Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Paul, will your fridge to Knuckles after your death. It's the least you can do for a community that's given you so much.
No, the least thing he can do is what he is doing now, that is how he got in his current predicament.
Come on now, it is not like Knuckles is asking for Paul's mini fridge, which we all know he owns, that is easily within arm's length of his bed, and is packed somehow with like 8,000 candy bars inside, which he has conned some enabler to restock as part of their morning routine.
No, he is merely asking for a fridge that Paul probably doesn't even remember where he saw it last.
Here is the start of a text adventure that I was thinking about making, but I haven't learned Inform yet, so I am gifting the idea to whoever on this forum wants to make it:
You are standing in the bedroom of an economy class apartment. The 900 pound "man" laying on the bed in front of you is moaning "Leave my apartment" in an increasingly agitated tone. He is currently immobilized by decades of unhealthy living choices. The light coming in from the window to the south is letting you know it's midafternoon. You can also hear the sound of gunshots in the not too distant distance, which confirms your suspicion that you are on the wrong side of town.
The rooms to the East and West are blocked by Pizza Hut boxes that go from floor to ceiling, the door that leads North will take you out of the apartment.
You can see a bed, on which resides a man-whale, adjacent to that bed is a desk, on which rests a computer, you can also see a mini fridge, a wheelchair, and a 5 gallon bucket.
You are carrying:
a lock pick
a large canister of powdered dietary meal replacement
>give meal replacement to man
The large man angrily shoves your gift off the side of his bed, nevertheless, you did the right thing:
Your score has just gone up by 1 point
>x desk
Particle board that's defying both time and gravity. A drawer is hanging on for dear life off to one side.
>open drawer
Whatever was keeping that drawer connected to the desk, no longer is. Looking down you see it contains a card of some sort.
>take card
>x card
The faded pastel colors and worn out crease indicates that this "Get Well Soon" card is probably at least a decade old.
>read card
"Paul: Everyone here at Jolt Country is overjoyed by the news that you are getting your health back in order, and we are all looking forward to the day that you are able to return to posting your insightful and generous comments! Get well soon good friend!!!!" it is then signed "-Robb, Knuckles, Rob, Ben (pinback?!), THE LOVE YOUR HELPFUL POSTS AARDVARK...and about thirty other names you don't recognize". "Huh" ,you wonder, as you try and figure out how and when things could have spiraled so far out of control there...
>hit Paul
Violence is not the solution here.
>x mini fridge
There is nothing special about this mini fridge, except for the fact that it is positioned easily within arm's length of the bed.
>open mini fridge
Sure enough, 8000 candy bars.
>take candy bars
I don't know what you are trying to accomplish here, taking the candy bars would just end up bankrupting the man's enabler.
>close mini fridge
>push mini fridge
Moving the candy bar packed mini fridge up against the opposite wall should now decrease his caloric intake.
Your score has just gone up by 1 point
>x bucket
Well, at least you now know why you can't see any clear paths to any bathrooms.
*****You Have Died*****
You are standing in a bedroom.
>x computer
The computer is on, and the CRT monitor is displaying an almost finished post being fine tuned for maximum "gotcha" affect on the Jolt Country BBS. You can't be bothered to read this blowhard's encyclopedia of useless knowledge, but a quick skim reveals that user "tdarcos" is trying to somehow tie in "how copyright law, programming in MIMIC, and string theory (the textiles one, not physics) all come together to prove his point about"...who gives a shit, nobody is going to read it anyways you wisely conclude.
>x wheelchair
Oof, sometimes life deals you a bad hand, and sometimes you deal yourself one. The only thing that's certain is this wheelchair is gigantic.
>take wheelchair
>throw wheelchair at computer
Lifting that wheeled monstrosity over your head takes the strength and determination of Atlas to accomplish. Its almost cruise missile like trajectory impacts the computer with a satisfying 'chring-crunch' sound as shards of broken glass and chunks of beige plastic erupt from its spark emitting core.
Maybe now he can focus more on that dietary powder you gave him.
Your score has just gone up by 1 point
>open door
You leave the apartment, and possibly saved the life of a complete stranger in the process!!!!
You managed to achieve a final score of 3/3.
*****************You Won******************
[quote="Ice Cream Jonsey"]Paul, will your fridge to Knuckles after your death. It's the least you can do for a community that's given you so much.[/quote]
No, the least thing he can do is what he is doing now, that is how he got in his current predicament.
Come on now, it is not like Knuckles is asking for Paul's mini fridge, which we all know he owns, that is easily within arm's length of his bed, and is packed somehow with like 8,000 candy bars inside, which he has conned some enabler to restock as part of their morning routine.
No, he is merely asking for a fridge that Paul probably doesn't even remember where he saw it last.
Here is the start of a text adventure that I was thinking about making, but I haven't learned Inform yet, so I am gifting the idea to whoever on this forum wants to make it:
You are standing in the bedroom of an economy class apartment. The 900 pound "man" laying on the bed in front of you is moaning "Leave my apartment" in an increasingly agitated tone. He is currently immobilized by decades of unhealthy living choices. The light coming in from the window to the south is letting you know it's midafternoon. You can also hear the sound of gunshots in the not too distant distance, which confirms your suspicion that you are on the wrong side of town.
The rooms to the East and West are blocked by Pizza Hut boxes that go from floor to ceiling, the door that leads North will take you out of the apartment.
You can see a bed, on which resides a man-whale, adjacent to that bed is a desk, on which rests a computer, you can also see a mini fridge, a wheelchair, and a 5 gallon bucket.
You are carrying:
a lock pick
a large canister of powdered dietary meal replacement
>give meal replacement to man
The large man angrily shoves your gift off the side of his bed, nevertheless, you did the right thing:
[i]Your score has just gone up by 1 point[/i]
>x desk
Particle board that's defying both time and gravity. A drawer is hanging on for dear life off to one side.
>open drawer
Whatever was keeping that drawer connected to the desk, no longer is. Looking down you see it contains a card of some sort.
>take card
>x card
The faded pastel colors and worn out crease indicates that this "Get Well Soon" card is probably at least a decade old.
>read card
"Paul: Everyone here at Jolt Country is overjoyed by the news that you are getting your health back in order, and we are all looking forward to the day that you are able to return to posting your insightful and generous comments! Get well soon good friend!!!!" it is then signed "-Robb, Knuckles, Rob, Ben (pinback?!), THE LOVE YOUR HELPFUL POSTS AARDVARK...and about thirty other names you don't recognize". "Huh" ,you wonder, as you try and figure out how and when things could have spiraled so far out of control there...
>hit Paul
Violence is not the solution here.
>x mini fridge
There is nothing special about this mini fridge, except for the fact that it is positioned easily within arm's length of the bed.
>open mini fridge
Sure enough, 8000 candy bars.
>take candy bars
I don't know what you are trying to accomplish here, taking the candy bars would just end up bankrupting the man's enabler.
>close mini fridge
>push mini fridge
Moving the candy bar packed mini fridge up against the opposite wall should now decrease his caloric intake.
[i]Your score has just gone up by 1 point[/i]
>x bucket
Well, at least you now know why you can't see any clear paths to any bathrooms.
*****You Have Died*****
You are standing in a bedroom.
>x computer
The computer is on, and the CRT monitor is displaying an almost finished post being fine tuned for maximum "gotcha" affect on the Jolt Country BBS. You can't be bothered to read this blowhard's encyclopedia of useless knowledge, but a quick skim reveals that user "tdarcos" is trying to somehow tie in "how copyright law, programming in MIMIC, and string theory (the textiles one, not physics) all come together to prove his point about"...who gives a shit, nobody is going to read it anyways you wisely conclude.
>x wheelchair
Oof, sometimes life deals you a bad hand, and sometimes you deal yourself one. The only thing that's certain is this wheelchair is gigantic.
>take wheelchair
>throw wheelchair at computer
Lifting that wheeled monstrosity over your head takes the strength and determination of Atlas to accomplish. Its almost cruise missile like trajectory impacts the computer with a satisfying 'chring-crunch' sound as shards of broken glass and chunks of beige plastic erupt from its spark emitting core.
Maybe now he can focus more on that dietary powder you gave him.
[i]Your score has just gone up by 1 point[/i]
>open door
You leave the apartment, and possibly saved the life of a complete stranger in the process!!!!
You managed to achieve a final score of 3/3.
*****************You Won******************