You shop at Amazon, they support the IFTF!

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Expand view Topic review: You shop at Amazon, they support the IFTF!

by All my friends are fish » Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:55 pm

AArdvark wrote:Dude, this place ROCKS!
This place is a fucking bloodbath, going back in the archives, it has been like that since day one. It definitely has a lot of appeal going for it, but "rocks" is a bit of mischaracterization.

by Almost on board here » Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:49 pm

Realitycheck wrote:This almost confirms what I've thought for awhile that Billy is the just...
This is how I know your post is complete bullshit. Nobody thinks anything about Billy for more than a few glancing seconds of "I really hate that fucker" before moving on with the rest of their day or finding something else better to read.

by Realitycheck » Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:44 pm

This almost confirms what I've thought for awhile that Billy is the just an escapee from Caltrops. It makes sense, he uses lots of fake handles and he's the biggest idiot douche to post here in awhile.

by pinback » Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:23 pm

Almost on board here wrote:."Caltrops" is the child your are proud of because they are constantly winning athletic trophies and earning academic achievements, while Jolt Country is well it wasn't their fault their mother couldn't take herself off the bottle for 9 months, and it is still your kid after all, and every child is a blessing...
Totally agree. Maybe spend more of your valuable time over there, moving forward!

by AArdvark » Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:34 pm

Dude, this place ROCKS!

Where else can you see silly Youtube clips about nothing and read walls of text about many, many things.


by Almost on board here » Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:59 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I hope at least everyone else realizes that I run the two places on Earth that you post to
I finally checked out that other site you run, and now I understand why this board looks like such a grungy mess. "Caltrops" is the child your are proud of because they are constantly winning athletic trophies and earning academic achievements, while Jolt Country is well it wasn't their fault their mother couldn't take herself off the bottle for 9 months, and it is still your kid after all, and every child is a blessing...

by Footloose » Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:14 pm

Tdarcos wrote:
In Paul's defense... wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:in the context of ball-breaking, which is what I've done to everyone else here.
You've actually been nothing but pleasant to me since I arrived...
"Don't give him any more ideas. He already has enough."
- Zelda Rubinstein, Poltergeist

"You guys, I'm hungry. I know when my stomach growls there's trouble." - Chunk, The Goonies

by Tdarcos » Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:25 pm

In Paul's defense... wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:in the context of ball-breaking, which is what I've done to everyone else here.
You've actually been nothing but pleasant to me since I arrived...
"Don't give him any more ideas. He already has enough."
- Zelda Rubinstein, Poltergeist

by In Paul's defense... » Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:58 am

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:in the context of ball-breaking, which is what I've done to everyone else here.
You've actually been nothing but pleasant to me since I arrived...

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:14 pm

Tdarcos wrote:[Now, if you're referring to Jonsey, well, I still disagree with some of the nasty names he's called me.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

I hope at least everyone else realizes that I run the two places on Earth that you post to, and those two places have given you more entertainment in your fifties, making your life interesting and giving you something to do other than wait for the cold release of death than everything else COMBINED.

If I used harsh terms it was only in the context of ball-breaking, which is what I've done to everyone else here. As far as I am concerned, we're chums, you lunatic.

by Didn't see this coming. » Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:19 pm

Holy fuck, even I'm not that cold hearted...

by A Literal Dick » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:21 pm

Something more relevant since were on the topic: ... 111113.pdf

by The God's Honest Truth » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:01 pm

Tdarcos wrote:presuming it even exists. ... mfc_pref=T

by Tdarcos » Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:33 am

Footloose wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:Sir, I will have you know that, to quote Supervisor 246 in my book Instrument of God: "a 'bastard' is a narrow sword, a coarse grade file, or a person whose parents were not married before he was born."
It's also someone who won't stop slurping up the cold cut party tray they're rolling around in for 2 minutes to help support a friendship that goes back many years.
What friendship? I've never been friends with the IFDB. Now, if you're referring to Jonsey, well, I still disagree with some of the nasty names he's called me. And I did not like the way Pinback raped one of my posts so it probably doesn't apply to him (I have a looong memory.)
Footloose wrote:I don't buy your story for a minute. If there's one charity you do donate to it's the ADA because you know it's the last goddamn card you got left to play in this world.
If by "ADA" you are referring to the American Diabetes Association you are mistaken as I do not donate to that group, presuming it even exists.

If by "ADA" you are in fact referring to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as I think is more likely, your statement makes no sense at all, as one cannot "donate" to, it is not a charity any more than The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a charity.

by Footloose » Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:38 pm

Tdarcos wrote:Sir, I will have you know that, to quote Supervisor 246 in my book Instrument of God: "a 'bastard' is a narrow sword, a coarse grade file, or a person whose parents were not married before he was born."
It's also someone who won't stop slurping up the cold cut party tray they're rolling around in for 2 minutes to help support a friendship that goes back many years.

I don't buy your story for a minute. If there's one charity you do donate to it's the ADA because you know it's the last goddamn card you got left to play in this world.

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:40 am

Billy Mays wrote:See everyone, this is what a considerate human being does! I had quoted your reply first in order to juxtapose what a descent person does with what Tdarcos, a total bastard, does.
Sir, I will have you know that, to quote Supervisor 246 in my book Instrument of God: "a 'bastard' is a narrow sword, a coarse grade file, or a person whose parents were not married before he was born." I am none of these things.

See, this is the typical practice of Christians, going around bearing false witness against their neighbor.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Billy Mays is correct, as is his nature. I am a pretty good human being.
No, I think you fall into the 'total bastard' category too, just like me. Pinback has long since been there.
A lot of people might argue that someone who donates to <s>The ACLU</s> Amnesty International is better than one who donates nickles to a long-deteriorated subgenre of videogame, but this thread really does prove it otherwise.
It does not mean any such thing. You donate to the causes you believe are worthy of support and I'll donate to the ones I think are worthy of support. What you choose to donate to has no relevance to your value as a human being, unless you donate to some cause that either is antithetical to your own aims or is detrimental to life in general. Like donating to the "Kill all Humans Foundation" or the Republican Party.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:42 pm

Billy Mays is correct, as is his nature. I am a pretty good human being.

A lot of people might argue that someone who donates to [strike]The ACLU[/strike] Amnesty International is better than one who donates nickles to a long-deteriorated subgenre of videogame, but this thread really does prove it otherwise.

Checkmate again, Paul. ;)

Re: Now I am become Tdarcos, the devourer of worlds.

by Billy Mays » Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:12 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I've been buying crap through that site so at the rates that I purchase shit, I expect them all to be well-funded.

It is the least I can do, after all, I am certain that everyone involved in that IF organization immediately went to Steam and gave me the votes I needed to get out of Greenlight during the 13 months I was in there.
See everyone, this is what a considerate human being does! I had quoted your reply first in order to juxtapose what a descent person does with what Tdarcos, a total bastard, does.

Re: Now I am become Tdarcos, the devourer of worlds.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:57 pm

Rare Amiibos Scalper wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Thanks for posting. I signed up!
Tdarcos wrote:Having thought about it, I just changed it to Amnesty International USA, Inc.
How do you find time in the course of devouring the entire universe to still completely fuck over everyone you care about?
I've been buying crap through that site so at the rates that I purchase shit, I expect them all to be well-funded.

It is the least I can do, after all, I am certain that everyone involved in that IF organization immediately went to Steam and gave me the votes I needed to get out of Greenlight during the 13 months I was in there.

Now I am become Tdarcos, the devourer of worlds.

by Rare Amiibos Scalper » Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:56 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Thanks for posting. I signed up!
Tdarcos wrote:Having thought about it, I just changed it to Amnesty International USA, Inc.
How do you find time in the course of devouring the entire universe to still completely fuck over everyone you care about?
