Hey guys! All the action is over
here today! Yes! At that link you can find:
o The Compleat PWC2 Reader / Burn Victim Archive
o Ben unfairly stating that I have been "stealing" all of his users
o A big Internet shit-fest!
Come on, now! Won't you bookmark the PWC Forum? PWC stands for Pinback's Web Central, but it also stands for
Comedy! Come do some anonymous slurring of character on the PWC BBS today! Now, goddammit!
Hey guys! All the action is over [url=http://www.voy.com/47897/]here[/url] today! Yes! At that link you can find:
o The Compleat PWC2 Reader / Burn Victim Archive
o Ben unfairly stating that I have been "stealing" all of his users
o A big Internet shit-fest!
Come on, now! Won't you bookmark the PWC Forum? PWC stands for Pinback's Web Central, but it also stands for [b]P[/b]unishment [b]W[/b]ith [b]C[/b]omedy! Come do some anonymous slurring of character on the PWC BBS today! Now, goddammit!