
I am aware that there is a problem. And something should be done as long as it is not excessive nor worse than the problem.
About ten years ago on one of the Objectivist newsgroups on Usenet I was arguing with some people who thought that "the answer" was to preemptively use nuclear weapons against countries they thought were unacceptable because of their support of Islam and might attack us. My response was basically, "are you out of your fucking mind!?" That sort of concept is ridiculous, because if you can argue we should commit offensive use of nuclear weapons because they [i]might[/i] be a threat to us, would give them a valid reason [i]to[/i] attack us on the grounds that we were planning to nuke them.
That way leads to madness.