by Pretty Pretty Princess » Tue Jun 17, 2003 9:53 pm
i have found that the best way to deal with irritation caused by exposure small amounts of mustard gas is a long soak in warm water (preferably water the goat has not yet urinated in). if you can find aloe plants growing nearbye, dropping them in the bath helps a great deal.
of course, usually, when there is a spill at the poison gas factory they just make us work through it, but if it happens at the end of my shift and father does not require me to cook him dinner, then i like to indulge myself.
i have found that the best way to deal with irritation caused by exposure small amounts of mustard gas is a long soak in warm water (preferably water the goat has not yet urinated in). if you can find aloe plants growing nearbye, dropping them in the bath helps a great deal.
of course, usually, when there is a spill at the poison gas factory they just make us work through it, but if it happens at the end of my shift and father does not require me to cook him dinner, then i like to indulge myself.