Can someone hook me up??

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by the IDSA » Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:16 pm


by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:07 pm

Also, I banned you, me and Lex for warez. God dammit!!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:06 pm

Zophar. Man. I hadn't heard that name in a while.

There used to be some complete fucking piece of stench that had a bunch of Genesis ROMs on his site. His big thing was that everyone who went to his site were "leachers." (Spelling is most certainly not correct.) If you grabbed, you were a leacher. If you told someone else about the site, you were a leacher. If you -- and this really set the fuckstick into a frenzy -- direct linked a ROM, oh boy, were you ever a "leacher."

This was back in 1997 or 1998, if I remember right. Of course, now there are dozens of ways to get ROMs of any and all types, and that cretin who thought he ran the Internet is wholly forgotten and back to being a fucking nobody.

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:00 pm

I go to Zophar's domain for pretty much all of my emulators for the pc. Here's the page for genesis:

The page for emulators for the X-Box seems a little skimpy, as I've seen other emulators mentioned on

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:52 pm

Replied to state that ICQ is still the most annoying app of all fucking time. GET TO THE BACKGROUND BEEEEEYATCH

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:51 pm

Is DGEN some sort of relative of KGEN? I definitely have KGEN on my system right hea-ah.

Lex, make with the geting-on-line and shit. I don't want to go find LeapFTP and put this on JC.

by Roody_Yogurt » Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:47 pm

On my computer I have Dgen and Gens. One pisses me off all the time but I can't remember which one.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:57 pm

Did anyone ever make a better Sega emu than KGEN? I recall one by "Steve Snake" but I don't know if he did that one or if he did another one.

Lex, fire me off an e-mail around 8:00pm MST. I'll see what I've got laying around for you.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:54 pm


by Guest » Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:50 pm

Well... Roms' turn up, right? I just need to find Dah Emulatooor.

by Jack Straw » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:48 am

I'll take a look when I get home. I'm pretty sure my Genesis collection is lacking though.

Can someone hook me up??

by Lex » Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:36 am

I'm looking for the latest and Bestz0r Genesis emulator, aswell as a bunch of Roms (Especially Shining Force) for the Xbox. IRC is proving hell.
XSNES would be cool too, but I don't want to get into this to a point where I'm spending 4 hours downloading MAME games, so I shall stick to me request; someone want to go through for me, and kick these emu's up?
