by RetroRomper » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:10 pm
Okay Billy, your little quip is about as bonehead as saying "Ugh ugh, you are a prodigy at <math> so why bother practicing?" And kinda scares me coming from a grown ass man.
You know why? Because you in truth said "I don't actually want to have a discussion that won't reinforce my own limited or complete lack of understanding of the subject, so I'm going to jump to conclusions based on my own ignorance while using redneck, "beat you for saying your dad can beat mine" logic."
How about we actually talk about skincare without applying your BS logical fallacies? In that context, here is an example of partly what Bai Ling likely does:
Jessica Jung is 27, was a member of a fairly big pop band in Korea called Girls' Generation and now has a pretty fulfilling solo career. Now I'll let my patience show and give you a minute to take a look at her:
She is one of those "Asians" with "naturally gifted skin" you say? Well... Part of the reason IS THAT THEY TAKE CARE OF IT. Carrying a parasol, large brimmed hat, wearing sunscreen, and having even a basic morning and night routine is part of that.
Don't believe me? Lets take a look at what she does on a regular basis to keep it up -
I stopped counting steps, but it easily falls into the same sort of standard routine even I practice as she cleanses, applies essences, etc, etc. So pack your small minded, racist (the "Asians waste money" statement just hit me,) excuse for intellectualism and hike it back to the Troll Room you piece of shit.
Okay Billy, your little quip is about as bonehead as saying "Ugh ugh, you are a prodigy at <math> so why bother practicing?" And kinda scares me coming from a grown ass man.
You know why? Because you in truth said "I don't actually want to have a discussion that won't reinforce my own limited or complete lack of understanding of the subject, so I'm going to jump to conclusions based on my own ignorance while using redneck, "beat you for saying your dad can beat mine" logic."
How about we actually talk about skincare without applying your BS logical fallacies? In that context, here is an example of partly what Bai Ling likely does:
Jessica Jung is 27, was a member of a fairly big pop band in Korea called Girls' Generation and now has a pretty fulfilling solo career. Now I'll let my patience show and give you a minute to take a look at her:
She is one of those "Asians" with "naturally gifted skin" you say? Well... Part of the reason IS THAT THEY TAKE CARE OF IT. Carrying a parasol, large brimmed hat, wearing sunscreen, and having even a basic morning and night routine is part of that.
Don't believe me? Lets take a look at what she does on a regular basis to keep it up -
I stopped counting steps, but it easily falls into the same sort of standard routine even I practice as she cleanses, applies essences, etc, etc. So pack your small minded, racist (the "Asians waste money" statement just hit me,) excuse for intellectualism and hike it back to the Troll Room you piece of shit.