On the fundamental axioms of existence

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by Flack » Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:29 pm

Tdarcos wrote:I don't get the train joke. Those appear to be British or European rail cars. Now, if they were from Virginia Railway Express I could get it, perhaps.

I don't get the point.
And that's why we love you.

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:20 pm

I don't get the train joke. Those appear to be British or European rail cars. Now, if they were from Virginia Railway Express I could get it, perhaps.

I don't get the point.

by AArdvark » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:27 am

1. I am in Maryland, not Virginia. Annandale is a small town in Fairfax County, VA. I was there once about 12 years ago to mail my friend Andrea a Christmas Present on the 22nd via Express Mail with guaranteed delivery by Christmas.) I paid $24 to ship it to her, with a guarantee of the 23rd. It got there on the 24th so I got my money back!


by Didn't see this coming. » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:26 am

Tdarcos wrote:I have never eaten Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream.
I would have an easier time proving the existence of God to the entire world, then you would of proving this statement of yours to even one member on this board.

by The God's Honest Truth » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:22 am

AArdvark wrote: Taken!

But anyway, How do you know No. 3 is correct and true?
3. That world is outside of me and is not simulated by some part of me.
You do realize that we, and the world around you, could all be generated by some part of your huge brain and in reality you are comatose in a barber's chair someplace in Annandale.
If Paul was generating his own reality in his mind, then the outside world would look identical to the board game "Candyland".

This is more commonly referred to as the "Vegetables Substantiation".

by Tdarcos » Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:03 am

pinback wrote:
Tdarcos wrote: I have no interest in Jennifer Anniston. Cute, but not my type.
Okay, what the fuck. Who IS your type, bro?
The thing with Jennifer Anniston is that either she "got a look on your face like you ain't been fucked in a year," as Al Pacino said in Scarface, or she looks like she's in a perpetual state of almost about to cry,
Flack wrote:Girls who eat vegetables?
I don't think so.

I'm not really sure what my type is except I do like fat ladies. Now if you can tell me what characteristics are that are shared by four women I do find very attractive, Christianne Ammanpour, Lauren Hutton, Brenda Vaccaro and Linda Ellerbee, then I might be able to guess.

"I fell in love with the Roller Derby queen, na na na, no na na na, the meanest hunk of woman that anybody's ever seen, da ba da ba de da bo." - Jim Croce

by Flack » Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:49 am

Girls who eat vegetables?

by pinback » Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:19 pm

Tdarcos wrote: I have no interest in Jennifer Anniston. Cute, but not my type.
Okay, what the fuck. Who IS your type, bro?

by Tdarcos » Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:47 pm

Tdarcos wrote: The Pizza Tracker is only available from Dominos. I haven't bought a pizza from Dominos in at least two years. There are much better pizzas in the area, including Ben & Jerrys,
I'm stupid today. That's Jerry's Subs and Pizza. I have never eaten Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream.

by Tdarcos » Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:45 pm

AArdvark wrote: Taken!

But anyway, How do you know No. 3 is correct and true?
3. That world is outside of me and is not simulated by some part of me.
Remember, what I repeat here is a subset of what I wrote in the original message. Which read "Third, I reject the idea that my own consciousness could be simulating the world around me, because it would require that I, at the time I was instantiated, had the capacity to completely imagine the entire world around me lacking any sense data or other information necessary to imagine these things."

I am saying that the world was real around me from when I was born. While it is possible that could change later - I'll explain why, below - I believe it to be unlikely.

"You do realize that we, and the world around you, could all be generated by some part of your huge brain and in reality you are comatose in a barber's chair someplace in Annandale."

1. I am in Maryland, not Virginia. Annandale is a small town in Fairfax County, VA. I was there once about 12 years ago to mail my friend Andrea a Christmas Present on the 22nd via Express Mail with guaranteed delivery by Christmas.) I paid $24 to ship it to her, with a guarantee of the 23rd. It got there on the 24th so I got my money back!

2. I haven't gone to a barber in twenty years. My sister cuts my hair (she went to cosmetology school about 50 years ago).

3. What fails this hypothesis is the conservation of detail. I've had lots of dreams, they are, once I come out of them, never as detailed as real life. I can go on my computer and look for files on my NAS, which is a 5TB drive accessible from any of my computers.

4. What also fails is the pinch test. It still works, you pinch yourself and you feel it in the real world; your subconscious does not know how to replicate this in dreams. (I have a story about how I stopped wetting the bed at 16 if anyone wants to hear it.)

(personal, probably not well known)
5. My subconscious does not know I am wheelchair bound. I have many dreams and my subconscious has me walking around or otherwise traveling in a manner which does not include a wheelchair.
"This is your left lobe speaking now. FYI, Right brain is having those dirty thoughts about pizza and Jennifer Anniston again."
'Vark, clearly you never read my other book "Instrument of God" or you would have known (from George Green mentioning it to Supervisor 246) that my favorite women are Brenda Vaccaro, Lauren Hutton, Linda Ellerbee and Christianne Ammanpour.

I have no interest in Jennifer Anniston. Cute, but not my type.

by Tdarcos » Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:28 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:1. I exist.
2. There is a world around me.
3. That world is outside of me and is not simulated by some part of me.
4. That world has to be accepted as real in order for me to survive.
The pizza tracker has to be accepted as real for you to survive.
The Pizza Tracker is only available from Dominos. I haven't bought a pizza from Dominos in at least two years. There are much better pizzas in the area, including Ben & Jerrys, whose New York Style pizza is to die for. Fortunately they do not delivier or I'd be even fatter than I am now. Since I have to get off my fat ass to get one, I do not do so except rarely, perhaps one every six months.

But when I have ordered delivery pizza (or other things) I have found better choices than Dominos.

Besides, pizza is one of the few things I use salt on and I have been instructed by my doctors to cut back on sodium, so I avoid pizza.

Furthermore, the Pizza Tracker is not real, it is an image displayed on a computer screen and is only there as long as the web browser is open. It is a virtual construct and has no real existence, or it has a transient existence and exists only as an image created as needed, and destroyed when no longer needed, but used no space, occupied no place and changed nothing.

When a person or a neon sign exists, it consumes energy for its construction and while it operates. There is no difference in energy for the pizza tracker because the pixels on the screen use energy no matter what is showing.

by AArdvark » Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:00 pm


But anyway, How do you know No. 3 is correct and true?
3. That world is outside of me and is not simulated by some part of me.
You do realize that we, and the world around you, could all be generated by some part of your huge brain and in reality you are comatose in a barber's chair someplace in Annandale.

"This is your left lobe speaking now. FYI, Right brain is having those dirty thoughts about pizza and Jennifer Anniston again.


by Jizaboz » Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:00 pm

Speaking of which, what do you want on your next pizza, paul?

Ha, PIZZA PAUL. If you ever open a pizza place, that should be the name.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:30 pm

Tdarcos wrote:1. I exist.
2. There is a world around me.
3. That world is outside of me and is not simulated by some part of me.
4. That world has to be accepted as real in order for me to survive.
The pizza tracker has to be accepted as real for you to survive.

by Tdarcos » Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:28 pm

RealNC wrote:
pinback wrote:"axiomatic": "self-evident or unquestionable"

That's some fine science you're doing, pal.
Science is based on axioms. The trick is to have a bare minimum of them.
Exactly! I have been very careful to limit myself to exactly 4, and this is a summary of what I said in the original article:

1. I exist.
2. There is a world around me.
3. That world is outside of me and is not simulated by some part of me.
4. That world has to be accepted as real in order for me to survive.

Everything else I accept as true is founded upon evidence and other proofs, these are the only things I accept as axiomatic, or as Pinback has noted, self-evident or unquestionable.

by RealNC » Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:37 pm

pinback wrote:"axiomatic": "self-evident or unquestionable"

That's some fine science you're doing, pal.
Science is based on axioms. The trick is to have a bare minimum of them.

by RealNC » Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:36 pm


Allow me, if you will, to summarize this masterpiece of yours:

"I think, therefore I am" -René Descartes
This can be abstracted further with:

"Why is there something rather than nothing." -No One In Particular

by pinback » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:53 pm

"axiomatic": "self-evident or unquestionable"

That's some fine science you're doing, pal.

by Tdarcos » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:41 pm


Allow me, if you will, to summarize this masterpiece of yours:

"I think, therefore I am" -Rene Descartes
(Note, I have dropped the accented second e on "Rene" because the software on this BBS does not like it and if I left it in, would blank this post).

No, that's not a summary. That's where Descartes stopped and refused to go further. I have not only declared my existence to be axiomatic, but I argue the world around me is, for the opposite reason to Descartes.

While I think, I could not imagine the whole of reality out of wholecloth. I had to have input to do so, and thus, the intputs I receive are from the universe around me.

by pinback » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:34 pm

Billy Mays wrote:
pinback wrote:
Billy Mays wrote:Experiences are dependent on somebody or something experiencing them
You're sure about that, now.
Well, okay.

If you'd be interested in a friendly back and forth which may end up challenging that assumption, let me know. I can't do it with Tdarcos because any time I say anything I get fifteen pages of text that he's already posted forty-three times, so nothing gets accomplished.

Nothing will get accomplished here either, but it might be entertaining for the kids.
