by James Bond » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:32 am
To answer both questions in reverse order because I am that fucking *EVIL*...
Its a beer commercial, marketing mainly towards not those who like an occasional drink or two, but the overweight, sweaty, mangy alcoholics. You'd think that, being alcoholics, they wouldn't *need* to have commercials, but anyway... the "hidden subliminal message" involved is "drink with me you s3zy m3nzah and we'll fuck you into next week! *giggle*" Basically, beer commercials are trying to subliminally tell people "if you drink you'll get layed", but of course they can't actually *say* that. And I'm sure it actually works on the dumb ones, those who don't have the intelectual capacity to go much past "pretty lady! Hiuhk hiuhk!" Additionally, I'm sure it has something to do with complaints from these same stuck-up feminist bitches that we're raving about in the first place complaining about the earlier beer commercials which contained, as Dave Barry put it:
"...large hairy *men* staggering around and shaking each others hands. In one commercial they all pull on large hairy ropes and rescue a barge from floating out to see, before shaking hands again. Also you'll notice that there are no women in these beer commercials. The women have gotten tired of all the men saying "Hey George, we sure rescued that barge, didn't we!" or "Do you think its easy to rescue a barge/ WELL ITS *NOT*!", or, late at night, "Heey... let's go set that barge loose again!". So the women have gone off to find men who make their own beer. [sidenote: Dave Barry makes his own beer] Another of these commercials shows--I am not making this up--the berly men build a house. Now, I am not speaking from experience, except for the time when we helped a friend move out while under the influence buy throwing his posessions out of his fourth story window onto the pavement, but people while under the influence of alcohol... are not that good at building. The camera shows the berley men stacking up bricks to make a wall. It wouldn't surprise me that after the camera cuts out they keep pushing bricks into the wall until it falls over, crushing the sound equipment. And then... they all shake hands."
The people who would pay for this magazine, Robb, are of course women. You notice that all they are talking down to in the magazine are the "pig-like male brain". The entire damn website, as I gathered from the article tainted with the titles of the top links--are all geared towards women viewers. Basically, the entire magazine is designed for all of the arrogant stuck-up feminist bitches of the world to talk jealously to themselves about those pig-like men behind their backs. *coughcough TOTALFUCKINGBULLDYKES! *coughcough*
To answer both questions in reverse order because I am that fucking *EVIL*...
Its a beer commercial, marketing mainly towards not those who like an occasional drink or two, but the overweight, sweaty, mangy alcoholics. You'd think that, being alcoholics, they wouldn't *need* to have commercials, but anyway... the "hidden subliminal message" involved is "drink with me you s3zy m3nzah and we'll fuck you into next week! *giggle*" Basically, beer commercials are trying to subliminally tell people "if you drink you'll get layed", but of course they can't actually *say* that. And I'm sure it actually works on the dumb ones, those who don't have the intelectual capacity to go much past "pretty lady! Hiuhk hiuhk!" Additionally, I'm sure it has something to do with complaints from these same stuck-up feminist bitches that we're raving about in the first place complaining about the earlier beer commercials which contained, as Dave Barry put it:
"...large hairy *men* staggering around and shaking each others hands. In one commercial they all pull on large hairy ropes and rescue a barge from floating out to see, before shaking hands again. Also you'll notice that there are no women in these beer commercials. The women have gotten tired of all the men saying "Hey George, we sure rescued that barge, didn't we!" or "Do you think its easy to rescue a barge/ WELL ITS *NOT*!", or, late at night, "Heey... let's go set that barge loose again!". So the women have gone off to find men who make their own beer. [sidenote: Dave Barry makes his own beer] Another of these commercials shows--I am not making this up--the berly men build a house. Now, I am not speaking from experience, except for the time when we helped a friend move out while under the influence buy throwing his posessions out of his fourth story window onto the pavement, but people while under the influence of alcohol... are not that good at building. The camera shows the berley men stacking up bricks to make a wall. It wouldn't surprise me that after the camera cuts out they keep pushing bricks into the wall until it falls over, crushing the sound equipment. And then... they all shake hands."
The people who would pay for this magazine, Robb, are of course women. You notice that all they are talking down to in the magazine are the "pig-like male brain". The entire damn website, as I gathered from the article tainted with the titles of the top links--are all geared towards women viewers. Basically, the entire magazine is designed for all of the arrogant stuck-up feminist bitches of the world to talk jealously to themselves about those pig-like men behind their backs. *coughcough TOTALFUCKINGBULLDYKES! *coughcough*