Let's Get Cookin!

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Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:35 pm

Best of

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by AArdvark » Wed May 23, 2018 2:43 pm

Man, I miss guest posting

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by Mama Cass Sandwiches and Muumuus » Wed May 23, 2018 1:57 pm

Try me.

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by Jim Jones » Wed May 23, 2018 11:51 am

You guys aren't going to believe the mistake I made setting the drinks out for guests!!

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by pinback » Wed May 23, 2018 4:47 am

Roasting a chicken, except I accidentally bought a "hen", which I, at the time, thought was the same thing, and thus was left with a large poultry-looking item with the consistency of a rubber dog toy.

As in...

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by Flack » Tue May 22, 2018 5:25 pm

Not checking the expiration date on the milk jug before making mac and cheese.

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by Tdarcos » Tue May 22, 2018 5:18 pm

Striking a pan of hot water so it knocks off the stove and scalds me on the back. Running - rolling, that is - to the bathroom to put cold water on my back and failing to make sure the control arm on my wheelchair was out of the way, causing it to be flooded and shorting it out, costing me $650.00.

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by Jizaboz » Tue May 22, 2018 3:16 pm

Ha I was about to say.. "What the hell did you get rid of the fat for?!" and then I remembered your gall bladder issue.

A couple come to mind I've done..

- Cooked chicken or turkey with one or more organs still left in the bird. Turned out fine but you don't want your guests seeing that.
- Grabbed a new copper skillet from the broiler with my bare hand.
- Hits and misses with gravy. Sometimes too watery.. sometimes like wall paste.
- Put steak seasoning on a kids steak at a bbq once who specifically said "no peppers". Kind of a vague request though.
- Nuked the shit out of potatoes and rendered them useless not realizing how powerful a new microwave oven is.

Re: Let's Get Cookin!

by AArdvark » Tue May 22, 2018 2:50 pm

My biggest mistake was doing it myself instead of letting my wife cook.

Let's Get Cookin!

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue May 22, 2018 10:32 am

I used a crock pot - our crock pot, I'm not the EARRONS of slow cooking - to make a pork shoulder. Let it cook all day, it needed an extra hour so it was finished at 10:30PM, too late for dinner. Popped it in the fridge, woke up the next day to try some for breakfast.

What they don't tell you is to TRIM THE FAT. There was about four inches of white pork fat that had risen to the top. Don't get me wrong, left to my own devices I'd cook breakfast foods with it for the next quarter century, but because I am married now and missing a gall bladder, I scraped it away and threw it out.

What mistakes have you made while cooking, denizens?
