Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

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Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by RealNC » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:07 pm

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:03 pm

It was six months ago. It's still the worst thing that's ever happened to me, except for the direction this thread took.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by AArdvark » Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:47 pm

A ha ha haaa haa

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by AArdvark » Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:47 pm

Cut my nuts fucker

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by pinback » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:23 pm

No. No I don't. I behave like a responsible adult pet own and fix the fucking animals as soon as we get them.


Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by AArdvark » Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:34 pm

Ben, you have dogs, do you project your subconscious personal fear of castration onto your dogs?


Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by pinback » Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:19 am

That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard, and Paul posts here regularly.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by RealNC » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:31 am

I'd like my cat to not be missing parts. I paid for a whole cat, not for a mostly-cat.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by pinback » Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:10 am

In both cases, you're assuming people are projecting their shit onto their pets. Which I just said, don't do that. That's all that needs to be said here.


Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Paul Robinson » Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:59 am

Casual Observer wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:08 pm
Paul Robinson wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:44 pmBen, you need to understand something. Women know what is like to go through childbirth and have the tenacity to understand unwanted breeding is a bad idea. Since choosing to have your tubes tied (as a temporary measure) or cut (as a permanent one) is something reasonable they can consider once they've decided they want no more children (or don't want any) it doesn't bother a woman.

On the other hand, the only method of neutering a male cat or dog is, of course, castration, this creates a great deal of anxiety in the male owner, who unfortunately emphasizes with the animal a little too much, and thinks how he'd feel with his balls cut off. (They don't do vasectomies for animals.)

In order to understand how most men see this. . .
You're saying a cat or dog deserves self determination about reproductive rights?
Nope, you apparently never read what I said. Since women's sterilization is a reasonable idea when a woman decides she no longer wants to have kids and doesn't want to continue using contraceptives, the idea doesn't bother them and having a dog or cat spayed or neutered isn't a problem.

When the dog or cat's owner is a man, the idea of what has to be done, especially for male dogs, often triggers the owner's subconscious fear of castration of themselves. Thus a lot of men are reticent to having their (male) pet neutered.

The dog or cat doesn't care. They go under anesthesia and simply wake up either no longer capable of pushing out new litters, or having no interest in rutting and a reduced level of testosterone.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by AArdvark » Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:04 am

Stupis android interface

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by AArdvark » Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:03 am

Wow, this went from sad to dark faster than daylight savings time in an asylum. Didn't Dave Barry feature plastic fake dog testicles in one of his Christmas gift columns in the Miami Herald. The owners can have them put in the neutered pet for that uncut look.


Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Casual Observer » Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:08 pm

Paul Robinson wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:44 pmBen, you need to understand something. Women know what is like to go through childbirth and have the tenacity to understand unwanted breeding is a bad idea. Since choosing to have your tubes tied (as a temporary measure) or cut (as a permanent one) is something reasonable they can consider once they've decided they want no more children (or don't want any) it doesn't bother a woman.

On the other hand, the only method of neutering a male cat or dog is, of course, castration, this creates a great deal of anxiety in the male owner, who unfortunately emphasizes with the animal a little too much, and thinks how he'd feel with his balls cut off. (They don't do vasectomies for animals.)

In order to understand how most men see this. . .
You're saying a cat or dog deserves self determination about reproductive rights? the only pets that shouldn't be fixed are pure breeds that will command a premium that makes sure they won't be thrown away. Intact male cats piss everywhere and try to escape all the time - they will contribute to the pet overpopulation problem. Libertarian or reproductive rights ideas have no place in a discussion about pet fixin.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Paul Robinson » Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:44 pm

pinback wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:59 am That's great. Meanwhile shelters are overflowing with unwanted, often sick kittens because of this shit. There is absolutely zero justification for not spaying/neutering.
Ben, you need to understand something. Women know what is like to go through childbirth and have the tenacity to understand unwanted breeding is a bad idea. Since choosing to have your tubes tied (as a temporary measure) or cut (as a permanent one) is something reasonable they can consider once they've decided they want no more children (or don't want any) it doesn't bother a woman.

On the other hand, the only method of neutering a male cat or dog is, of course, castration, this creates a great deal of anxiety in the male owner, who unfortunately emphasizes with the animal a little too much, and thinks how he'd feel with his balls cut off. (They don't do vasectomies for animals.)

In order to understand how most men see this, here's a great short showing a new (1995) tool from Stone Manufacturing, the Henderson Equine Castrating Instrument to neuter horses. Inject the balls with anestetic, slit the scrotum, Clamp the Instrument to the ball sac, insert the end into a cordless variable speed drill, and twist slowly about 25 turns until the cord fractures and the testicle separates, then repeat for the other testicle. I thought it's a great educational video, and likely to scare the shit out of a lot of men.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Paul Robinson » Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:47 pm

pinback wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:59 am There is absolutely zero justification for not spaying/neutering.
Oh, I can think of one. Princess, the extremely beautiful calico cat we brought with us from California, was a fairly large cat. Not fat, just well proportioned, and fast.

Anyway, over the years a running gag in our family was my mother claiming Princess was pregnant. For eight years running.

I have a story about our large cat collection but I can't find it so I'll post it later. Point was, Princess never got pregnant so I had a pretty good idea why. We later moved to Washington, D.C. and lived over on the Southwest quadrant, across the street from a shopping center that later became the Waterfront Station on Metrorail. One time I was walking along the path from our townhouse to the street when I hear a noise in the bushes. I go to look and I discover Princess being fucked by another cat.

This confirmed what I had suspected, and a couple years later when I was taking Princess to the vet for shots, he happens to ask if Princess had been spayed. I hadn't had it done (for the reason below) and I didn't think my sister had, but I said to him, "It doesn't matter, she's a freemartin." As this is a rare condition he didn't know what that word meant, and so I told him, "That's an animal that's born sterile."

So there I present a legitimate (although rare) justification for not spaying an animal. When you discover the animal was born a freemartin.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by pinback » Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:59 am

That's great. Meanwhile shelters are overflowing with unwanted, often sick kittens because of this shit. There is absolutely zero justification for not spaying/neutering.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Jizaboz » Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:35 am

Pretty sure if the cat could take a survey that he would tick the "keep my balls" box.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by pinback » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:48 am

That is fucked up. Neuter your fucking cats. Don't project your shit onto them.

Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Erebor » Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:20 pm

I had a cat that I was attached to, recently. Over 3 years ago. He was a black male cat, barely full grown, named Rascal. He was also the most intelligent (empathetic, responsive), human cat I've ever seen. As it is with most male cats, I never learned his fate. He wandered off.

I don't have the heart to take away the one thing that I assume gives other male animals their will to live, so they eventually give in to wanderlust.

I wasn't going to share that, but I hope it helps.


Re: Robb's Boggit posts on the front page are heartwrenching.

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:50 am

Thank you, I appreciate that.
