Dishwasher repairman

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Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:17 pm

Last night the cops sounded their siren for approximately 1234343440 hours.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Casual Observer » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:12 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:49 pm Isn't that what Roundup is for?
No, roundup is for causing cancer.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Tdarcos » Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:49 pm

Flack wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:38 pm Agreed. You hear an ambulance followed by gunshots, run outside and wave to the Live PD cameras.

I can't imagine anything better than living on 10 acres, and anything worse than having to mow it.
Isn't that what Roundup is for?

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:37 pm

Since our last update, we have found a new house. We will be moving at the end of the month, and listing ours for sale shortly after. That means everything on the list that's BROKE will need to be FIXED. Another way to look at it is I will be FIXING things until I am BROKE.

With that, let's talk about the rear outside water faucet.

A few years ago, an underground pipe that's part of our sprinkler system broke. We don't use the sprinkler or the rear water faucet, so we just turned the water off to those two things.

We called the same plumber back to get the pipe fixed. The guy came out, dug in the yard until he found the broken pipe, and repaired/replaced it. $500.

We turned the water back on and discovered that while the sprinkler system now works again, the rear outside faucet still does not. Somehow, the long copper shaft came disconnected to a part it's not supposed to come disconnected from.

We called the same plumber back a third time. He was able to repair that one without digging through the sheet rock. $100.

Current status:

Clothes Dryer: FIXED
Ice/Water dispenser on the fridge door: FOREVER BROKE
Front Water Faucet: FIXED
Side Water Pipes: FIXED
Rear Water Faucet: FIXED

I might as well remove the fridge from the list. It's going into the garage at the new place and there won't be water hookups for the ice maker or water dispenser, so fixing those things is a moot point.

A realtor is coming to walk through our house today so rest assured trusty readers, there will be a new list soon.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:38 pm

Agreed. You hear an ambulance followed by gunshots, run outside and wave to the Live PD cameras.

I can't imagine anything better than living on 10 acres, and anything worse than having to mow it.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by pinback » Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:20 pm

Gunshots followed by an ambulance is terrifying. An ambulance followed by gunshots is AWESOME.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:53 pm

Last night it was gunshots and an ambulance. I slept through it. We've started discussing moving to where we have space. We can't work remotely at all and we both work a mile from where we live, so we have our own tethers.

I get the sense that if we do move and I have a 25 minute commute, all of a sudden peace and quiet isn't going to mean much.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:17 pm

We want to move, but with an 8th grader and an 11th grader, it doesn't make much sense at the moment. My wife and I both have jobs that we can perform 100% remotely, but the thing tying us to this physical location is the kids' school district. For what I would pay for 1/2 acre here in the suburbs, I can get 8-10 acres for 5 miles north (different school district). So yeah, that's the dream -- a bunch of space where I don't have to hear my dumb ass neighbor's loud truck and the other neighbor who likes to mow at 7 a.m. every Saturday.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by AArdvark » Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:51 pm

Getting into the green! Arent you going to move again? I think I remember something about you moving. All these fixes will help the value of your house.


Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:35 pm

I had my upstairs A/C unit repaired on 8/9. A couple of days ago, I went upstairs and it was 80+ degrees again.

The last time my repairman came out, he said it was time to spray my unit out again. (My neighbor conveniently planted two cottonwood trees right next to the property line, which constantly feed cotton directly into my air conditioner.) I thought maybe that's why it was getting warm upstairs again, so I went to Home Depot to buy a new spray nozzle for our water hose and ended up buying a pressure washer. If nothing else, I have the cleanest A/C unit on the planet at the moment. (And driveway, and gutters, and sidewalk, but that's a different story.) But I mean if you're wondering if 3,000 PSI of water will remove cotton from air conditioning vents, the answer is an emphatic "yes."

At some point I got delusions of grandeur and thought I might be able to fix the A/C unit, having watched the repairman do it so many times. I opened up the unit, checked voltage, dicked around for a few minutes and finally admitted I had no idea what I was looking at (other than a super-clean, non-functioning A/C unit). So, I called my guy again.

Here's what I know about air conditioner units. First, what I keep calling the "air conditioner" (the big green metal box outside) is really just the condenser unit. Inside the condenser unit there's a fan blade, a fan motor, a big capacitor, a bunch of coils, the contacter, and the compressor. Over the past year, I have paid to have the fan blade, fan motor, capacitor, and contactor replaced -- that leaves the coils, the compressor, and the big metal box.

Apparently, the compressor finally went bad.

I should mention that this A/C unit was built in 2005, and absolutely should not be having these kinds of issues. Every time the guy comes out, it costs me $100-$200 in parts and another $100 in labor. Well, not this time. The compressor, with labor, was $1,750. I really wanted to punch a hole in the living room wall, but I already have one. Instead I kicked this plastic rock that covers part of our sprinkler system. That disturbed some wasps, which came out and chased me for a while.

The A/C guy showed up today at 7:30 a.m. and left around 4. Good -- this ain't the Moonlite BunnyRanch. When I pay somebody $1,750, I like for them to stick around for a few hours. Also, the A/C guy doesn't say things like "yeah, buddy," or "yeah, boy." Today he told me how he spent his weekend repairing the A/C system at an inner city school for free. He's a good guy. He doesn't fix mine for free though. He's not that good.

I am writing this from my upstairs computer room. It's currently 67 degrees in this room, and I have the temperature on the "smart savings" thermostat turned down so low it just reads "LO" because, at least today, I can.


Clothes Dryer: FIXED
Ice/Water dispenser on the fridge door: BROKE
Front Water Faucet: FIXED
Rear Water Faucet: BROKE

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:03 pm

I worked on the front water faucet until I was out of options, so I called a plumber.

When the plumber arrived he took a look at the situation and said a lot of things like "yeah, boy," and "yeah, buddy," and "yeah, buddy, boy." After studying the situation outside my house, in my living room, he cut a roughly 18"x18" hole in the sheet rock and disconnected the pipe inside the wall. Back outside, he chipped away a bunch of concrete, replaced the faucet, and then added new concrete.

Total price for the repair was around $200, which seems reasonable for a couple-of-hour job. So the good news is, the front faucet is now FIXED. The bad news is, as of yesterday morning, the previously fixed A/C unit is now BROKE again. The other bad news is, I now have an 18"x18" hole in my living room wall. (The good news is, the hole is hidden by a desk, so I'm not going to fix it yet.)


Clothes Dryer: FIXED
Ice/Water dispenser on the fridge door: BROKE
Front Water Faucet: FIXED
Rear Water Faucet: BROKE

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by pinback » Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:33 am

There's a copper pipe that goes into the outside of my house, and then a rod that goes inside that.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:06 am

AArdvark wrote: Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:28 pm If the faucet fixes involve sweating copper together prepare for an impossible mission.
I guess last winter when it froze, something broke. I don't know the proper terminology here, but let's say there's a copper pipe that goes into the outside of my house, and then a rod that goes inside that. I loosened the nut and pulled out the rod and the end piece appears to have broken off. I think to repair this, I need to remove the copper pipe. I tried to remove the copper pipe and it's mortared to the wall -- like the home builder built a wall of rocks, put the pipe in place, and then just stuck rocks all around it. Using a high tech combination of tools (hammer and thick screwdriver) I chiseled away the mortar holding the pipe in place. It still won't turn, and I've been told that the pipe is "probably" soldered inside the wall. Now we're at the point of either destroying the rock facade outside my house or tearing through the drywall in the living room, so I'm waiting for a second opinion from a plumber before that project proceeds.

There's no mystery surrounding the rear faucet. During that same freeze we had a buried pipe that connects to the sprinkler system burst. I guess it was really cold last year. We had no water pressure in the house for a couple of days and when we walked around to the side of the house we saw the sixth great lake had formed. So we turned the water off to the rear faucet, which is where the sprinkler system (I guess) ties into. Fixing this is going to involve digging up random portions of my yard to find where the pipe broke and then replacing it. The reason this has been a low priority is because we never use the sprinkler system because all it does it make the grass grow and we hate mowing.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Casual Observer » Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:59 am

Jizaboz wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:36 pm It doesn’t make a fuck in a dry basement or in a airy shed filled with humidity to begin with.
not my experience, just saying. I had a break in the dryer vent in a fairly dry basement and after a load of laundry there was condensation everywhere. That's how I knew there was a problem.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:46 pm

Who broke the banana???

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:45 pm

My current status: banana

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by AArdvark » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:28 pm

If the faucet fixes involve sweating copper together prepare for an impossible mission. My back hose faucet had a constant drip whenever it was turned on. I solved it by turning off the water in the basement, cutting off the external plumbing and buying a longer hose to reach all the way around the house.


Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Flack » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:02 pm

When it rains, it pours. Yesterday, the upstairs A/C unit went out. It happens to much here that it's almost a joke. Every GD time there's a serious lightning storm, our A/C takes a hit and something goes out. Last time it was the capacitor, this time it was the motor.

After the A/C guy was done replacing the motor, I was whining about my dryer situation when he came up with an idea. He went to his truck and came back with a big CO2 bottle. He hooked the nozzle up to the vent inside the house, turned it up to 400 PSI, and WHOOMP the lint (and the remains of a bird's nest) shot out the top of the vent like a fucking cannon! Sue's about to run a load through and test, but I'm pretty sure we got it!

Current status:

Clothes Dryer: FIXED
Ice/Water dispenser on the fridge door: BROKE
Front Water Faucet: BROKE
Rear Water Faucet: BROKE

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Jizaboz » Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:36 pm

It doesn’t make a fuck in a dry basement or in a airy shed filled with humidity to begin with.

Re: Dishwasher repairman

by Casual Observer » Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:03 pm

AArdvark wrote: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:26 pm My friend has his venting into his garage. Kinda keeps the cold out in the winter
Sounds like a wet heat. Not sure that's a good idea from a rust or mold point of view.
