Review: Yeo's Extra Hot Chili Sauce

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Expand view Topic review: Review: Yeo's Extra Hot Chili Sauce

by Tdarcos » Mon May 29, 2017 10:39 am

Liveleak suffers from the same problems of alternate video providers I complained about ten years ago, they can't show video or operate playback on their private video streaming service as well as YouTube. Their video couldn't run for three seconds before buffering, and after a couple of fails, cut off when less than 20 seconds of the video played.

But I'm not stupid, I'm not going to use a dangerous or deadly weapon unless my life is in jeopardy and I'm not stupid enough to encourage "suicide by cop" by brandishing a weapon at police officers.

Especially not in Prince Georges County, MD.

by AArdvark » Mon May 29, 2017 8:53 am

by Tdarcos » Mon May 29, 2017 1:25 am

The Happiness Engine wrote:...but you're Paul, and I have legs.
Why would I have anything to do with you. Unless you're in my neighborhood and a perceived threat to me I am of no danger to you.

by The Happiness Engine » Sun May 28, 2017 5:54 pm

...but you're Paul, and I have legs.

by Tdarcos » Sat May 27, 2017 11:02 pm

The Happiness Engine wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:And remember, killing by knife is quick and silent.
Unlike say, a motorized wheelchair and a man incapable of reaching another person's throat.
I've seen the throwing video, and you'd be surprised what you can do from a mere five feet if you know what you're doing and practice, whether all you have is a sharpened pencil, a fork, or a pair of scissors and can't get to or don't have a knife. But with a knife and practice you can do a lot of damage to an atrtacker.

They have one particular attack method which a student of his referred to as "CAYFOON" which is short for "Comes at you from out of nowhere," using an underhand reverse throw, it reminded me of the way someone would throw a bowling ball.

And you also learn to train your weak hand as well, by the first rule, get good at hitting the target, then be accurate on aiming, then try for power, because you need them in that order: you have to hit the target to do anything, then you have to hit the target in a vulnerable area to stop or disable them. Then you can worry about more power.

One suggestion was to get 1" dowel rod, cut into pieces 8" long and coat the ends with powdered chalk (the kind used for marking chalk line), and use those for practice throws, especially if you're training with a partner. This does two things: (1) it allows you to see if you hit the target, and (2) if you make a mistake and it bounces, nobody (including you) is going to get hurt from a thrown dowel (as opposed to real injury that can occur from a thrown knife that bounces off the target.)

Another point: throw knives at the target from an angle, not forward at the target. If you miss - and even professionals like the guy on the video admit the miss occasionally - the knife will bounce somewhere else instead of back at you.

by Jizaboz » Wed May 24, 2017 7:55 pm

Tdarcos wrote: I just purchased a set of four throwing knives and a DVD that trains how to throw them with deadly accuracy. The first one and the DVD were just charged shipping, $9.95, then the other three were special for $19.95.
"He's a womanizer.. But he's an expert at throwing knives."

by AArdvark » Wed May 24, 2017 3:28 pm

Another really great video idea.

by The Happiness Engine » Wed May 24, 2017 3:06 pm

Tdarcos wrote:And remember, killing by knife is quick and silent.
Unlike say, a motorized wheelchair and a man incapable of reaching another person's throat.

by Tdarcos » Tue May 23, 2017 4:32 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:We reached the point of the thread where we tell each other to kill ourselves. I'm okay with this, it's all in fun, but I would like to note that it's usually much later in the process than this.
I just purchased a set of four throwing knives and a DVD that trains how to throw them with deadly accuracy. The first one and the DVD were just charged shipping, $9.95, then the other three were special for $19.95.

So once I've gotten some practice I'll carry my throwing knife and my quick open knife, designed to get around laws prohibiting switchblades. Since I don't have a firearm right now, usually I use my holster when I carry knives.

And remember, killing by knife is quick and silent. And most people don't even notice those who are handicapped. But woe to anyone who tries to hurt someone else if I'm around.

There is no such thing as a dangerous weapon. Only dangerous people. I intend to be very dangerous. You should be too. Dangerous when provoked, that is.

by pinback » Tue May 23, 2017 2:42 pm

Tdarcos wrote: How the <s>hell</s> living fuck does a sauce labeled "extra hot" end up being milder than other hot sauces? Your explanation is complete and total bullshit.

Let's just have some "Tam O'Shanter's Kosher Pork Sausage, with fresh real Italian pork imported from the farm in Fresno."
Sausage is an excellent example. If you bought "extra hot sausage", would you expect it to be hotter than straight hot sauce? Of course not, because it's "extra hot" relative to what you'd normally expect. With sausage, you'd normally expect zero heat.

by Tdarcos » Tue May 23, 2017 11:52 am

Flack wrote:Any chance you could take a page from Mama Cass next?
Did that already, had congestive heart failure two years ago.
pinback wrote:[picture of ham sandwich]
That's an urban legend. Mama Cass Elliot died of a heart attack, not from choking on a ham sandwich, and 30 seconds checking Wikipedia would have confirmed that.

by Tdarcos » Tue May 23, 2017 11:49 am

pinback wrote:Paul, that's dumb.

Yeo's Chili Sauce is a "sweet chili sauce", which generally means it usually has virtually no heat at all, and it's usually used as a dip or glaze for Asian-style food items.

So it makes sense that "extra hot" sweet chili sauce would be milder than even the mildest of hot sauces, since that's not what its primary purpose is.

That was dumb, Paul.
As Dean Wormer said in Animal House, "What the fuck is going on here?"

How the <s>hell</s> living fuck does a sauce labeled "extra hot" end up being milder than other hot sauces? Your explanation is complete and total bullshit.

Let's just have some "Tam O'Shanter's Kosher Pork Sausage, with fresh real Italian pork imported from the farm in Fresno."

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 23, 2017 11:00 am


by Flack » Tue May 23, 2017 10:44 am


by pinback » Tue May 23, 2017 10:42 am


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 23, 2017 9:40 am

We reached the point of the thread where we tell each other to kill ourselves. I'm okay with this, it's all in fun, but I would like to note that it's usually much later in the process than this.

by pinback » Tue May 23, 2017 9:23 am


by Flack » Tue May 23, 2017 9:18 am

Tdarcos wrote:To take a page from Bill Maher, New Rule:

It ain't really "extra hot" until it has a caution similar to that on pesticide packages, "Warning: Feferal law prohibits use of this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling," or "in case of accidental overdose, call poison cointrol at 800-656-1482."
Any chance you could take a page from Mama Cass next?

by pinback » Tue May 23, 2017 7:33 am

Paul, that's dumb.

Yeo's Chili Sauce is a "sweet chili sauce", which generally means it usually has virtually no heat at all, and it's usually used as a dip or glaze for Asian-style food items.

So it makes sense that "extra hot" sweet chili sauce would be milder than even the mildest of hot sauces, since that's not what its primary purpose is.

That was dumb, Paul.

by Tdarcos » Mon May 22, 2017 6:20 pm

To take a page from Bill Maher, New Rule:

It ain't really "extra hot" until it has a caution similar to that on pesticide packages, "Warning: Feferal law prohibits use of this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling," or "in case of accidental overdose, call poison cointrol at 800-656-1482."
